ContraPoints released a new video in which she discusses incels. Thoughts?
ContraPoints on Incels
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I've got an intellectual crush on Natalie.
ok so that's a tranny right?
Who actually takes this trany faggot seriously?
I want to deprive her of oxygen
Also fuck off shill.
white people be like: damn that girls cute, I bet she has a huge cock
let me guess "her" opinion without watching:
>incels are bad
>so is trump
>something something alt right something destroy capitalism
if I'm wrong then I'll consider watching
if I'm not then I've demonstrated its the same down the line thoughtless lefty dogma that he just so happens to have wrapped in his own post-rationalization
YES a new video from the utterly B A S E D dark mother goddess gondraboinds thanks op
reminder that althype destroyed this retard
if you actually watch the video she basically says that most "incels" are normal people who happen to fall into a rut of negativity that is fostered by the community. also nice spacing. also nice dogma.
Not even going to watch clearly a trannie
Is this what the video is about? They never address the looks question. Looks is the only reason anyone is an incel.
Nigga I've seen some hideous fucking dudes with gfs before.
watch the video. she also talks about the issue of looks/ she also took her own experiences into account. are you just being deliberately ignorant or are you just memeing.
Fucking LOVE Natalie. Also near the end of the video she specifically predicts the exact comments ppl on Jow Forums/reddit/ will leave and this thread fits it perfectly.
Literally who
This dude is like 6'2 lol.
>referring to contra as she
Even trannies are dabbing on manlets lmfao
Why do conservatives on the internet always pretend that they're laughing at liberal shit when they're clearly very angry and upset about it.
>Getting this triggered over pronouns
Ive never seen a truly ugly guy witb a gf. Average to mediocre guys, yeah. Never an ugly guy.
I havent seen it but most incel youtube videos blame incelibacy on personality when its all looks
Reality suggests that things work the other way around.
>getting triggered over being told what I have to call them because of what their emotions tell them
I saw some ugly, fat, short poo in the loo with a hot white girl who was a good 4 inches taller than him a while back.
>I haven't seen it but (insert pathetic self pitying bullshit here)
im not a conservative, retard.
>using this boomer-tier term even sarcastically
Both sides get really frustrated over trans politics, but it is much more common that conservatives try to pull that "look at how not upset I am" bullshit.
Conservatives feel like society is leaving them behind every time trans people get referred to as their preferred gender, otherwise they wouldn't react so angrily to it.
Anyone remember this dude's channel from years ago before he went full tranny/crossdresser? Nick something.
If you're anti-trans you're definitely socially conservative even if you don't identify that way.
this isnt even correct. there are radfems that are anti trans. what the fuck are you even talking about, idiot?
>muh spacing
agelet commie college zoomer. I was using Jow Forums before reddit existed and therefore when you were still in grade school
"""""she""""" (you will never be able to say this on an open anonymous forum without being mocked for it, ever) is therefore claiming that incel ideology is just negative delusion, and therefore there is nothing in the society that they exist in that is substantially responsible for their condition (unless it can be blamed on the cspitalist patriarchy). against all research and common sense women in fact don't have the overwhelming advantage in sexual relations, and anything that contradicts this is actually flawed because [irrelevant and disposable post rationalisation to defend emotional Marxist conviction], especially if it's okcupid because that's a website, not real life. therefore feminism is good, hypergamy is good or doesn't exist, gamergate alt right trump
sounds about right. call me when he has a surprising opinion and not just the exact same lefty ones for supposedly unique reasons that were definitely not thought of post-hoc
- You shouldn't watch e-celeb cancer for any reason. Especially if it's some dumb whore trying to hop on current news and appear intellectual, while all she does is regurgitate the bullshit men wrote and said.
- This something-cel trend is retarded. If a male has the opportunity to fuck a somewhat acceptable female, he will eventually give in and do it. You're not an in/vol or whatever the fuck, you're an unattractive male, period.
- Fuck you, op.
TERFs are typically right of center on social issues, their feminism is 2nd wave and usually consists of just hating men.
