>be black grill in Germany
>school full of white girls and white boys
>only black person in school
>no cute whitebois want to talk with me

All they want are blonde and blue eyed roasties. Why won't they go for me? Am I too dark? Is white roasties all whitebois want?

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I crave black vagene. Make me cummy squirt squirt!

maybe go for a guy who isn't white on the internet or something

Proof, or Thoticus Begonicus

maybe go for loserbernd he is an asian guy that loves niggers

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>F-F-Femb-b-bot h-here

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Are you really black or are you yellow?

Why is it that black fembots always want white men? Most men these days don't really like racemixing regardless of what race they are. Besides, the blackbots here don't sound very ugly, why not see if anyone's nearby? Most are American, probably, but it's worth a shot.

>Most men these days don't really like racemixing regardless of what race they are
I'm white and I really like black girls. I just very rarely have any chance to interact with them.

Key word, user. If you wanna fugg OP, do it.

>black fembot he-


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most germans see non white people as like something not good

We mostly like white and asian girls, femanon. Dont be discouraged tho. Theres always that one white dude whos in for a swirl. Youll find him one day. :,)

Why dont you leave Europe and go back to Africa or move to America? Niggers are common there, im sure you would fit in.

Nobody cares bitch (male) kill your self

post a picture of your bare feet so i can see if i want to fuck you against the kitchen sink

I don't believe this, been to Germany and many friends too who can confirm the women want black guys and the men want black girls too.

Friend is engaged to a German woman and she wanted to meet us and so we could meet her friends. Every single one of her friends actually told us how disappointed they were that we were white unlike our engaged friend. Her brother and many other guys we ran into shared that while they still want to marry a white German girl, they found black women very fucking sexy and wanted them bad. I is definitely the "I want what I don't get to see or have" kind of thing.

Blackbots are only goof bfs if your dream relationship is just sitting around all day and cuddling while watching anime/playing vidya.

Based laughposters

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Isn't that most robots though?

>be black grill in germany
Tfw i love all women black asian or white
and i live in germany where do you live

In welchem Teil von Deutschland? Bernd waere interessiert.

Wo wohnst du wo du die einizige Negerin bist? Zieh einfach nach NRW, hier sind deine ganzen Verwandten

Du hast gerufen? Whitey hier

Come to canada BB.

I'll give you all the lovin you can handle ;)

Yeah but the few anons who don't scream degenerate/normie when I say I like acid and jumping around at punx/noise shows seem to never be black.

Gayporn spammer LARP thread


Yeah, I don't think a lot of blacks are into that stuff. Maybe, you might have to ask around.

Germany has always been very accepting of people of different ethnicities and religions.

Where in Germany? I can be your cool older college bf

>Is white roasties all whitebois want?

Do you do anal?

come next door to czechia, I'll take good care of you femanon

most dudes of any race want asian or white women. black fembots and pajeets are fucked

I could go for some black vegana

Hit me up if you're near Duesseldorf

>i am unique in this place
>i could use this to my advantage
>or I could cry about it on an anonymous imageboard
>and pretend whiteboys dont want sheboons

begone thot

Go and take contact with one guy in your school. Guys are easier to get than roasties. Then just hold on to him by hiving him bjs and fucking him on luncbreaks etc.

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They want their own race is that so difficult to comprehend?

>be white robot
>meet nerdy black girl
>Think I might have a chance
>She already has a Chad bf
What hope do I have?

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maybe they think youll only be interested in blacks?

what do you look like? post a pic on /soc/ maybe?

Where exactly in Germany do you live where there's only white kids at your school? I finished it already but I'm curious. Somewhere outside the metropolitan areas I guess?

I swear by god op I would be your bf in this instant

Nigger in our neighbourhood
Nigger will get what it deserves
We will catch it easily
We will rip its fucking head off
Nigger in our basement. Nigger is nailed to the table
We take our hammers
We lift them up, ready to strike

Attached: kylatv2.jpg (780x533, 104K)

Things that didn't happen: the cuck fantasy post.

>t. can't wait to go to Japanu and fucku yerro pussu

hahaha dude what DieGruenen-Echo chamber are you in? When it comes to what someone WANTS (not dates) no white german friend of mine describes a non-white partner. Most would do it if it happened, but you're not most people's ideal.

I know a lot of people and almost all girls pretty much only want white guys (except one) and literally all guys exclusively want white (some also asian) girls.

Not trying to be a dick to OP here too, just don't give her false hope. However, if you're a somewhat hot black girl, pretty much anyone would still fuck you and even be fuckbuddies with you. You can go from there because it's pretty easy to fall in love with someone you're that close with. If that happens, they don't give a shit about your skin color anymore because obviously love trumps the differences of the outside (not even memeing by saying this).

Accept that you have a disadvantage OP. You need to be more open if you want a white guy, you need to be pretty cool. And once you're dating a white guy you need to be really good to him to make him fall in love. It's unfair, it sucks, but sometimes life is like that. It doesn't mean you can't do it, but it's harder for you than for german girls. It's nowhere near as bad as you're describing it though. Except if you're muslim, that's a giant nope for most germans.

maybe you are ugly . ever thought about that?

>complains about no other blacks
If only there was a continent full of blacks where you could go

Show us pic so we can judge your black beauty !

The problem is she wants to be COLONIZED but no one is willing there

>most men these days dont really like racemixing
you retarded subhuman. if you would stop larping 24/4 in your /pol circlejerk you cringy alt right faggot would know that its simply not true.

Gawd I want nothing more than to COLONIZE a pathetic black fembot

>everyone I don't like is Jow Forums alt right bogeyman
Can you please use your own site? Reddit is that way.

why are you only interested in white guys? There are lots of genuinely cute and sweet black guys that are willing to give you a chance and will be attracted to you without being the popular instagram white-featured hottie black girl most white guys are into now a days.

You grow out of it. In my case it was a mixture of self hatred and isolation from other black people.

Shut your fucking mouth blackbot
One of is could get a chance to leave

I would take a black girl as best friend/ cuddle partner but not more because im not attracted to them.
Where in germany btw ?

Leave what?
You're still black and your potential kid will be closer to black than white. You can't leave your race.

ok. have fun being someones jungle princess for half a year until he eventually gets bored of you and marries some white or asian girl.

I meant one of us white robots could leave robotness
Why the fuck did you think I was OP?

Don't racemix user, the child will suffer

And being pure white has helped me?
Fuck off

Maybe you just shouldn't reproduce at all user. It sounds like either way the kid will suffer shitty parenting.

>Maybe you just shouldn't reproduce at all user. It sounds like either way the kid will suffer shitty parenting.
Like I had a choice in the matter

Why are you in Germany?

depending on the city you're living in black people are quite rare so to most people you're something new and "unknown" that they dont know how to interact with normaly

What says, hell I've lived in Germany and the entire fucking country is a melting pot, even more than America. There's an entire fucking town of just Asians near Neuschwanstein, there's nowhere in Germany where it's just whites, bait.

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I have a black gf and I love her very much, ama black girls are the best

You don't understand. She lives in the most remote and secluded place in Germany, where they don't even have TV or internet to know the state their country is. It's probably an amish like town. And she is the first virus to end it all kek.

>moves to white country
>cries that everyone is white
You're welcome to leave anytime, nigglet.

>"Why won't Naziland date me, a black girl?!"
The stupidest questions on this board.

>tfw not blue eyed and blonde haired so I'm not a fetish for any girl

Not OP but where are the cute black guys who don't want Instagram Staceys? Non-Jamals usually look average, and then they make things worse by dressing badly.