>finally get close to a guy after two months of dating
>convinces me to have sex
>dumps me the week after we do it
Men are such pigs...
Femanon Feels
>Dates Chad
>Gets Chad treatment
Get the hell out roastie. You knew what you signed up for beforehand.
Chad wouldn't bother holding out for 2 months. He's not the only one who will fuck and chuck a girl, too. A robot would do that after he finally gets hit nut off and realizes he'd rather be alone than put up with another human being's bullshit.
did you wash your kooch before you let him put it in? if you have bad hygeine, maybe that is what scared him away. or maybe it's because you told him you loved him so soon.
post pics or you're a faggot and deserved it
fake story. guy wouldnt dump a fuckable girl if he can fuck her more
nice job, slut
There is no way a person would wait 2 months to fuck you and then dump you without showing signs of being a dick. You probably could've known better but chose to ignore it and stay with him. Next time learn to see the red flags and get out before shit like this happens.
True, this is obv bait
Based "femanon" poster never fails to bait incels
what the fuck does elizabeth have to do with this
What hobbies/interests did he had?
>INB4 Fortnite, Soccer/Football
You deserved it you slut
>gets hit nut off
Coal burner pls go
i hover over all the OP's replies and look to see if those replies have any replies.
Dead giveaway for a bait thread.
Eat shit females.
It's your fault, you dated Chad
Chad would have fucked her within the week. this guy was just a loser.
I would usually say you had sex too fast and you're stupid for doing it that fast but wtf. 2 months is the ideal time. You did everything right. Sorry, femanon. Youll find someone better. :,(
Or are you just stupid and egotistical to think you could know someone after 2 months???
At least people date you. A real bot never even gets a chance
Ewww now you are used up. Used women belong in the trash.