Men's Fitness

She's ready to go and your dick is limp. It might be okay except this is the tenth time in a row it hasn't been working. Besides necking yourself, what are some lifestyle changes that can be made to get your 35 year old cock performing like an 18 year old again?

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No porn/no fap, do cardio, make sure you're getting enough saturated fats.

Why saturated fats?

I'll probably still be a virgin by then so I don't care

According to this article you should kill yourself:

>stop watching porn
>start doing more cardio
>try stress relieving activities
>get better sleep
>if you can masturbate when not with a girl, stop fapping
>if you use a deathgrip ( Google it), stop fapping
>eat fruits

>tfw going on 25
>do all these things
>I know dick works cause I still get morning boners fairly often
>can't get it up even to masturbate
I think it's cause of anxiety, but nothing I do helps that.

Am I supposed to be able to get it up through imagination alone? It works fine with porn but with girls I get so nervous I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest

have a few drinks to calm down

23 yr old boomer in same boat its concerning

Prevents your t levels from dropping iirc.

>What is whiskey dick

masturbating daily and never stopping, nofap is a harmful meme

you dont need to get black out drunk, retard

31 year old, can relate.

Getting thrashed plus condoms is an instant boner killer for me.

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Just buy tadalafil from Patels. I work work 60-90 hours per week as a doctor. Sometimes I'm too stressed out to have libido or even be able to keep a good boner. So now I just use pills as a crutch like a fucking junkie. Better than no boners though.

This only ever happened to me twice... My god it still haunts me to this day. I hate thinking about it, it was years ago after all but, where talking about every guys dream here fucked up becauseI could not get hard... Argh! I still hear one of them saying "whats wrong haha, are we not enough for you?" to this day

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There are ways, search and you shall find. Kegels and jelqs will help start


>tfw cum in 2 strokes
I don't want to feel this feel

My first ever sexual experience involved two completely willing girls at the same time practically competing over me the entire night, still couldn't get it up due to profound anxiety issues.
High school doesn't let you live that type of stuff down

This user knows. It would also help >you don’t need to get blackout drunk

31 year oldfag here. I've had it happen a few times over the years. I've noticed that every time it's happened, I was doing something deep down I don't want to do/isn't focused on my sexual drive. Examples include but are not limited to:

>Putting on a condom
>Sitting there rubbing her clit with the express intention of just getting her off
>Any talking whatsoever
>Changing positions to better suit her

When I want it, and I'm the one in charge, moving her around for my betterment, I'm raging hard every time. And at this point you're probably thinking "this dude's a scumbag who can't please any woman."


Fucked my girl in the ass so hard tonight she had a convulsing orgasm, complete with full volume scream-moaning. Took an innocent little bookworm virgin and made her crave my dick in her ass. The "just be confident bro" meme is not a meme. Take charge, do what feels natural (being aggressive and dominant), and don't completely ignore her clit and you'll live out your chadliest dreams.

>inb4 telling lies on the internet

what's wrong Donald?
Having a drink to calm the nerves helps a lot of people with this problem, of course if it doesnt get up when you drink it wont work for you
for me when i drink I get 10 times more horny and can go hours, can't cum tho

Good nutrition & sleep.

Also dont watch porn everyday.

Do a blast of test/tren/mast.


I normally do fine. After all I was in my 20s. No stranger to having sex in bdsm clubs, all eyes on the trap (me) but that ONE TIME. When I had the girls I wanted for so long... Nope. I dont think I'll ever let MYSELF live it down

Everybody will tell you nofap but honestly just find yourself some weed and get rid of that anxiety you have it worked for me it might fucking work for you

stop watching porn nigga

i have a similar problem.
My dick gets hard but i have no women to use it on.
What are some liftstyle changes is should make?


Freeball as much as possible (sleep naked, don't use underwear) don't look at porn, masturbate like once or twice a week tops, eat onion and garlic pretty regularly(good for circulation), make sure you drink enough water through the day, lift heavy, have some cardio too idk man
If none of this works, consider It could be psycholigical also


Pour Monster Zero Ultra down your boomer dick


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Priligy tablets, or xylocaine dental anaesthetic spray, squirt on dick as reqd.

