>circumcision is bad
Circumcision is bad
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Yes user it is. How nice of you to notice that cutting off a part of a baby's penis is objectively wrong.
It's American thing. Why couldn't we just keep the things the same like eurpenes.
You're welcome to do whatever you want with YOUR penis. Just leave the children alone, pervert.
That picture would be accurate if the wojak was wearing a kippah and it was baby penis blood instead of poo
Even though it does have some upsides, doing ANYTHING to a fucking infant that has lifelong consequences (many of which are negative) is wrong.
You DO realize jews actually suck blood from a baby's dick after it's cut right? It's a degenerate idea-look it up
but you can't get cancer in the foreskin if you cut it off
>letting some brainwashed doctor cut a part of your sexual organ for some jewish satanic ritual which ONLY purposes are to make masturbation harder and lessen the sexual pleasure for both sexes
Educate yourself
Yeah but it looks better and its easier to clean.
I literally couldn't believe when I found out americans actually get that shit done to their babies.
That's the most retarded and cruel thing you can do to your child for the sake of him "being normal", according to the local rabbi of course.
Jews really are the most detestable people ever. Liars, scammers, cheaters, freaks.
>looks better
erect dick with foreskin looks the same if you don't have phimosis
>easier to clean
literally pull the foreskin back and that's it
>all these Jow Forumstards
Anti-circumcision is unironically low IQ.
I'm uncut but not it matters since I'm not using my dick anytime soon.
So sure I have probably more pleasure and do not need lube but at the end of the day no woman would suck my cock cut or uncut
>circumcision is good.
Fuck your holy covenant and fuck kikes.
Unironically gas yourself, counter-factual semite.
Spread video related.
The arguments made here are impenetrable evidence for the fact that circumcision is mutilation and a crime against human rights.
>it's easier to clean
Jeez, Amerimutts really are that lazy.
Fuck off with your mutt pictures Ahmed. A lot of people here in America hate that they're circumcised. It's not like the practice isn't going to come back in your countries with all those brownies flooding in.
>Fuck off with your mutt pictures Ahmed.
>tfw uncircumcised American
Feels good to be KING.
Sorry if my pic got you annoyed.
We shouldn't infight, you're right.
Just spread the video, though.
While that stuff is funny he is right, we are just bickering over who is on the lower side of a sinking ship.
S p r e a d
t h e
v i d e o
a n d
t h e
l i n k :
Was 14 times the link too much?
I just like to make it 14.
I add 14 Es to my REEEEEEEEEEEEEEs too.
Sorry if you got mad at me.
>cutting off the most pleasurable part of your body
God damn it why was I born into a Musim family ;-;
Day of the truck?
Restore foreskin with a tugging device or pulling regularily for intervals, depending on severity of mutilation.
Even though I hate Muslims due to their being pushed onto my fatherland; you can get back at the propagators of this and perhaps even disassemble the religious dogma by pointing out that the practice came from the Jews
>if the stupid poop-eating drawing said it, it must be wrong
>Jews mutilate American children
>because their mutilation is irreversible, they convince themselves it is a good thing in order to cope
>thus they go on to mutilate their own children too and the cycle continues
It's like something out of a dystopian novel.
>jew posting pro-circ
Fits together as good as Untermensch and Gas chamber.
>the practice came from the Jews
Abraham wasn't a jew.
Only SJW fedora-tipping LGBT supporters have a problem with circumcision.
I really don't mind being cut the only people that seem to care are other men and women seem to like it better at least here in america. If I have a kid it will be cut don't want him being bullied for his strange looking penis.
how would he be bullied for a strange looking penis user?
>if the stupid slowjak drawing said it, it must be wrong
American have been completely taken over by muslims. First circumcision, next sharia law.
I'm against circumcision but the only people throw a fit whenever it is mentioned and go on long tirades are indeed almost always homosexuals
>irreversibly mutilating your child for the sake of conformity
You're a fucking retard.
Bait this is bait bait
Stupid me for letting them when I was an infant. If only I stuck up for myself
Missing your foreskin, OP?