Again, if you're anti-trans you are conservative
thats literally not what the video is about. she legit sympathizes with incels. what are you doing. she doesn't even mention trump nor gamergate.
This is the final word imo
You're just using the no-true-scotsman fallacy on incels. Easily 90% of people who identify as incel are easily fuckable irl.
"he" and fucking hate it.
Just more making fun of Incels.
Why is she a pervert, user?
Do you know what the "in" in incel stands for?
literally this whole thread is people who haven't watched the video and still criticize it and people who use ad hominem against her gender.
It's pretty hilarious. I made the thread and just got back from a run. Not that I expected any differently.
How is she a pervert my little conservacuck
I bet someone made a body pillow of her with a dick sticking out
Homosexuality is the result of extreme sexual perversion. No other reason to want to change your gender or fuck other dudes, cause you need weirder shit.
She finally said what most of us have known for a while but can't say bc of the backlash: Most "incels" are perfectly attractive enough to get a gf. There are absolutely some people out there that are too ugly/deformed to get one, but easily 95% of people who think they're incels just don't try to date because they feel hopeless or have awful personalities.
People like to act like "personality" is a meme, but if you're an autistic republican retard you're gonna have a lot of trouble convincing a woman that you're worth the time and won't embarrass her in front of her friends.
>if you're anti-trans you are conservative
even though you could be
>pro-abortion including 8 month 29 day
>strong believer in climate change
>pro-universal basic income
>pro free college
>pro social health care
your entire ideology can be adequately described as "conservative" because you have this one position I disagree with, even though you are strongly at odds with every self-described conversative
top blup. conservative to you just means "does not fall in line with 100% of my political beliefs". that's not a useful label. if you dig deep enough you'll find it applies to everyone except you. or maybe you're the conservative, because the REAL progressives support post-birth abortions, which you are against (as would be expected of a conservative bigot)
Well if the domestic social issues on the front today are LGBT rights then falling to the right on that issue would naturally make you conservative when it comes to domestic social issues. You could totally be economically/foreign policy/ethically liberal but that wouldn't change your social position.
Actually homosexuality is the result of capitalist decadence, and the only way to purge to gays from the world is to eliminate capitalism
>I sympathise with them
>but they're wrong, like stupid children
>because their own negative thinking is to blame, and not the inherent evolutionary gap in mating power between the sexes that definitely doesn't exist because mug constructs
sympathise or not, it doesn't matter. if you said >she thinks incels have a legitimate, realistic gripe, then I would be surprised. but that would be deviating from dogma
Does this tranny fool anyone? Instantly I was like this is a dude. I think you'd have to have a really low IQ to not realize.
t. big brain
I'm sorry but transsexuals are not the only social issue, nor are they the newest one
if you mean to say they're "transexually conservative", then I agree. but that's not a useful term either. because it just means anti-trans. this is just you playing with words again in a dishonest way like when you say Mohammed killing a white man for being white isn't racist because muh power. you are not trying to categorise people in an honest way other than you vs everyone else
t. faggot sjw
>economic structure effects sexuality
Pretty sure the greeks fucked little kids way before "capital" was even a word.
desu, the video is more well researched than most mainstream media outlets. She also doesn't hate on incels like everyone else does. So, it's a good video.
t. virgin
i always found fascinating how leftists try to promote their e-celebs aroun all boards with the exception of certain board where politics and propaganda should go.
Just look all this faggs trying to defend their sacred e-celebs on all matter
She most often has more and a better, while still sometimes not perfect, grasp on online culture than other more mainstream outlets - partially because she clearly was involved and grew up with it too.
I wasn't defending her you absolute sperglord. I was defending her points against unjust and baseless criticism, something you haven't even attempted to make before resorting to attacks against the person directly.
Keep in mind
Contra passes consistently tho
r9k btfo
>b-but HE (look guys I posted it again) is just another sjw faggot
You should take a brief intermission from being dp'd by the massive cocks of self pity and reactance to watch that entire video.
but i guess I'm just another low IQ e-celeb-shilling normie sjw faggot that likes to shit on poor misunderstood incels and you're the wise oldfag that knows about women and sexuality through the countless life experiences that you had during that period when you genuinely tried to be attractive, sociable, and healthy for more than two weeks.
