>I didn't choose to be gay!
>I can't help but to accept this lifestyle!
Do liberals belive in free will? Otherwise Gays could theoretically ignore their sexual orientation
I didn't choose to be gay!
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Free will is bullshit
Free will is a myth. It's a supernatural concept. All that exists is physical matter, which only reacts to prior stimuli.
>All that exists is physical matter, which only reacts to prior stimuli.
yep, you're going to hell
then you can too! go fuck men.
They could, in the same way you could choose to have sex with a man despite being straight.
But it wouldn't be very pleasant and really why should they?
No one said they have to have sex with women. Im just arguing that being gay is pretty much a fetish that can be ignored via free will.
Being straight is a fetish too. Reproduction is an absurd act so that's not an argument.
I don't see the logical step from
>You have the choice whether or not to act on your gay desires
>Therefore it's a fetish
You also haven't given any reason why they should do this, only that it's theoretically possible.
>Free will is a myth. It's a supernatural concept. All that exists is physical matter, which only reacts to prior stimuli.
>unironically believing in an entirely physical worldview that can't explain consciousness at all
just because consciousness is a hard question doesn't mean you can ignore it and pretend everything is physical you walking meme
You can't make assumptions about it existing either. Physical reality is all we have ever been able to perceive, so any evidence of consciousness would have to be grounded in that to reasonably explain any of the questions surrounding it.
Except I did choose to be gay
Fuck breeders, I don't want to be associated with them
No, being straight encourages reproduction, a totally normal thing that is the point of pretty much every organism's life
It's not a choice, but that's beside the point.
Why should they have to ignore it? What's wrong with fucking/dating other men?
There is no point to any organism's life. It's just the path of least resistance for most.
>so any evidence of consciousness would have to be grounded in that [the physical] to reasonably explain any of the questions surrounding it.
except it's not. so you can't reasonably explain it, there you have it. the fact alone that it isn't physical invalidates your retarded entirely physical worldview.
You haven't even shown that it exists, so it doesn't warrant explanation in the first place.
If you're anywhere below green you're a disgusting degenerate and need to be shot
The point of an organism's life is to reproduce, to make more of them thrive. That is the sole reason people have the urge to reproduce. If you would actually pay attention to shit and not be such a fucking retard you would know that.
It's the idea that there lifestyle isn't a choice. Then again are you suggesting free will doesnt exist then?
Being straight isn't a fetisg because a majority find it "normal" and reproduction is the point of sex
They could but what the fuck is the point? To make retards like you happy? They don't give
a shit what you think about them. In fact I doubt anyone does.
Hell's not real
The purple seems less gay than the blue
I'm just not following your logic. Here's mine:
Being attracted to men isn't a choice.
Acting on it is.
But just because it's a choice doesn't mean they should have to refrain.
Faggots are incels who have chosen to Fuck dudees and throw away their dignity
yeah but it is though
*fuck dudes
Question, why would I choose to be gay in the first place? Life would he a hell of a lot easier if I thought dudes were hot. Also, if being gay is a choice, does that mean hyper conservative Christians are attracted to men?
Why do people feel the need to dichotomise sexuality? Even if you start liking dicks it doesn't mean that you have have to stop liking vaginas. Bisexuality is a thing, you know?
No one said that bisexuality isn't real. The only thing we're criticizing is people who suck dick and say they're 100% straight.
Consciousness too is 100% affected by outer stimuli, chemical balances, nerve system voltages, brain cell compositions.
I'm sure these aren't recognized scientific terms, but I don't know how else to discribe it.
Us typing these very posts has been pre-determined at the point the big bang occurred.
The universe is probabilistic, not deterministic
We are just an explosion happening, man.
Still makes free will impossible.
You can't do anything free, you're a caused being.
Belief in free will is yet another bad side effect of testosterone. UwU OwO
Yes but the way that explosion turns out is probabilistic
What if you cause instead of being caused?
Free will doesn't exist dipshit
It was supposed to play right at the part where she says, "Oh, he said it!". Just pretend, okay? I did my best.
It seems probabilistic because you're there to not know what'll happen, and can only speculate as to what the most probable thing is. The universe does not see this. What happens, will happen.
You cause things, sure. But you cause those things because something caused you to cause them.
>The point of an organism's life is to reproduce
That's an overgeneralization. A lot of organisms actually can't reproduce. For example, worker ants in most ant species are incapable of reproduction.
Gay sexuality works just the same as straight, you're automatically drawn toward certain characteristics and repelled by others.
Free will isn't real. It doesn't even make logical sense as a concept.
You just fap to straight furry porn until you're cured from gay. Then just cure yourself from degeneracy. Worked for me