Any advice for a skinny newbie besides the obvious?

Any advice for a skinny newbie besides the obvious?

>eat clean but big
>creatine + protein
>exercise 6x a week intensely

Anything else?

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>exercise 6x a week intensely
It's not about GO HARD OR GO HOME, it's about smart, progressive training where you put effort in, but not so much that it hinders your recovery. You get stronger when you rest, training just builds a recovery hole which you have to fill afterwards

Well I just mean push a bit beyond your limits, get in the last reps.

big meme kek


Yeah, read the sticky

>eat clean but big
And what is clean eating? There's no actual definition of it, clean eating is a meme as far as body composition. You might not always feel the greatest if you don't eat better, but if you do the same work, and you have the same macro/micronutrients you'll look the same as if you ate (((clean))).
If you're eating food, you don't need protein supplementation at all. I haven't used any protein powder in over a year. Creatine is hit or miss, but doesn't do anything significant.
>exercise 6x per week intensely
Great way to get somebody burned out fast. A beginner needs no more than 3-4 days of training per week.
Literally the only thing you got right.

>exercise 6x a week

Who the fuck told you that?

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I mean, many agree that Push Pull Legs is optimal for building muscle.

PPL is literally the worst way to organize your lifts that every retard falls into

>but if you do the same work, and you have the same macro/micronutrients
If you don't feel good it's harder to get the same work done
and it's easier to get best macros/micros from healthy foods than eating shit

Creatine doesn’t do anything.

They are wrong. But do PPL retards legit tell you to work out 6 fucking times a week.

it's not, it's a reddit trendy meme that noobs fell for after obsessing with extremely low volume for years (Starting strength + Strong lifts). They got tired of it so now they shit on those kinds of routines and suck PPL's dick.

Do this routine, or find another which is a higher in volume than SS or stronglifts, but much lower than a retarded PPL.

Read Eric helms book about training. Sometimes (specially as a beginner) there's fluff volume, which serves absolutely no purpose in terms of strength an muscle mass gains. This is what happens with PPL in noobs.

Attached: Novice Bodybuilding Program.png (1920x1080, 134K)

Watch jeff nippard and dr mikes videos on youtube about their methods to building muscle.
If you are beginning you should start a strength routine until you get your noob gains. After switch go a hyoertrophic routine. Dont worry so much about what you eat but how much you eat. Learn a shitload of excersizes so you can switch them up when you get bored of one to keep it interesting.

Thank for the info bro, I'll check it out.

and omega3s, as much as you can (won't be much anyway, unless you convert to algae+fish for all meals)
also try eggs+cocoa powder if you want to go the 'weird trick' route - worst case, you've eaten some eggs
>exercise 6x a week intensely
just do SS. it's simple, gives you a few months of aggressive progress, transitions easily to the Texas Method. all in all, it's ok and you should spend your energies thinking about your future intermediate routine, if you want to think at all about sport science stuff.

not OP but I tried stronglifts for a few months, felt like the weights ramp up too fast and my back was getitng fucked from deadlifts and squats every session. legit thought I was going to slip a disc even though I wasn't going that heavy

>form check
>deload to a weight that feels fine and work back up
>give up and live a life of weakness
those were your options.

Do SS then come back you retard

What does
>St (calf)
>Se (calf)

well I feel like my form couldn't have been that bad, they're not very hard to do

It feels like these beginner programs are a bit of a meme, I see gym bros do whatever the fuck they want and they all probably go 5+ days a week. Legit most people at my gym don't squat or deadlift yet they're all more jacked than me

I just want a routine that I can trust 100%, cause the cunts that make all these beginner routines don't even have great physiques. I don't give a fuck about strength if its gonna make me look like an overweight truck driver

HH is hip hinge I think
Se and St are seated and standing
Can't speak to LP and SL, mayb stiff legged and leg press?

Do people ever read the fucking sticky?

>6X A week
cringed tbqh

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>that massive volume
Won't do shit for hardgainers , do Practical Programming or GTFO

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If you wanna fuck up your hairline, sure.

what the hell is this meme?
I take creatine because there are scientific studies that say it works , also can't afford to eat a ton of steak.
I have good hair genetics , I don't think a fucking food suplement is gonna kill them

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>I have good hair genetics

That's the point, there are those with not so great hair genetics, who are more susceptible to DHT and will be affected by creatine.

imagine being so weak you think training 6x/week is detrimental to recovery at any stage in lifting

nice fraser

Deadlifts are not easy. Lots of easy steps that combined make it so many people fuck up.

Keep your bar at the beginning section of your toes, feet just pointed outward, bar should be lifted up as perfectly vertical as you can manage. Chest up, straight back with only a very slight arch, push your inner thighs out, keep focus on legs, lats, make sure you contract your upper back muscles to keep them tight, same with shoulders; should be locked. Also keep your hands little out of shoulder-width while handling the bar. Never let the bar get to touch your knees. Etc.

Its not that easy. Road to fuck-town is pretty easy with this exercise.

>Legit most people at my gym don't squat or deadlift yet they're all more jacked than me
Because they've probably been doing that for years, not a couple of weeks like you.

It’s not about being detrimental to your recovery, it’s about unnecesarry overloading your system without getting equal amounts of gains, while addapting your body to that amount of training. Then when you get completely addapted you would have to train even more to get new stimulus.

Minimalistic training may not get top resulta but it’s definitely more sustainable over a long period of time.

And this is a marathon not a sprint.

Do SS or similar

Nah, you just think you're lifting hard when you're not.

Any lifter, from rank novice to advanced, is capable of lifting so hard that they knock themselves out of the game for days.

You could probably add 50% to your lifts if you stopped doing brosplits. That's why people do 3x a week, because they're actually lifting hard enough to need recovery days and doing every body part 3 times a week.

Ya fuckin' dingus

>6x a week intensely

Sorry user but that doesn't make sense.

I got a lot stronger faster when I started doing less per day.

Yeah you might hit PRs in the short term, but if your legs are aching for 3 days it's inefficient.

The optimal time for recovery is 24-48 hours. If you lift so hard that it takes longer, you could make faster gains by doing higher frequency at lower intensity. If you're recovered faster than that, you aren't lifting intensely enough to force the body to adapt.



holy shit this is the worst routine I think I've ever seen. What kind of retard would fall for this meme shit? Was this designed for old women or something?

come on, you've seen worse.
at least it has some squats, or squat variant.
it's overly complex, and a noob has nothing to gain from splitting, but whatever, as long as he linear progresses the fuck out of noobiness.

I guarantee its objectively better than whatever dogshit routine you're doing yo DYEL