If puberty hit Chad like a ton of bricks, how did puberty hit you, robots?
If puberty hit Chad like a ton of bricks, how did puberty hit you, robots?
Look the same as I always have.
i was hoping for a deeper voice, but it hardly changed
Not at all, honestly. I'm 21 and most people don't believe me when I tell them. Not long ago when driving by a middle school my uber driver asked me "do you go there?". (older) People often tell me I look "like a baby". I could probably walk right into a high school without anyone questioning me. I grow almost no facial hair at all and no body hair either. I shave once every 8-9 weeks and even then it's just a couple of strands of hair, nothing more.
Pics or baka famalam.
It gave me a weak slap across the face.
This isn't /soc/ sorry
Like a ton of bricks but not in the good way
Even though 22 soon, still look 16 and need to give ID whilst buying alcohol or cigs.
Also like a ton of bricks, but apparently it hit me from above so I stayed 5'7"
it hit me like a small sack of potatoes
Like a ton of bricks burying a little girl and smashing get body into pieces
Like a sack of bricks. Enough to make you unpassable, but not nearly enough to make you attractive
I'll put it this way. Everything would be easier if I were gay.
Like one medium-sized bag of dry sand.
First thing I got was pubes. A huge thicket of pubes. Not too long after armpit hair. Then later facial hair. I suppose now I'm getting quite a bit of chest hair.
Beyond that my voice was cracking a bit and it eventually got a bit lower. And here I am.
Pebbles being tossed from a distance. I am 21 and still can't grow a beard more than an inch long.
I grew really tall really fast. It wasn't that impressive though because most of the guys in my class grew extremely tall too, like 6'4" while I was just plain old 6'.
Like a ton of bricks, except not in a good Chad way
Like a fistful of pocket sand. It just got in my eyes and made me cry.
First puberty threw some sand on me and then hit me with a fucking shovel and buried me in the sand
It made me ugly. Large chin, disgusting skin with acnea scars, very long and massive nose, small brown eyes, grassy hair etc etc.
I'll never be a chad or good looking, and I can never be a trap or a girl either. Life is unfair.
I used to be so cute, I looked like tadzio, with blond hair and soft traits.
Started slowly at about 14-15 and didn't stop so far (19).
Didn't get the growth spurt at all, still wear some of the clothes from back then.
Didn't realy do much except giving me acne and grow my dick.
When people see my brother and me, they assume he is the older one despite him beeing about 4 years younger.
it got me, i had a full beard at by 16
I started smelling when I was 9 and I had to shave by 13
How much dick growth user?
My voice got deeper, I got body hair and I grew four inches between 12 and 18.
18 cm length, but not much girth.
Problem is that it is basicly pointless to have a long dick when you can't get laid anyway.
Like a wet noodle. I'm 25 and I can still pass for 18. People look at me and think I'm in high school. Can't grow facial hair worth shit.
It hit me slow enough for me not to realize that I was actually attractive. Still hasn't hit me desu, even though women compliment me on my looks all the time. I've got some weird mental block about it.
I'm convinced that puberty actually started for me at age 18 and I'm 20 now.
>had to start shaving at 18
>stopped growing at 18
>sex drive was non-existent before age 18, only started masturbating at age 18
>acne sprang up at age 18
>still have the mentality of a 16 year old
It was somewhat smooth sailing for me, and it also started a bit early for me. Though my voice got really deep really quick. I went from whiny autist to 3/4 of duke nukem in two years.
I went from a 2 to a 5. Maybe 6 on a good day.
it was slow and late but lasted a long time and made a big difference. I don't know how you would describe it metaphorically.
I was growing a beard in like 6th grade.
I hit it before near everyone else in my school.
I've always thought this might relate to the fact I learned how to masturbate long before I could cum and gave myself blank orgasms constantly.