>go for a walk
>niglets comment on my clothes
this is why i hate black people
Go for a walk
>go for a walk
>why is everyone looking at me
>I think I'm going crazy
>did I just hear someone say he looks sad
>be kid/teen
>niggers go around yelling and bullying whoever
>can't do anything to them or you'll have a whole tribe of them trying to kill you
nowadays i guess i'd just shoot them but it was sure lucky of me to find myself a black friend who had my back and kept the apes off me.
>go for a walk
>asian youth comments on my wallet
What did they say user?origi
Niggers and shitskins just look retarded when they get all dressed up in street wear or w/e the fuck. Good looking people look good wearing literally anything and you look like shit regardless, nigger.
>Go for a walk
>Bunch of white trash hovering near the convenience store
>Try to walk past without engaging in conversation
>They ask me to buy them Fags & Beer.
>Ignore them
>They call me a old faggot.
>mfw i was only 19
>Nigger student asks why I always wear the same socks
>The same fucking socks
>Tell him I just own white socks
>He can't seem to grasp why I don't own 7 colors of socks or with a diff stripe on each one
the fuck?
>everyone should pretend not to see I look retarded and put no effort in my PUBLIC appearance
Pls end your life TODAY
Maybe they had a point.
You ever consider that?
Early teen kids are fucking brutal. Piss off some 13/14 year old white girl and she'll tell you straight to your face how fucking ugly you are. Like she'll just straight list all your flaws and roast the shit out of you
tfw I know from experience
What did you wear?What did they say?
Generalization of a group based on your autistic anecdotal actions is a case of very low IQ; hence, it is a showcase of tribalistic behaviour that imitates apes.
I'm genuinely interested in what you were wearing user. I walk through the ghetto all the time to work yet haven't had a single thing said about my appearance.
competence in generalizations and pattern recognition is LITERALLY how IQ is measured.
Just seeing a nigger in my formerly 92% white country fills me with anger, dread and despair and ruins my whole day. Poverty and destruction is soon to follow.
"look at this cracker over wearing a plain white t-shirt. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Plain white t-shirt looking ass"
This is what they said to me
Yeah, but if it looks like a duck, you know.
and you were a beta bitch looking down on the ground walking away pretending not to hear them. Nice job
We are tribal beings and because of they we need to stay within our race
The Negro is indolent and lazy, and spends his money on frivolities.
That's kinda funny. Why are you angry at black people for that?
Oh yeah man I sure made that heavy nazi argument by wondering why the fuck white socks mattered, you got mere there bro, I'm a gamergator altright cyberneonazi
t.craccer making up retarded stories because he lusts bbc
Just say it was hundred bucks, it usually works with niggers.
Tribalism is in your blood, it's embedded in your nervous system, in the very fabric of your being. You can't escape it.
Never had a problem with niggers as a kid. Don't know why.
mass replies are low IQ. kill yourself.
It's literally written on the box. Goddamn, tyrone.
not being able to take a joke is low iq
also I don't need to worry about generalisations like "people who do x have lower iq on average" since I already know for a fact that I personally I have a well above average IQ
It should be perfectly legal to beat disrespectful children. You'd be surprised what a slap in the face does for a child's attitude.
Do you think generalizations and stereotypes just come out of nowhere? Sure, they might be exaggerated, but by and large thered is truth in them. Black people are considered violent and stupid because genrally they are, Hispanics are either considered lazy drunks or uneducated day laborers because a lot of times they are, Asians are expected to be good at math and business because generally they are. Are there individuals that don't fit those stereotypes? Of course, but the fact of the matter is a large proportion of them do and that's why the stereotype exists in the first place. Generalizations also exist to keep us safe. For example, if everytime you get close to a lion it tries to attack you, you don't think "well, maybe the next lion will be nice", rather, you think "all lions are dangerous and will try to maul my ass so I better just stay away from lions". Tl;dr you're an ignorant faggot.
Maybe because they should've kept their mouth shut. Who the fuck just starts talking shit to random people on the street? And people wonder why blacks are discriminated against.
Because the black community hadn't quite become the trash fire it is now.