5'8 paki that is tired of being rejected. I want to start maming gainz but i am completely dumbfounded by all of the workout stuff out there
Used to be 230 but after 3 months of dieting i got to 165. How do i become chad? What is a workout routine that i should follow?
Pic somewhat related. I want to become an alfa male
Where do i start?
Bump for the best car ever
Just fucking blast yourself faggot
No amount of lifting will cure poop colored skin.
That doesn't look like a Ferrari 250 to me user
Dont work out too hard or you might experience explosive gains.
Yeah that’s not gonna happen. Thats aside, full body works great for beginners, but really it doesn’t matter that much. You can also do an upper lower split or PPL, what really matter is consistency with your training and actually pushing yourself on every set. Eat at least 0.7g of Protein per lbs of bodyweight per day, ideally more, 1g is great.
Focus your training plan around compound exercises in the 4-10 rep range and accesories in the 8-12 rep range, up to 12-20 for isolation exercises for very small muscles. It’s not rocket science, there’s plenty of buff retards around. Intensity, being consistent and eating right will get you there
Stop being inbred
Start by killing yourself
>65 LBS weight lost
>1 lb = 3500 cals
>3 months = 90 days
>TDEE ~ 2200
> calorie deficit per day needed = 2500
>claims its just diet
Paki niggers can't even be truthful in a board they're seeking help. Even real niggers are better than you. Absolutely pathetic.
I basically ate nothing but salads and a occasional chicken breast. Only ate 1000 calories a day and i was smoking 2 packs of cigarettes back then
Right because none of his weight was water was it?
You’re a fucking retard please sterilise yourself
Is it truly over for me? Am i doomed to a lifetime of no gf and rejection? Will working out actually help me?
1. Log off your computer.
2. If you're an adult, go grab your car keys and drive to your nearest hardware store (I recommend Ace, since it's the helpful place)
3. Park and enter the hardware store, tip the door man and inquire where you can find some nylon rope
4. Walk down the isle, find something stronger than 9/6s and buy it
5. Drive home and KYS with it
Pakis crave Indian BPC
He can become an Indian Chad and get indian girls
>How do i become chad?
Move to a country where women are into Pakis... Pakistan, for instance
>since it's the helpful place
They're also all franchised out, so he'd be supporting a local business
I am a diaspora nigger with no sense of belonging to my home country or my host country. Its a curse, i feel like a mutt no matter where i go
Sucks to be you
No shit. Fuck my faggoty ass dad for bringing me here
Indian girls go for white guys. We are hated by everyone including our own women
Why does everyone bully me. I know i am a subhuman no need to keep reminding me of how shitty i am
Date and hook up with white guys and post about it on facebook and the like
Get pounded into screaming multiple orgasms by black guys on the DL and hit the clubs looking for more chad/jamal dick at night.
I can't be a gay paki. I am genetically predisposed to kill any homo in sight
>Where do i start?
5'8 paki
Answered your own question there,bud. Or are you confused between blowing yourself up or ramming a truck into women and children?
I am a shi'ite m8. We don't do terrorist attacks. We only really kill jews
Imagine the smell...
>everyone bullying the paki
Hmm i wonder who could br behind this
read the sticky paki
Let’s be real, if you’re trying to get white girls or really any girls in a western country you will always be at a disadvantage. In Pakistan you’d probably be Chad if you’re fit and have a western education
Ive seen pakis go out with hot as fuck white girls.
Here’s how:
Be rich. Don’t act like a cuck