Let me prove to you gender is a social construct by using the socratic method

Today, if you are willing to open your mind I'm going to attempt to redpill you all on gender.

Let me begin by asking you two simple questions that are to be answered seperately.

>What constitutes a man?

>What constitutes a woman?

By digging deeper we will get a universal understanding about these seemingly trivial questions.

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If you were trying to prove anything you already failed. Socratic method is meant to create deeper understanding and proving something should always be secondary in a Socratic seminar. You failed at this basic task and you are basically a faggot

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>What constitutes a man?
dick, testosterone
>What constitutes a woman?
vagina, estrogen

it's really easy user
just don't be a retarded brainlet
if we can mate by putting peepee in vagene that means it's meant to be like this.

opdo = opdo

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>what constitutes a man
>what constitutes a w*man

So a according to you, a man that has penis changed into a vagina and on estrogen is a women, correct? Vice versa for a women.

> If we'd remove a man's penis and testicles is he not a man (nor woman) anymore?

>inb4 muh klinfelters

>Then if you put a female head on a male body what gender would they have?

>Are people with down's syndrom not male or female?

>If by gene editing we made a 'man' with a working vagina and uterus would he be a man?

Pointing out that gender is a social construct is subversiveness for subversiveness's sake, there are few "socially constructed" things that have been as prevalent, clear cut and useful to us as gender.

I'd like to hear how learning what is or isn't a social construct is important at all. Money is a social construct but I still need it to eat and I'm not leaving the city.

I'm not debating the usefulness of social constructs.

let me prove to you it isn't by using the scientific method

>if gender is a social construct, we should not expect to see gendered traits manifest in children too young to be socialised
>conduct research
>boys prefer toy trucks
>girls prefer dolls
hmm, it looks like our research methods were flawed, otherwise we would have reached the conclusions we wanted. not to worry. let's try again, properly this time
>if gender is a social construct, we should not expect to see gendered traits manifest in our close animal relatives that are too unintelligent to formulate and impose such constructs
>conduct research
>male chimps prefer toy trucks
>female chimps prefer dolls
hmm, it seems our methods were flawed again. most likely this is a problem with sample size or peer review. let's drop out of STEM and join the philosophy department

now, allow me to prove gender is a social construct, wholly with the Socratic method...

would you not call this character a girl/woman?

If you do, why? It doesn't even have chromosomes.

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You inherently are. By intentionally differentiating gender from what it may be known as, you are seeking to compel people to assign it a different, lesser value than it currently has in their minds.

Personality and certain arbitrary attributes, most of them physical.

If you wouldn't fail biology class you would learn that it is impossible to do such shit even like transplanting a woman head on a male body or vice versa, simply because the immune system will 100% see the head as something alien because of the difference of XX XY chromosomes, fucking retard

Do you want to elaborate how they change vaginas to penises and vice versa? Is this dragon dildo a penis to you?
Also yes (he is neither a man nor woman) to your second question.

>would you not call this character a girl/woman?

no. thats an anime, idiot.

Is a girl actually a man if she prefers toy trucks and other stereotypical male traits?

Gender is a made up meme term, so why even use it anyway?

>What constitutes a man?
Skeletal structure

>What constitutes a woman?
Skeletal structure

What is the purpose of having two sexes?
Reproduction, obviously and self-evidently true.
One of the sexes bears the unborn, the other provides the means to do so.
>some men have had their sexual organs removed, purposefully and accidentally
A dull knife is still a knife; a leaky bucket is still a bucket
A woman may naturally be flat chested or have surgery to be so - she is still female. A person who is sterile has a fault, not their own category of existence.
>what if a woman that believes she was supposed to be a man?
I may believe I was supposed to be taller, but that does not make me grow. I may believe that I should be able to breathe water, yet still I would drown.
Refusing to accept reality is a fault of the person, not a fault of reality.

And also muscular, endocrynological, topographic anatomy, neurological and many other structures

Answer my last question in that post cherry picking faggot.

So when we would strip those away one by one, when would a man or woman cease to be that?

is Theseus's ship still Theseus's ship if I remove one of the planks?


okay, then we should kill all white men

you can't edit genes, because every cell in the body is constantly regenerating, you will have to microscopicaly change the gene from the every cell which is impossible, and can also lead to unpredictable results if we change the gene in at least one cell, what you're gonna say now "Socrates"

Literally impossible science fiction bullshit you utter tranny retard.
No, it's your fucking chromosomes. Kill yourself you tranny retards.

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You are not right, and I didn't say the fact that women and men are separated by many structures, we can change someone's gender, I meant that it is impossible, I only empowered your argument.

That's not even a girl in its own universe you retard.