>inb4 >look at me i'm so self-aware: The Post
>inb4 >being this mad
>inb4 wow be careful with that edge you might hurt someone
haha upvoted
contrapoints as a male
>r9k btfo
nick was cute but nat is cuter
>watch video by dishonest lefty tranny faggot who just happens to be intelligent enough to give convincing enough post-rationalizations that his fellow commies can steal and recite to themselves ti hype themselves up the next time they need to clobber someone with a bike lock footage fascist hate crime of believing in freedom of speech
nah, I'm good
I already know that biological realities lead to inequalities in sexual competition that greatly favour women because of their reproductive utility, what good will another faggot copesplaining that away do me? there are 1000 more honest thinkers I could readily turn to before leaning on a dishonest popular appeal video from a mentally ill woman (hehe I ignored biology again I'm so enlightened), the moment I decide to stop wasting time here
Wew lad
>intelligent enough to give convincing enough post-rationalizations
that's not a valid argument if you don't actually refute those "post-rationalizations"
>recite to themselves ti hype themselves up the next time they need to clobber someone with a bike lock
yeah all those fucking antifas beating up innocent men that are just sad about not getting their dicks sucked unconditionally, what's the deal with that
>biological realities lead to inequalities in sexual competition that greatly favour women
>men are way hornier, women are way more social
>women filter out the socially retarded men from the swarm of cock
>the socially retarded men are too socially retarded to understand that their social retardation is what makes them unattractive
>the socially retarded men blame everyone else
is that the inequality you're talking about?
>honest thinkers
>dishonest popular appeal
before you imagine who is telling the truth and who is the zionist feminizing puppeteers, how about you listen and consider the words independently without prejudice.
(and no not prejudice as in "JUST STOP BEING TRANSPHOBIC YOU BIGOTFAG", I mean that you obviously have a preconcieved opinion about opposing arguments, so you won't even consider the possibility that you're wrong, which is fucking stupid)
>what good will another faggot copesplaining that away do me?
>the moment I decide to stop wasting time here
He's not even honest about his sex lmao.
he is highly unstable. thinks he's smarter than he is. has the snarky condescending tone down pat. pretentious. arguments are weak.
would not contract again
sadly his videos are probably the strongest i've seen from the left on youtube which is sad really
desu contrapoints looks more feminine now than a year ago. Might fool newfags in another year.
Obviously, they don't pass as a female at all.
>thinks he's smarter than he is
Post brain pics
>snarky condescending tone. pretentious
You know she's putting on an act for comedic effect, right?
>arguments are weak
>would not contract again
Great analysis my fellow gentlesir
It's about what I expected and what I figured out myself, up to this whole "point of no return" thought.
I thought it was interesting to put such special emphasis on the way subcultural language is used and how it influences the way people think about things, even if it is obvious.
>snarky condescending tone
How dare that tranny faggot speak to us like this?
jeez what a shitshow
This is 100% what she predicted and I came on here for. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if she actually monitored this thread.
Cyborg here, I'm only visiting because I saw the video and thought of this board.
I really like the part about how tinder works. Gives me more hope to use the app and wade through the rejection.
I disagree with but to say that economic structure doesnt impact sexuality is a debatable point. Romans and Greeks had an entirely different view of sexuality based around Dominant (he who dicks) and Submissive (he who gets dicked); their economy was that of a slave state too
The reason leftists hate incels is because they debunk their ideal view of communism.
At the very end, even if all material goods are provided for, those who are born ugly will have worse lives than those who are not.
In fact, with capitalism an ugly man can still work hard to acquire money and use that to his advantage. With communism, the ugly man cannot do anything at all.
Sexuality is arbitrary and determined at birth (although I'm open to the idea that it might also get affected by early childhood events).
The only thing that changes throughout history is the general attitude regarding sex, promiscuity, "degeneracy" etc. There were just as many gay people in ancient Greece as there were in america a few decades ago, the only thing that changes is their visibility.
