Coming back after a break

Coming back after a break

So i havent been to a gym since May, I just bought my own barbell and dunno how to get back into things. During my time away I did bodyweight shit everyday like pistol squats, planches, handstands etc so i shouldn't be too shitty

What kind of intensity am i looking at and how long till I get back to where I was?

I used to have 4 week blocks of focus on either squat or DL with lots lf accessory stuff, going every 2nd day with upper body day being once a week. I was up to 110kg squat and 130kg DL. I feel like my back has lacked stimulation the most.

Pic related issa me

Attached: 20180907_212344.jpg (1332x1232, 572K)

Please gimme some ideas here :/

Just pick up where you left off. Muscle memory will take care of the rest

Cardio would do you better ngl.

Marry me?

nah im gaining weight on purpose, plus surplus calories means gainz

G L A S G O W? lol

haha oh baby no, that doesn't sound right to me, besides, what intensity? 40? idk?

im actually near glasgow, lets train together

What's your weight, height and age? How long did you lift for?
The usual recommendation is to deload 5% for each week off. But that'd put you at, what, 80% deload?

I'd suggest you simply do a low stress week first, then go moderate stress and rebuild.

no way? jesus christ
tell me more about yourself, im curious

If you can legitimately hold a full planche and do reps of full pistols squats at that weight, I can guarantee that you have more knowledge and experience than 99% of this board so you're better off taking your own advice.

Also, obligatory BRAAAAAAAAP / THICC

5ft 6, 200lbs and 22yrs
I had been lifting for just 11 months total

ah ok that might be a bit much then
sounds good, that'll be the plan

its not a full planche, ofc haha but I did manage to work my way up to pistol squats so my squat should, in theory, be better now

anh my ex was basically my coach so im just good at taking orders

and thanks, its what got me started but the need for higher numbers kept me at it

>Just pick up where you left off. Muscle memory will take care of the rest

Bad idea.

The good news is your strength will return pretty quickly. The bad news is you're limited in how much you can take advantage of this because of your tendons etc.; if you jump straight back in with the same intensity and keep trying to up the weight too quickly, you''re basically going to end up injured.

Start slow and enjoy the DOMS. You'll be tempted to rush but don't.

You'll be back to your old lifts in a matter of months.

Can you post your routine, including how many warm up sets you do?

cheers! That's really what I have been concerned with, but I thought that at least the bodyweight stuff should at least keep my tendons somewhat busy

Enjoying them right now, and yeah I can't wait to go heavy again. Months? Oh boy, this'll be fun

are you fucking 50?

i almost fucking vomited from those stretch marks, the stench hit me through the monitor

Yeah but look at it this way; you've already done the hard part building the muscle fibres in the first place - all you're doing now is 'inflating' them again (or so goes the theory) so you're basically going to get back to where you were in a fraction of the time.

I've taken time off and I always kind of 'doubled' my routine coming back i.e. if I had a session and felt I could up the weights easily, I waited until I had done the same session at the same weights again, just to be sure. It's not a linear thing, either. If, after a month or two, you feel you're back in the groove and if you feel strong and if you're not getting any joint pain, then go for it.

random squat day:

warm up w/ bar, x5
with 60kg x 3
70kg x 2
80kg 3x10, maybe? honestly can't remember

OHP, would do dips as accessory for it (3x10) but got too fat, lol
bar x 5
25kg x 2
30kg x 2
35kg 3x6

good mornings
bar x 5
30kg x 2
35kg 2 x 6

leg extension/ quad machine
20kg x 5
30kg x 3
40kg 3 x 10

something like that for a squat day, if i remember. more focus on intensity over the cycle, hates volume for squats and my back gives up after too many weeks of volume on the DL

haha cool
nah i gained lots of fat for fun so i guess that's just par for the course

great, that's really helped, thank you :) I'm super cautious so the doubling idea sounds perfect

I did the same thing recently, returning to lifting after 3 years off that began with stopping during/because of a fucked-up relationship. And did some bodyweight stuff before starting back so my pull-ups/dips were way ahead of everything in endurance at least.

I had lost a lot of strength and also ~20kg along with a fair bit of muscle so I started pretty light, a LOT lighter. It's humbling. But I'm getting there after being back for about a month of fucking around and then 4 months following a program, with a week and a bit off for injury. Be glad you haven't lost weight, you'll probably still be fairly strong.

Take it slow, enjoy the process. Do a light week, check what feels heavy, and start somewhere easily manageable. You add weight easily but stick to a fairly linear progression. The form is still there without really having to think about it, but it's also a good chance to work on any form issues you might have had and correct imbalances.

oh and some bicep curls (14kgish) and shruss (30kg) for the lolz

oh man that's rough, going through a tough breakup right now and the only reason I bought the bar is because I moved back home :( haha at least you kept something

wow 20kg! But glad to hear that you're getting back into things, that can't have been easy

thanks for the response, excited to get back into it and well done with your progress!

What variation can you pull off? also are you doing it with locked out elbows?

You look like a female in the picture so unless you're extremely short, this is pretty impressive

like dis, probably shouldn't have called it a planche but oh boy do they fuck my shoulders and elbows good

yeah, locked out and leaning as far as possible
30sec max and ofc probably doesnt look as good haha

Attached: planchers.jpg (709x399, 323K)

Why are there so many thots on Jow Forums now? wtf happened..

All you cucks fucking encourage this attention seeking trash to come here by complimenting them.

Tits or GTFO but since this is a blue board simply GTFO.

you two wouldnt be giving half as much help if you didn't know user was a woman

Pic related. Also gross stretch marks

Attached: NArL0KH.png (1338x275, 458K)

lol, muh secret club, calm your tits

And yes, I posted my ass to get more (You)s, because I posted the same question last week and got none and I'm not bothering with a BB account for this. Blame the guys for going along with it if anything, but who gives a fuck apart from some autistic faggot. Its Jow Forums and I'm actually asking a Jow Forums related question, cry more.

go back to Jow Forums or something, n stay mad



>you two wouldnt be giving half as much help if you didn't know user was a woman

I've posted the same advice to bros before, you dumb fucking incel.

Post more ass pics


Attached: 20180908_135126.jpg (1960x4032, 2.65M)


Attached: 1484747397678.jpg (188x282, 21K)

This is a guy, right?

doesn't matter, fat people are genderless lard blobs

thx, i'll make sure to adjust my appearance for every random opinion on the internet

would be easier tbf

you forgot the timestamp


Post ur ass and ill post a fresh one for you then :D
You lift, right? Show me meaty glutea boyo

Attached: 1516372949350.png (560x629, 352K)

I can't take a good pic of my ass since I don't have a mirror that's large enough or someone to do it for me. You seem much more experienced than me when it comes to taking ass pics so I'd rather watch and learn

If you don't care about random opinions on the internet, why are u posting your disgusting, mutilated body for attention>>?

Booo how boring
Just make a video on your phone and take a screenshot

>filming my ass because someone on the internet told me to

imagine the smelle