If you are a neurotypical cishet white able-bodied male you need to get OUT of Jow Forums right the fuck now...

If you are a neurotypical cishet white able-bodied male you need to get OUT of Jow Forums right the fuck now. You CANNOT be a social outcast when society pushes you straight to the top without needing any effort on your part.
You think you're "oppressed" but honey all you have to do is literally just like wash your fucking ass and go outside where you will probably automatically get accepted to Harvard or be made CEO of some Fortune 500 company because you're at the top of the food chain. You don't get to feel sorry for yourself being that privileged. I don't want to hear it.


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Go back to /lgbt/ homoboy
Also, remember that sage goes in all fields

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Oh OK and now the privileged cishet is resorting to slurs because he's never had to try hard to do anything in his life.
You got BTFO normie, just get out now.

Fucking tired of white cishet men taking EVERYTHING. I'm not taking your shit anymore.

I'll get out if you put show me where I can take advantage of this privilege.

stop responding to this thread you retards
can no one recognise fucking bait anymore

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Literally just walk outside if you live in America, that's all it takes. You act like you're the victim but honestly you are taking advantage of privilege and don't even know it. Stop victimizing yourself.

>cishet white men invalidating my opinion by assuming it's not serious
What else is new? Fucking tired of cishets.

I've never done anything with my life

Whose fault is that? Not mine.

The fuck is this shit. Go back to tumblr cunt.

honestly though. wh*te males actually think they are oppressed lol.

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Wow, like, stop being privileged

No that doesn't help. I'm a fucking paperboy so if I can get a nice easy career by being white I'll do it right away and leave r9k

Exit the board, untermensch

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>didn't get thrown out of your house at 18 for being gay
>didn't get passed over for a job because of "being a poor fit" aka having the gay lisp
>able to shoot the shit about golf and hot chicks with coworkers, leading to a promotion
>not penalized by your queer-hating boss
>getting good grades in HS and getting into an Ivy league school because you don't have to deal with any of the above shit
I'm not gay but it isn't hard to see that straight people have it easier

>accepted to Harvard
yeah I can't graduate a community college, let alone some ivy league school.
I'm probably going to have a menial labor job and otherwise be a hikkikomori.
Alao I've never had a gf, and it's not like I have avoided all contact with people through my whole life, so if someone was ever interested I would have know.
As a virgin I am a robot, and that is literally the biggest qualification.

Right??? It's ridiculous lmao

>muh girlfwiend dumped me cuz i beat her one time
>woa is me :(((
>whatever, fucking bitches

>going to be thrown out of the house because parents don't understand suicidal illness
>regularly got kiked by boss and overworked for less money than promised
>couldn't say shit to coworkers
>got penalized for using the photo computer to browse Jow Forums
>barely passed high school
You're gay as fuck dude

See how white people are? Can't even feel sorry for themselves without being racist motherfuckers. Get the fuck out of here nazi.


gotdamn cishet whiteboys really are ridiculous

Take the dick out of your ass and make me, stupid
It was a slow job. Cry more faggot.
I see you don't even address all the other shit I said. Brainlet, just like a tumblr faggot would be.