this place becomes more and more /pol 2.0.
i read so much racist things in the last time, its really sad how much desperate, cringy alt right faggots abuse this board.
how do we stop those cringy, incel faggots?
This place becomes more and more /pol 2.0
Public bans for incel and Jow Forums posting
>i read so much racist things in the last time
Literally kill yourself you worthless mexicant
Pic related is you
>Public bans for incel and Jow Forums posting
Remember that this a virgin board you normalcunt.
You should report any racist posts, they're explicitly against the rules and racism is one of the given report reasons in the new reporting system. Sometimes I use Jow Forums archivers and just search for the n-word and start going through all the posts, reporting them for racism.
Jow Forums have their own virgin board
There isn't really any way to stop cancer, especially on this board considering it's harder to ward off these faggots when every post you make has to be elaborately worded.
I mean you can at least filter out Jow Forums buzzwords if you don't do that already.
Fuck off with your Christian shit too. I can't believe how many Christianity threads I'm seeing on Jow Forums lately. This is not reddit, Stormfront, Facebook, or your church. We don't give a shit about your personal life or your religion. Come back when you want to post some shitting dick nipples.
You can bearly speak english yet you believe your opinion holds weight and discourse in a community that doesnt want to associate with border hopping mexicans parasites and their larva offspring.
Look at this pathetic nufag trying to blend in.
This is a white board because only whites can be robots.
I've been on Jow Forums before you could even type, newfag. 12 years ago, I met your father. He came into a Midnight Snacks thread on evening and starting posting
>XDDDDDDDD !!!! 111 111 XD XD XD
And that day I sent him back to Gaia Online and he gave up on posting on anywhere but Gaia and Ebaums World Forums. No, you must join him. Back to social media, newfag. You don't know what Jow Forums is for you are the cancer that killed it.
Right but Jow Forums is renowned for it's virgin populous therefore banning incel posting would attack the cornerstone of this place.
Im sure a schizo like yourself had nothing of subtantial value to offer the community as evident that you are defending border hopping mexicans
I'll continue Christposting, not out of devotion but because it pisses "people" like you off.
I'm confused as to when he defended border hopping Mexicans
Ah, this truly is a nightmare world. moot, how could you bring in all these normalfags with your "containment boards," then just leave us when you got annoyed? Working at Google, I bet you're just another piece of spoiled techie scum now. At least Kirt stayed back with us.
omfg so much racist cancer in this thread.
I've been proposing a solution to the problem for months now: Jow Forumsbanning.
Once you post in Jow Forums, you are relegated to Jow Forums and banned from literally every other board, even the hidden ones. Keep Jow Forums in Jow Forums by force.
All of these posters are niggers or pajeets
No, mods should just be banning people who post Jow Forums outside of Jow Forums. moot said he kept Jow Forums around as a containment board. If that's what it is, it should be kept as such and people who crossboard post should Jow Forums outside of Jow Forums just be flat out banned. I don't know why mods stopped using public bans, either. They were both fun and effective.
You have been here for 12 years and brag about that? Jow Forums is not a cool club, just another site. I sincerely hope I outgrow coming in here and avoid becoming like you
People who crosspost from Jow Forums are so generic in their postings. It is so sad. They just spew the same trash over and over again. Its very boring, like having a bot that knows 200 bad insults and bait attempts and just keeps spamming the same thing, over and over again for years in all your threads. Who knows, maybe this is a bot. The post is so generic and pointless its hard to tell one way or the other.
The sad thing is, if these posters are actual people, think about how they must be out of Jow Forums. How does spending so many days repeating the same 200 bad hate responses and nothing else change someone off the net? Probably not in a very way. Seems like it would make your life really depressing, frustrating, and isolated feeling.
Don't forget the border hopping mexicans, you fucking WHITE DEVIL
>I sincerely hope I outgrow coming in here
There, that's the spirt! Why don't you try today. Leave Jow Forums and never return. You want to be a responsible adult your future self can look at, don't you? What are you waiting for? Are you just a quitter like they all said?
"Containment boards" are the dumbest fucking idea anyone on this cursed website has ever had. Boards don't contain shit, they just attract more undesirables here who then start spreading out when they want to discuss their other hobbies. Imagine if we had a furry containment board that kept growing and finally ended up becoming the largest furry forum on the internet. The rest of the website would be in shambles after the retard masses started branching out, which is basically what happened with Jow Forums and Nazis instead of furries.
Also, I feel sad for you. You literally missed the golden age of net culture. It was all nerds and social outliers. No boomers, no social media, no Youtube ecelebs, no masturbatory political circlejerks. We had shoe on head and we danced in unison and joy to the sound of chiptunes.
Then, social media came, and smartphones came, and now those times are over. I may have wasted immeasurable amounts of time on the net, but at least it wasn't on Twitch and Twitter, and I got to be part of that golden era before it died. You will never know.
Well, Hiroshimoot could always just turn Jow Forums into /mlpol/ again, and this time keep it that way. That would probably please a lot of the Jow Forumstards, but still push away a lot of the normalfags and hicks who came in from social media and Stromfront, and now boomer rant about the sins of man and their lord Jesus Christ in random threads throughout the site.
Just lol at your life if you go to places that hurt your butt and you know it good and well.
I don't go on reddit or cuck boards, why are you here?
Off yourselves buddy boyos.
get owned racist
We own this place, deal with with it digger.
glad to hear it, because I was finding 1.0 a bit outdated