>If by gene editing we made a 'man' with a working vagina and uterus would he be a man?
>huurrrrrrrr what about my totally imaginary science fiction bullshittery of made up half-people? You must admit that means you must ignore science duuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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What is a gender? Most people would say, imply or subconsciously know it to be the state in which you can fuck a person and have a baby with them if you have opposing genitals. The more you think about that the blurrier gender becomes as a definition to be assigned to anything else, the fact that you can fuck a person and have a baby with them if you have opposing genitals isn't socially assigned but most everything associated with gender beyond that might be. That's why I think OP is right in that it could be a social construct but it's also why I think what OP is getting at is not important, it doesn't matter if something is socially assigned because it's socially assigned for a reason: It's useful.

There's no practical reason to strip away what's useful. If something isn't practical or even potentially useful, why do it?

So you're saying all those general traits combined makes up what we call a man or a woman. Wouldn't you classify that as a social construct?

If you'd mix different traits of men and woman they would be be another gender am I wrong? So gender is not limited to men and women. We picked those defining traits describing a certain gender ourselves.

Kids would never be able to tell their gender if nobody told them. We should see what happens if we raise children gender free.

No retard it's called thinking about something in a different perspective to spot flaws in your reasoning.

>tranny wants to abuse children for funnies
when are we killing all trannies?

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No, I want to say that the social traits appeared because of biological reasons, not vice-versa.

trannies have no skeleton

Experiment that on your own kids if you want, but then don't cry about your kid raising sick af and being bullied at school

>Did you know that in China women wear pants but in Scotland men wear skirts? Yeah? Well, that means if Bob calls himself Susan you have to pretend he is a woman or we kill you, hater

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Like the social trait of sucking dick?

ITT: trannies ignore biology and invent their own bullshit

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That is not a social trait, men also lick pussy

No, it is called fuckwittery
>can red be blue? HOW ABOUT I MAKE SOMETHING HALF WAY BETWEEN?! Huh?! Fuck you, I proved Red is a social construct!

Almost all of humanity have similar gender roles through all of history, we can see similar things in animal where female individuals have different behaviour patterns because of different evolutionary needs then males. In mamals females tend to be more careful with who they reproduce with because of the risks of pregnancy, in birds this works a bit differently, same as in frogs or reptiles. We recognise these behaviour differences as something that developed because of evolutionary needs but we will still talk about the human gender roles as something that is created by social interaction. Im not sure why we would try to explain human behaviour differently then other animal behaviour. I have a hard time believing that gender is a social construct but i dont deny that society got an impact on how we view our self.

Feel free to change my mind please.

and also not all men lick pussy, not all women suck dick but this doesn't there are more genders, it means there are individuals.

The kids wouldn't go to school. They'd be homeschooled to be shielded from gender.

And it would be right, no need to bring along degenerates in society, feeling sorry for your kids fucking tranny

It's called purple, faggot. It's an actual thing.

This is what happens when fucking stupid children are not learnt basic biology in school, because the government plays the "tolerance" card, tolerance is degradation when it comes to such things as homosexuals, trannies and attack helicopter gender rainbow

Gender is on a spectrum. Women can be manly, and vice versa. Gender is not only defined by genitals, but also the organs, cells, etc.

It's purple because it's mutilated blue

>gender is a social construct, homosexuality is natural, and transgenders are actually female (despite gender being a social construct)
god I hate faggots.

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Gender is a social construct. You can become any gender you want to become. Listen to the facts. Gender free babies will grow up more tolerant and kind.

But is it any less real or is it any less created by us? Same goes for red. We classified a fucking piece of a spectrum to be red. A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT.

Babies should not be raised to have a gender. It's unfair to them and can cause them distress.

Fucking tumblr sjw faggot trannies on my fucking Jow Forums???

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The point

Your head

The existence of purple has no bearing on the objective nature of red or blue.
A genetically engineered hermaphrodite would have no bearing on the objective nature of men or women.

Society relies on rules, one of them is not to fuck and teach children sick shit that there is no gender because you feel sorry for yourself after you mutilated your dick/pussy, or your body by using hormones and hormone blockers, cut your shit return on r*ddit, t*mblr, you are not welcome here fucking sjw's

When children aren't given a strict and clear gendered upbringing, there entire development gets fucked and they grow up dissociated and distressed. Piss off queer

At last welcome, thought I am surrounded by these sick fucks

answer my shit or ill just accept this is bait

I'm not saying that. I'm saying, that it could be the case that, if Bob says he's a woman then he's wrong if we're defining woman as a person whom a person who has a penis can have sex with and impregnate. However, it's blurrier if you assign the word woman to also include people who can't have kids but still possess a vagina, from there you could ask several questions as to why we would do that and in what non-functioning vagina cases does being a woman stop or start or if having a vagina matters once you start labeling people who do not have a functioning one as women.