Don't wear underwear, or if you must wear the loosest you can get away with. Don't take baths if you do, cold showers (or cooler than you already do).
Eat two eggs daily if you don't. Don't avoid cholesterol, it is the direct chemical precursor to testosterone. Don't watch porn and jerk off less. Stop drinking soda.
Also, if it's performance anxiety, make her cum at least twice with your hands and mouth. *Make* her sit on your face and hold her there. I guarantee when she's squirming and drenching your face you'll be at full mast. Plus, if you make her cum a few times before you fuck her, a) she'll be less bothered if you cum quickly, and b) it'll make you more confident that you can fuck her brains out.
Godspeed user.

>Rape beast stack of Citrulline and/or Arginine, lecithin, pygeum, zinc or ZMA, and experiment with tribulus, HGW, puriens, fenugreek, etc. all combined with nofap and noporn
>Plenty of saturated fats. Especially eggs, coconut oil, red meat
>Stretching and/or mobility
>Meditation, unironically. Make it mindfulness/presence meditation
>Lots of hydration and fruits and veg
Most sure way
>Tren Ace with optional extra Test E

I'm actually jealous of you.

Stuff that gets me naturally horny/give me good boners:

>water/being hydrated
>good cardio

After this happens more than couple of times it becomes a huge psychological problem. You'll be so afraid of failing again and too nervous to get it up. Get a prescription for viagra/cialis and use it.

You'l get erection no matter what and it will help you get your confidence back and after couple of times you won't need it anymore.

This happend to me after I was sick for almost a year and got totally out of shape. Took me almost another year to build up courage to talk to my doctor about it. I only took it once and been ok since then.

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This is an absolute rookie question but how long do the erections last, and do they go away after you finish? I always considered this might be a way to address it but I didn't want to play some game timing the doses and trying to manage some three hour long boner.

>>make her cum at least twice with your hands and mouth

Be careful with this. Some women have more sensitive clits than others and increasing numbers of orgasms can go from enjoyable to overstimulating very fast.

Celery, watermelon, oysters, arugula, rhubarb, and being well hydrated are all master-race for erection quality.

Goes as long as how attractive you find her. If she just lays there, like most sluts it’ll last less than an hour realistically. Just hope you get with a wild girl next time. One who brings out another side you didn’t know about

Depends. For viagra it takes about 45 minutes for it to get into your blood stream. It works for about six hours. You won't get an erection without any kind of stimulation so you don't need to worry about having it up for the whole six hours. But I have to say that when on viagra pretty much anything worked as a stimulation for me. I felt like a horny teenager again getting boners just holding hands with my gf.

CIalis wortks faster and last much longer.

Just don't drink too much alcohol and success is guaranteed.

Also get a prescription from a doctor. He should check with you if it's ok for you to take it. There are some medications and health conditions that can make it very unsafe for you.

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Are there over the counter boner pills that would work the same?

I had a good experience before using nitric oxide for pumps

Is HIMS sildenafil basically just viagrara? Seems cheaper and you don't need a prescription.

This. Once it happened the one time with The hottest girl I’ve been with and then it was in my head for girls after her and it was a self fulfilling prophecy. Got viagra to get me through it and then just stopped needing it once my mind moved on.

I don't know where you live. There aren't any that really work where I live and I'm in the EU. There are some over the counter pills that should work similar but it' nothing like the real deal.

The patent for Viagra expired. Sildenafil is the generic name. I think the patent for cialis expired too but I'm not sure if there are any generics available now.

Yeah. One has to get over it as soon as possible. It will only get worse otherwise.

Way to go dude

i feel sorry for you guys
im 28 and cant hold a hug with my gf for more than a few seconds before i start to get hard

It's just a performance anxiety. Nothing serious.

At 35 it should be working normally unless you have some health issue or you have other problems.
Tbη you strike me more like someone that is only now getting pussy after all these years and are anxious as fuck because of this.
Try cialis.

this happened to me at 24
was waiting til marriage and changed my mind after losing a long term gf.
couldnt get hard for a few times with new gf, and once i was able to finally statt getting and staying hard, i couldnt finish
took like 8 months of sex for me to finally cum

Same here but I was too drunk