Im high as fuck anons, smoking on some afghan poison, say something nice to weed-chad faggots
Im high as fuck anons, smoking on some afghan poison, say something nice to weed-chad faggots
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Also drug thread
weed is trash compared to other drugs
what drugs do you think are better mr.anonpants
mdma, lsd, shrooms, ketamine, etc. have a higher potential to be mentally beneficial - at least imo.
weed just makes me a lazy pothead and eat everything in my refrigerator or freak the fuck out in paranoia and anxiety.
very interesting mr.anonpants
You cant do those drugs every day and still be a functional member of society. Even alcohol is pushing it if its more than a few beers an evening.
Ive smoked weed every day since i was 19, have a comfy programming job making $24/hr with no shitty strings attached like working weekends. I doubt i would have it if i used lsd all the fucking time, my mind would break. Anyones would.
Sure if you wanna talk potency, weed is mild but thats whats great about it. Lazy? Cleaned my whole house stoned last night. As with all substances, some people cant handle their shit.
this, certain strains are awesome for productivity, I almost always work out stoned
fuck i miss being high, havent smoked in almost two months cause i'm on vacay and i can't find any dealers
Weed is a pathetic substance that makes you lazy, fat and content with mediocrity
Two people in this thread have cited life experiences that say otherwise.
>Weed is a pathetic substance that makes you lazy, fat and content with mediocrity
Tell us all the amazing things you do with all that sobriety, user.
Soberfag btfo
Got an advanced degree, bought expensive property in a major city, and made 200k annually all before I was 25.
Quitting weed was the best decision I ever made.
just got my medical card in the mail today. about to shower and go hit up the dispensary. feels fuckin good man.
>have a comfy programming job making $24/hr
imagine thinking 24 an hour is comfy
>I almost always work out stoned
some people do, most people dont. Don't pretend your average stoner is working out when they get high. They are eating doritos and watching it's always sunny in philadelphia.
Nice bait.
Weed is less damaging than alcohol, and even benefits people with seizures, depression, inflammation, arthritis, ADHD, and so on.
It won't "make" you anything - it's your own choice to be fat and lazy. If anything, it'll help you want to improve your life.
How is that not comfy? Do you live in California?
I can afford my own place and comfortably sustain myself while having an extra $1000 at the end of the month to stash away.
Are you trying to tell me im not comfortable? Fucking retard.
>Got an advanced degree, bought a condo in an expensive building in a major city, and made 200k annually by the time I was.
>Got an advanced degree, bought expensive property in a major city, and made 200k annually all before I was 25.
a major city? wow look at this big time city boi, he's not just living in any old city, he's living in a major city! what a fancy boi! maybe everything you said is true, i'll just assume it is, but you sure made it sound larpy my dude.
And alcohol is less damaging than heroin? Just because it's better than alcohol doesn't mean it's good. Don't mistake relative properties for an absolute, user.
>it'll help you want to improve your life.
lol tell that to the high school dropouts who do nothing but smoke pot
You asked, i answered. If you're not going to accept my response why ask?
Rats arent humans brainlet
>Another reason rodents are used as models in medical testing is that their genetic, biological and behavior characteristics closely resemble those of humans, and many symptoms of human conditions can be replicated in mice and rats.
>lol tell that to the high school dropouts who do nothing but smoke pot
What about the high school dropouts that aren't smoking pot? Don't mistake relative properties for an absolute, my dude.
>it'll help you improve your life
Thats fucking laughable. If you have no drive, you are going to be a fucking loser regardless of what substance you use.
Just look at all the sober losers in this thread trying to larp as Quinton because their sobriety gives their NEET lives a sense of superiority. They dont really have anything else, so ill allow it.
>maybe everything you said is true, i'll just assume it is
>You asked, i answered. If you're not going to accept my response why ask?
i completely accepted your response, actually.
that's not what a relative property is.
A relative property is like fried chicken is healthier than a hot dog.
hamburger is healthy relative to a hot dog.
An absolute property is like broccoli is healthy.
No, faggot.
People who smoe weed usually have some sort of psychological dependency and issues.
