Book appointment with a psychologist

>book appointment with a psychologist
>Get there
>It's a woman

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Abort while you still can.

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Worst feeling in the fucking world. Not that it's impossible for women to understand struggle with mental issues, but some prissy overpaid roastie psychiatrist who was coddled from birth and got an education in the most bullshit healthcare specialty is probably the last person anyone with mental problems should talk to.

Nice trips.

Inb4 just beee yourself, that would be 150$/hour user

Not really related. Haven't seen any 3-Gatsu no Lion threads and God its so fucking good it should be criminal. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

>tell her people hate you because you're ugly
>"I don't think that's true user and if it is who cares what they think because they must be bad people :)"
>tell her your incel struggles
>"I think you just need more confidence. you should stop talking to people who are filling your head with these unhelpful ideas :)"
why can't I just have a grizzled old world weary male psychologist

>why can't I just have confirmation bias

A grizzled old timer male would be way harsher, tell u to quit being a pussy and go outside.

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>have first visit with psychologist august 1
>its a woman
>cute red head, massive high heels
>clops like a horse when she walks
>she's sweet and listens to all my problems

feels good being a chad

>everything that normies agree with is correct and unbiased
>everything they disagree with is just closed minded confirmation bias

>strawmanning this fkin hard

>Books appointment with a psychologist.
That's where you messed up retard.

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>look at a woman
>want to throw up

actually i want to throw up when i look at anybody. i wish jobs for robots were easy to come by.

>everything that blows them the fuck out is strawmanning

you must be comfortable wrapped up in so many layers of delusions

>everything that normies agree with is correct and rational
>everything they disagree with is just addled delusion

I hope you don't pay it out of your pocket.

Psychotherapy is useless for a hardcore robot.

It sounds like understand the root causes of your own problems pretty well, I get what that other user is saying about confirmation bias though. It creates an unhealthy bubble when you fill in for both sides of the conversation. You might accidentally create a kind of victim and supporter mentality that could be unhealthy.

>more strawman fallacies

some ppl just cant be taken seriously

Tough break, get out now.

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Maybe that's what he needs, a strong male role model.

to have gay anal sex with

Fuck off, you know nothing.

>everything that blows them the fuck out is strawmanning fallacies

lel triggered little snowflake bitch

You sound rapey.

It's in my top 3