I'm also saying that none of this matters, the common, socially assigned definition of a woman should be the only one that matters because it's shown itself to be the most useful and prevalent. I'm saying as well that pointing out the socially assigned nature of the word, however correct, is subversiveness for subversiveness's sake and has no grounding in anything useful or practical.

klinefelters males are truistically male

This is why we should kill all trannies

Agreed. When are we going to stop being complacent with this mental illness?

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There are kids who cry because they think they are the wrong gender assigned at birth. Gender free makes kids happier.

Why do children have to be learned to be a man or woman if gender is something biological? Seems to me you just want men and women to be a certain way, like a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT.

It's called natural selection, you know what happens when someone fails it?

>a man that has penis changed into a vagina
this is impossible

you're trying to redefine what a vagina is you fucking disgusting Marxist

If you keep your penis and your FTM mate keeps the vagina 2 trans people can have kids. Living in the body you want isn't mutilation bigoted trash.

They are not taught the gender roles, they are taught how to behave decently in society,

>an actual thing
>an actual thing that exists
>I feel like it's kinda sorta like, y'know, literally pretty much an actual thing that exists
Trump won
He isn't controlled by Russia
Mueller has nothing
Nobody cares whether Manafort is in prison or out, dead or alive
Communism doesn't work
The degree you're working on isn't worth anything
You won't abolish the first amendment
Or the 2nd
Or the 4th
You won't abolish gender norms in this generation or in 10
Nobody agrees with you outside your bubble

You can choose to be whatever gender you want. Go to any college campus Gramps.

When you purposedly use side pharma to change your body, it is mutilation, it's like using a phantom razor inside your body to change your cellular composition

In a few years I can grow a vagine in a lab, fag.

They weren't given a strong enough upbringing. Most of those children are they way because of virtue signaling liberal parents who allow boys to play with dolls or grow long hair or wear dresses. Of course they end up confused and distressed.

Children have to be taught to speak English, to eat properly, to bathe themselves, among many other things. Is food and bathing now a social construct?

and you will still be a male with XY chromosomes who had a vagina grafted to his body for show

laughing at your life you mental midget

Grow a new brain along with that

What the fuck does that have to do with gender?

What the fuck you have with the physical world? Kill yourself tranny

Go to any college campus Gramps. People agree with me more than you.

Then getting a nose job is mutilation.

Having trouble with reasoning an actual logical response?

Let me prove that you're a fag
>Suck cocks
>Believes that gender are social constructed

yeah, if you gave a baby an unnecessary nose job, it would be considered mutilation

They are not people, they are animals, that learn gender studies n shit, I am a 3rd year medicine student in Germany, bet with me I know more about how the human mind and body works? Thinking that you learn in college you are smart is like thinking that if you work you are rich.

>What constitutes a man
XY chromosomes

>What constitutes a woman
>XX chromosomes

With that comes the cultural standard on how they both ought to act and behave, but those things do not solely define biological sex

I'm not OP but the guy directly below you and I think the argument could be that while the behaviors characterizing the images of the two groups of humans, defined by their possession of the 2 opposing, functioning sex organs, manifests themselves naturally on average it could still be the case that every other definition of a man or woman that goes beyond "a person with a functioning penis or vagina, respectively" is socially assigned.

I, again, say that, while this sort of argument is probably the most solid you could make for the socially constructed natural of how we see gender, it's not purposeful and shouldn't matter if gender is socially constructed because gender as we know it is a useful concept.

An adult being given a nose job because they chose it.

If they don't need it, it's mutilation, it will affect the fiziology of the human body over time

And there is a slight great difference beetween removing a bone, and getting hormones that direct more than a half of biochemical reactions in your body, also the growth and fiziology, while that part of the bone only regenerates a small amount of the homeocytes

Thank fuck, somebody here is smart enough to understand. If gender is a useful social construct is a whole other debate though.

>talk about research
>provide no references or citations

also why the fuck would male chimps or babies prefer trucks? they have literally no concept of a car

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Most students of all majors agree. Science agrees too. Bill Nye thinks all gender identities are valid.

By asking that we answer the two separately you are already obfuscating the truth, the two are meaningless without eachother

Special Edition comment for marxists above
>Socialists killed all homosexuals, litterally all of them that were caught
>Socialists were censoring and prohibiting all forms of free speech
>Socialists were murdering people basically for any report on them being pro capitalist

This is true for URSS, Cuba, China, North Korea and many more

Tune in tomorrow faggots, when we have an all new actually interesting topic to discuss instead of endless baiting, repeating shit memes and wallowing in self pitty.

Tomorrow's topic will be about race.

Bill Nye is a talkshow man so he's basically garbage, all the students in your campus are basically garbage if they believe this, show me at least one person who has science reconeissance worldwide and says this shit

How so? Provide reasoning.

Down syndrome doesn't affect the sexual chromosomes. So people with down syndrome are either male or female