Why do you lift?

Why do you lift?

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started to lift for girls
once I was lifting it was for myself
now I lift for the inevitable race war

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I don't feel like going to uni for 6-8 years because I fucking hate school, so I need to be strong to make a living.

I lift for easy girls. Girls that will flutter when they look at me.

Haha I laughed at that.

So i can outlift my friend and look like im wearing cool armor when im naked

It gives me confidence in my abilities and appearance while being an anchor during the day

>6-8 years

you're doing something very wrong

you laugh yet you know it is true

Ultimate goal:
>get big and gain confidence
>women start mirin and talking to me
>act like they dont exist

To impregnate and spread my seed on as many white women as possible in my travels.

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Oh it's definitely true!


because I'm skinny after years of sitting in front of a screen and and I don't want to have sticks for limbs

fuck as many white hos as you want but please spare the future generations that facial hair

For my boyfriend. I love him so damn much. No homo.

To achieve my final form. Also because im fucking pissed.

its adorable how you think your white girls are the same as my white girls. good on you though, bucko

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Maintain muscle and burn calories while cutting so I can hopefully eat like a regular human at some point in the future, and indulge on occasion.

I have a fantasy of meeting some commanding powerhouse of a woman worthy of submitting to. I lift so when the time comes she'll notice me.

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Hrt alone won't make me have a yummy body :3

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To become strong and protect that what is important to me. Any other reason is vanity, compensation, or insecurity.

I don't even know anymore.

Grow up, is the chemical castration worth the short term gains of vanity. You will get older and then you will lose what youthful beauty have and be left with nothing.

>lost almost every crush I've ever lifted for
>been lifting for 18 years
>now lifting to leave humanity behind and become Doomguy

I reached a point of life nothing I cared about matters anymore. Might as well try and ace normie dreams before I'm dead.

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For the future Pirate King

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hon thats a

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Started for girls. Realized that it won't get me a gf. Now I'm doing it for health and strength purpose and for stress release.

Not a good arguement.

No girl on the planet is turned on by the sight of balls

To get stronger before it's too late.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

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>stretching the pictures

To flex on other people. Feels good flexing on some gymtwins struggling with their 1pl8 bench while your are OPH it for reps.

I relly dont care otherwise.

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self hatred and naive belief that everything will become better when im strong

it beckons

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Left my razor several thousand miles back at home, can't risk irritating my sensitive asian skin.
Probably because you get hammies while I get aryans.
Literally Übermensch.

I also thought
But these days there are so many with useless degrees that Masters+ is needed for basic entry level jobs

Might be wrong, but right now, I believe it is more health that cutting myself, to fill my masochistic urges

tiny shoulders, tiny asian peepee
>delete this


>Literally Übermensch.
wish I was a naive asian boy. To believe modern Germans are aryans and not worlds further away from Übermensch. esp if she fucks a tiny asian boy

You wish you got your dick wet outside of your own spit.

isn't she that bitch that took the selfie criticizing some dude while making some stupid ass duck face? i dont have the pic saved but i see it on here a lot

i thought i recognised that mountain .. oy

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>Cool armor.

Based and seconded.

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Anlella Sagra looks wonderful! but my main purpose for lifting is to look strong, feel strong and kick ass.

To spite the people that never believed in me

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They don't really give a shit, you know.

actually stopped lifting because ugly girls like in OP started to notice me and my ego really takes a hit when sub-par females give me attention, but all is good now.

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Nah, they deserve it. Let them be. I want to see the day that fag necks himself due to the poor decisions he made.
Post body faggot, at least entertain me while you're still alive. Suicide rate is high for people like you.

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My man


Healthy mind in a healthy body
Also preparing for race war.

Looks tight and white.

Started lifting for women
Now I lift for myself and go to therapy for women

I feel good when i get mired and complimented on my gains.

Also, ofc for women. Why would i care if other men think i look good or not... oh, wait, i forgot i'm on Jow Forums.

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i started so i could be better at using one of these

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vanity and vexation. also to ease into old age better.

I started for stupid reasons.

Now I lift to be a good role model to my son.
Never have the weights felt so light and so heavy at the same time.

I am agoraphobic and I don't want to feel as uncomfortable in public

I lift to join the US Marine Special Forces. I love my country and want to fight for it. I can already imagine breaching some random dirt hut in the middle of nowhere in the Middle East that is filled with terrorists that want to commit another 9/11 with my Marine buddies. I'd love to put a bullet through the brain of any and all sandnog terrorists and call in airstrikes on Syrian shithole villages that are controlled by ISIS. After I've served my time, I want to retire and continue my life in a quiet all-white suburb with my wife and kids, hoisting the star-spangled banner every morning then go to Antifa rallies and knock out a filthy Commie. I love this country so much and I want to give back to it.

240 ain’t that heavy dog


The belief that if I lift heavy objects and eat chicken somebody will love me

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its fun! i like to see myself with a pump and seeing the bits of progress i made make me feel good about myself

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To be fit enough to end a man with my bare hands.

Because i fucking hate myself. I lift to punish my body

That was just your way of saying "finish"

I'm sure you can already finish a man with your hands user, but you probably mean mouth

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I started lifting in the hopes that my ex would take me back. After a while I lifted for myself and the discipline it granted me, and I'm addicted to the way my body has transformed from skinnyfat slob to mediumtwinkmode. I want to see how much further I can go. Now out of nowhere it seems my ex may be coming back into the picture so I'm even more motivated to keep working on my body, whether it works out or not.

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Never getting over breaking up with your ex
Not gonna make it

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i didn't know Israeli's could join.

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I know, man. Shit's tough.

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So i can beat people i don't like up
And get my dream job

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To be worthy of death.

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to get arms bigger than my head

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Because I'm unhealthy as fuck and I don't want to die.

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Try walking with it for long periods of time on top of gear and ammunition.

Because my dream is the only thing that prevents me from killing myself

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the reasons change but i always do.

death seems to have a very low barrier of entry

to acquire the strength necessary to beat up niggers in the ring for money

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To have a healthy body and mind which is obviously a great quality of life improvement (being more attractive included).

yeah that pic. the stupid duck face looks the same but all these thots look the same so i cant really tell

I lift to fuck 3/10 girls instead of being alone

To have the ability to skull fuck demons.

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same chick from op?

sad, useless deaths. I'm talking about worthy, beautiful death.

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Self hatred.

Tfw I know you’ll never have a yummy female body like my femme sisters and i have

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To balance out my 3/10 face with a 7+/10 body so that I might at least be a 5 and have a 3-4/10 acknowledge my existence one day

I often wonder why more people who don't seem to have ANYTHING going on, at least nothing they care about, don't work out and get really fit. It seems like the default goal someone might pursue if they have their most basic needs (food, water, shelter) met and don't have any other priorities.

part routine/discipline, to help stay at baseline, mentally.

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to help solve my body issues and maybe get a bf

i love life and i want to live as long as possible
god i cant wait to move to cote d azur

This man gets it