Are all incels white nationalists?
Are all incels white nationalists?
No, but that's the current narrative.
lol you clearly haven't been to r/asianmasclunity
why are all of these images made by high school kids?
Because that's half of the alt-right's demographic.
All white nationalists are incels; not all incels are white nationalists.
Elon Musk is an incel?
who has time for all that? not getting harassed over race online by Whites would be nice. Pipe dream i know.
>who has time for all that?
asian incels
they literally hunt for asian girls in social media who say anything good about white men or who are dating white men
white incels are amateurs compared to asian incels
>seven child incel
truly makes me ponder
Incels are like 60% non-white. Because women hate non-white men.
political astroturfing is so retarded and makes me wanna tell the participants to get a life.
yes having pride in your heritage and not wanting your culture to be destroyed and replaced by a shitty desert religion means you're an incel fuck off you inbred amerimutt parasite
>how to btfo a white nationalist
Half this board is, no doubt.
how did you btfo me? lmao
americans don't really have an ethnic identity so your "btfo" doesn't really count
yes calling a random stranger online an incel on a board full of losers and outcasts totally doesn't scream projection :^)
Americans shouldn't be allowed internet access
jeez i wonder who's behind this post
surely it's not another butthurt nigger or kike
no i don't use reddit user (not op btw)
its funny cause that dog has a long nose like a jew
anyone who has the one where a bunch of incels t-pose in a circle?
What's my birthright desu?
If you're white you're entitled to prime teen soft white pussy and at least three negro slaves of your choosing.
That sounds awesome. Too bad I ain't white :(
Go look on
you will see most indians are asian in one way or another.
And the whites are the minority and even when they are incels they're attractive and just have shitty behavioral disposition.
There is even an increasing number of ''minorities'' here
Genital wholeness
most incels are pajeets on