Could a girl sit in your lap without you getting a boner?

Could a girl sit in your lap without you getting a boner?

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No, I've learned this.

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If its a kid yes. But I think not wanting to pop one when a girl sits on me might make me pop one you know what im saying?

Prolly not if i'm bein honest

why would getting a boner be a bad thing if a girl sits in your lap?

probably stay soft but some precum might come out
i think my dick is broken

depends on the age of the girl, i think

Depends on several factors:
>duration since last fap
>attractiveness of said girl
>my current feelings towards said girl
>where exactly she sits
>is there any pelvic movement occurring?
>am I on opiates or not?
>time of day, temperature etc.
>how long she is sitting there for
That roughly sums it up, I'd do my best but then again I'm an incel so the odds of this happening are extremely low.

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Yes because if i got a boner itd be awkward. My instinct to avoid awkward situations is stronger than my libido.

For some reason I'm so socially dense I don't even notice attractive stuff when I'm in public. I got hugged by the thick manager at my work once and I didn't even have time to enjoy it before it was over. It's like my brain shuts down and I go into full auto mode until it's over.

So no, I don't think I'd be aware enough to get a boner unless it was in private.

Anyone that sat on my lap would give me a boner

what manga is she from

>the previous night
>she is your gf
>you are wearing jeans and you can feel your currently flaccid dick on her ass
>she does some adjusting once she's gotten onto your lap so give or take about 5 seconds of rubbing around on you
>currently 9pm, 76*F in her parents house, you're visiting them for the weekend
>sits there for about 45 minutes before she gets up to go to the bathroom after pausing the movie you've been watching since she got on your lap

The only way is if she was ugly. Otherwise no.

only if you are not an incel who has never had physical contact with a female or a horny teenager.

>Is she hot?
>Is her pelvis moving?
>Age of girl
>Time of Day
>Position of her hands
>Last engament of smut/masturbation
Basically, if she's too young, ugly, or relatively motionless then I'll avoid popping the boner... unless I'm really tired then I won't even have to try and avoid stiffening up.

yes but it took me while to not get raging hardons while dancing witha girl at the club. i rememver googling if it was okay to get hard or not and its really up in the air

>Could a girl sit in your lap without you getting a boner?
Nope, impossible. I seriously get hard from just a girls smell or her leaning at my side, nevermind her rubbing on my cock. On the good side they mostly smirked about it, and only halfway interested ones will try sitting in my lap anyway.

Yes easily (orginal)

>boner wouldn't be stronger if it was a kid

If I'm attracted to them, no

If I'm not, and/or they're underage, yes


(oregano and cilantro)

this happened to me one time and i jumped out of my chair so fast b/c i had autism


(oregon, oregano, whatever)

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A girl could sit on my face without me getting a boner.

I've been to prostitutes before and had a very hard time getting an erection. Third time I went I decided to just take a viagra knock off and it was still not super easy.

I have zero problems getting hard when jerking off to porn and I always thought it would be like heaven on earth to have a girl sit on your face but the reality was underwhelming af and their pussies just tasted like skin

>tfw you read this but still want a girl to sit on your face afterwards

fucking kek

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yes im gay lol

I mean I still want it all the time as well, even though when I actually experienced it, it wasn't at all what I thought it would be like. Maybe it's better with a girl you've been obsessing over for months rather than a random prostitute you have known for 3 minutes prior to eating her freshly showered pussy. I like to imagine that if my crush would sit on my face I would be so overwhelmed with pleasure I would shoot cum 5 feet into the air

Yeah if she was my age and attractive I would, but also not worried about it. Girls know that this can happen.

No, can't even let my niece sit on my lap, i'm so deprived of human contact i get a boner from a young girl sitting on my lap.

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yes because im not some sort of horny teenager who think with his dick.
then again now it hard for me to get a boner if it not some hardcore stuff. ive been faping at porn since im 13 and now at 32 i wont get a boner if it not a video about midget bestality loli futa cum inflation HD

My dick doesn't work, so yes.

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No, serotonin level is zero therefore libido is at its maximum intensity. I get an erection even looking at the word 'female'.

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>got a boner once as a horny teen with my dad's girlfriend's 8 year old daughter on my lap
>after that she loved sitting in my lap, always sat on me and bounced around while we played video games together, loved holding my hands too
>one time I even fucking came she was grinding so hard
>pretty sure she knew, but didn't say anything
>we stopped seeing each other for a while after my dad and her mom broke up
>she's 13 now and wants to play Minecraft and shit with me but really scared she'll bring it up when I come over

What do, brehs?

Yes, if you get enoug sex, or fapped before.

Just let things proceed on their own.

No, and it's annoying. The first time I was hanging out with a girl alone in her room we were both sitting on her bed talking and she put her legs over mine and like I had manhandle her goddamn legs so that they wouldn't get too close to my dick which was hard just from being that close to her. I also had feelings for her so that complicated things a bit.