To say that economic structure of state influences sexuality is a bit of a reach imo.
This is the same pathetic zoomer orbiter who shills this literally who eceleb on almost every single board. He doesn't even get paid to do it either.
>- You shouldn't watch e-celeb cancer for any reason.
yeah but you'll watch Lauren Southern or Steve Moloybux so fuck off
I think it's really interesting that people jump on the presentation, rather than what is being said.
I think the core idea is perfectly valid, as I realized myself.
>you don't actually refute those "post-rationalizations
I did. If the argument is "poor incels, they're so negative for no reason" then the existence of a reason refutes.
>yeah all those fucking antifas beating up innocent men that are just sad about not getting their dicks sucked unconditionally
What are you even saying? It's as if you think antifa is justified when they engage in aggregated assault in a coordinated and premeditated fashion to prevent prosecution, and that it's in fact obvious that they are. But that can't be what you're saying. Unless, that is, you're an antifaggot commie. Oh, right, you're defending contrapoints.
>is that the inequality?
No. If you have ten women, you only need one man for ten children. If you add another man, you get no more. Every time you add a woman you get more. So, female inherent reproductive value is superior. We've evolved around this, and our mindsets are part of that adaptation. The devaluation of men with post-rationalised excuses like "socially retarded" stems from this. And this is how women view 80% of men as below average in attractiveness, while men view women more rationally, as each is still a valuable resource. The trivialising of sexual failure as "not being able to get your dick wet" comes from a need to downplay the inherent inequality for society to function. Incels are supposed to fail, it's part of the process, they're not to complain. They're meant to strive to beat huge swaths of men so they can surmount the deemed worthless line to win. While women sit there with 200 replies in a minute, lamenting that none are good enough (not really their fault, it's a hard coding to seek high quality men, since they can)
What's your opinion on Israel, antifaggot? I didn't give one. Don't you think a Palestinians are innocent victims of the evil oppressor jew? You are the antisemites, not the right. You just try to group everyone with nazis so you can kill them when they disagree with you.
How did we ever allow this? Why isn't it legal to kill trannies?
>The reason leftists hate incels is because they debunk their ideal view of communism.
This isn't about hating anyone or political theory, but i's probably the most empathic thing on the subject you're ever gonna get.
Gas the d.ggers
>because you can't get laid, you will never be happy
how can anyone really argue against this?
how can one fail at the most fundamental biological level and still be happy, unless of course they're fooling themselves(which many do).
I'm not him, but calling those attention-seeking, perverted, twisted attempts comedic is like calling aboriginal women pretty.
The first third of the video was about taking jokes completely seriously and "contrapointing" against them by putting on fancy music, doing a couple of sad attempts at jokes, and being pretentious.
That was followed by an generalization of viewpoints a bit extreme, but I guess that was fine.
The last third was definitely true though, but this motherfucker needs to get some phsyciatric help.
Shes a nonbinary moosekin.
She doesn't claim mtf.
Her videos aren't serious.
Probably because they'd be demonetized and black listed if they did anything else.
Yeah he ran around naked being a fancy fag and memeing on people
At least it's funny
She stops at andro.
She doesn't feel completely female.
I think she almost has her doctorates if i remember right
Im not sure if they are even on hormones and just do make-up. If they are, it hasn't been very long. Definitely have the makeup skills though
by discrediting the belief that you cannot get laid as borderline psychotic fatalism
"dude it's just comedy lmao" is the generic defense of all lefty icons, from YouTube tranny to even the great late night cable host
>just believe and true love will come along :)
It's the general tactic used by internet ideologues, left and right. Jow Forums, for instance likes to use it for plausible deniability when they get called out on something.
It's not funny.
Even fucking Trot singer Hong Jin Young has a doctorate.
Having a doctorate in philosophy/theology is like sucking the dick of old people in the tibetan mountains. It takes time to get there, but the act itself is not difficult.
>35 minutes
are you fucking kidding with this?
is there a TL;DW version?