my porn addiction keeps getting worse bros
My porn addiction keeps getting worse bros
What kind of porn do you watch? In what way is it getting worse? Do you mean you're watching porn with increasing frequency, or that you're watching more depraved porn? Or maybe you mean it's getting worse in some other way? Do you have any fetishes?
I jack impulsively around 6 times a day. Yeah, it's getting more and more depraved. My fetishes are all over the place too, once one is getting boring I switch to another one.
Currently at 600 GB and climbing
I need help bros
That is nothing
kill yourself, you're clearly worthless enough to get to this point
Unironically, you need to seek Christ. Porn is full of evil, it will wear down your soul. It is an addiction. There is help/relief out there, you just have to seek it out. Talk to a priest/pastor, they see this stuff all the time and can help you. God bless anons, you will all be in my prayers.
just dont look at porn,go to the gym or something
>just dont look at porn
i literally have an 8TB external full of porn
>I'm a crack addict
>Dude just stop smoking crack
>600 gb
Are u 17? Otherwise that's rookie numbers
>thinking that just by downloading a large quantity he puts more effort into his porn collection than making sure only quality selects are allowed in
>not storing terabytes of porn in your mind
You gotta find a fuckin reason for living cunt.
First step in an addiction? You're already admitting It, understand shit's fucked and that this is too much on your own.
2nd, don't fuckin stop there cunt, go talk to someone about this.
Someone you trust, family member, friend, whatever. It's fine if you're a bit of a lonely cunt, talk to some cunts on an online forum, vent ya fuckin spleen.
Then you gotta seek help cunt, psychologist, addiction recovery program whatever. Find some way to get some extra professional help.
Seem like a bit much? Well cunt, you don't start arresting this fuckin spiral you're gonna hurt those ya love or get involved in hardcore fucked up shit or even illegal shit.
You're not too fuckin far gone, if ya think that you're a dumb cunt. You can fuckin do this, I'm doing It, and I'm winning. Still mess up, but I'm making my way on back and I've never felt fuckin better.
Why do you talk like that? It's weird...
My nofap addiction keeps getting worse
Our brains are more stimulated by the constant variation in what we see. Even the most fucked up shit will stop working after two minutes amd you will need more. it's why porn sites are designed with lots of thumbnails everywhere. Keeps the novelty in. Before you know you clicked on 50 links and you don't even care to watch them. You want more. Different. New.
Jerked off just now.
Rookie numbers. Come back when you jerk off at least twice per thread.