Attached: 64578684.gif (500x463, 391K) old are you, user?


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if she fuckin slams on top my meat of course ots gonna get hard. if she doesnt - well, idk

18 now, I was 13 when this started.

Lol at all these muh age faggots

If there is any movement occuring on your dick (usually due to the girl adjusting her ass) you will get a boner whether you like it or not

Yes, lol. No problem here.
but if a man gets as close as having his naked neck next to me and I happen to smell that masculine scent my dick will explode in my pants. When will these juvenile hormones ever die?

>go to a strip club
>get lapdance from 8/10 bimbo/roastie
>hook up with 3/10
>rock hard

I think my dick is driven by ego rather than aesthetics.

Stop being a pedo, or I will have to notify authorities.

I'd rather she sit on my face.

I have strong willpower, if I really don't want to I can control it.

I thought that was a fat arm at first

What is it with you gayboys and necks?

Nope, had a girl grind on me while we were lying in bed and nothing, too much porn killed my sex drive

To my surprise, no
I just tell my brain that this shit is casual. Works for me atleast

If she's my girlfriend, yes
If she's not my girlfriend and above 18, yes
If she's any of my family member or relatives and I still have a boner I should kill myself.

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I don't know man, It's any exposed part of the body if it's a white young boy
It's starting to get weaker as I age, thankfully. but it's still uncommon for a normal person. I would never be able to wear speedos in a swimming pool if I wasn't the only one there

yea after I cut my dick off

every time a girl has done this i have gotten a boner, so no

A hug is just a hug tho?

this happened to me a few years back
>be 17
>virgin and autistic
>in library studying with group for group project
>cute girl in group comes
>nowhere for her to sit
>playfully sits on my lap
>instantly pop a boner
>nearly jizz myself
>she feels it
>instantly stands up and gives me a disgusted look
>later told her friends about it
>nearly get beaten up by boyfriend and become the laughung stock of my classes

>Could a girl sit in your lap without you getting a boner?
No, I get a boner all the time.
Just the heat of her would give me a erection.

Willpower yes

with extreme concentration i can do anything

i get a boner if a girl touches me anywhere

try me, roaster

I was on a train with my class and a not so hot girl sat on my lap and I was diamond, I had to rub one out in the bathroom. On the return the hottest girl sat on my lap but I concentrated and I didn't get hard

>tfw get a boner when I hug a dog
no longer human

The only answer is to condition her to be your wife. Don't fuck her till marriage tho



What a bitch. What the fuck did she expect?

OP to not be a complete virg and not get hard

That depends, is she older than 12?

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probably, considering the times of gotten awkward boners/chubs:
>texting a girl I thought was cute
>this that was standing behind me in line at the school cafeteria, she smelled nice
>conversating with old childhood female friend that had grown up in more ways than one.

Don't know, maybe? Definitely never happened with my sister but that's because my brain just doesn't allow it.

Depends on the girl honestly, if I sense something is wrong I won't pop a boner. If she's actually interested and sits down she probably wants me to get hard.

No, I can't even hug female family sincerely without getting one. I almost never get/got positive physical contact, even when my mother was still alive. I don't really view people as too attractive if I'm looking at them, it's touch and emotions that set me off nowadays. My coworkers keep going on about how the women at my work are attractive but I can't "see" that.

this is my biggest fetish mate I would probably nut

What do you mean "she knew"? Girls her age usually dont know how dicks work. Did she wink or something?

Ive had girl sit inbetween me and another guy in the train.
There barely was any space and her leg was slowly starting to press against mine.
Ive got a fucking boner of that.

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>tfw get a boner when my cat sits on my legs
Is there still hope for me?

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I'm wizard I don't remember when was the last time I got incidental boner but was years ago. After 25 sex drive decline rapidly.

if 10, no
I've learned this the hard way

>did she wink or something?

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Why would it matter? A girl on your lap knows there's a good chance she'll feel your boner, ya doofus

Whenever my 7yo niece sits on my lap I get a rager. The only thing my dick knows is that it's sandwich between some butt cheeks.

No. Not because I can't control it, which I can, but because no girl would ever sit in my lap, or acknowledge my existence at all.

Easily. My sex drive has completely disappeared. Haven't happed in 2 months and still can't even get an erection.

Thanks antidepressants.

If she's hot and grinding,no.
Next question

>A girl on your lap knows there's a good chance she'll feel your boner
Most women dont seem to realize men cant control their boners

prolly 7 out of 10 times

A woman that clueless isn't really worth your time, if companionship is what youre after
If not, well onto the next whore

yesterdsay a girl put her feet in my crotch and boy it almost made me cream my trousers
i don't even have feet fetish

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