Never been NEET. Went straight from high school to college to grad school to workforce. Smoked weed since I was 14 and quit at 21. My productivity improved 10x once I quit.
I'm not going to generalize and say weed is bad for everyone, but people in this thread shouldn't generalize and say weed is good for everyone.
Not what i was saying at all. In fact some people should absolutely do no drugs. Sounds like you couldnt handle it, so you made the right choice and quit. Good on you.
For those who can use it, it has benefits.
24 an hour is chump change
I'm going to hempfest tomorrow, that's always fun
lol talking about mentally beneficial drugs and you don't even list DMT?
I don't hate weed, I just hate the type of people posting in this thread who feel like they need to defend it.
Good vibes to you my man. Love and be loved.
me 222222original2
So you are from California. Hows that shitty 10k a month ghetto LA appartment treating you?
Spent at least a 1000$ since the beginning of this year on weed and weed related equipment.
God bless Canada Post and BC growers.
My manhattan condo has a beautiful view of central park
DMT is for sure mentally beneficial. The top of them all, but it's not as recreational as the ones I mentioned.
Yeah, there are limitations of course. You can't do it every day? I'm fine with that - they're intense experiences but still enjoyable. I can function quite well on LSD, far better than weed at points.
Sorry 10k a month ghetto manhattan apartment*
>post weed thread
>suddenly it's contrarian to be a highly successful person that doesn't smoke weed
>suddenly r9k is filled with highly successful people with fancy condos in major cities
This thread is mostly larpers
stop doing drugs please
I quit weed over a year ago after 10 years of smoking nearly every day.
I have weed leftover and I feel like smoking some. I probably shouldn't.
Wow that image has shown me the light
after a bad trip on LSD and a fall from the 8th floor, I can't use weed without having panic attacks. Shit sucks, I hate being sober. I'm resorting to xanax and alcohol, but it's the same...
If you have to question it, you probably shouldn't desu.
fine keep putting smoke in your lungs for a dopamine boost, idgaf. fucking normie
When i was a retarded teenager, pot was destructive and evil. I just jerked off and ate junk food and played video games, and it was all the weeds fault. I quit, forgot about weed and went on with life. As an adult I started smoking again. This time it was different, pot made me self-aware, made me really think about my decisions, and made me think about what I wanted my life to become. Now instead of jerking off when I was stoned, i would write, read, explore, and meditate. I felt an overall positive push in my life and it was all thanks to weed.
But really weed doesnt do a damn thing, its all about who you are. If you're negative weed wont make you positive, or vice versa. It won't solve any problems. I feel like it acts like a catalyst for all of the energy swirling around in your head. Its up to you to take all that energy and put it into order, or let it fall into chaos and consume you.
Anyways, what are psychedelics like? I want to try lsd.
I'll just eat my marijuana, thanks
You're right, of course.
Thanks, user.
hi. just smoked some weedly deedly doo, too.
went to the gym completely stoned today and had an awesome work out.
i always had panic attacks with weed. i have not experienced one anxious or paranoid thought on psychedelics. i also always found alcohol better than weed even though i dont drink anymore.
Don't do this shit kids, it got me fucked up
psychs are pretty crazy and really indescribable
id sell you some gel tabs of acid if you were in my area but your not your on Jow Forums
ive done shrooms and acid ask me anything
Dude weeeed
Im high as fuck too RN
Feels a little weird desu like I don't even know what else to type
is there any kind of hungover after psychodelics??
Anyone have any experience with 1P-LSD?
yeah if you do it every second which in general is horrible for you with pretty much every drug. k cramps?
not the user you're asking the question to but no. psychedelics usually have an afterglow which is actually really beneficial. you feel really motivated and euphoric for a couple days after the trip. you might feel out of it the day after though
they all have "afterglows" where you feel different afterwards
shrooms have amazing afterglows, they almost cured my depression and anxiety(not forever sadly)
acid can give you a "fried" feeling afterwards for maybe a day where you just feel drained, however acid also has a interesting afterglow, i just personally prefer shrooms