As a Jewish member of Jow Forums...

As a Jewish member of Jow Forums. I'm getting sacred of the apparent rise of white supremacy how do we stop this it affects all race we must come together and stop this?

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Stop giving a shit ur not gonna get affected at all pussy

they'll never get into power, there is nothing to worry about unless you find yourself in the middle of an nazi rally

Why do white hates me i'm just a hard working Jew who just want's to peacefully practice my religion. They say i control the MEDIA and Banks I dont even work in any of those fields im just a software develpor their are BLACK's & WHITE's who make more money then my daily but yet they keep saying I'm privliaged and that all JEW's are cancer.

Don't make Jow Forums link the "he'll never win" compilation again.
You stop it by being a positive and successful influence, pic related.

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The stormfags always need a scapegoat to blame their or societys failings on. Jews happen to be a convenient one, historically too.

shut up and post kazaar milkers

go to your manufactured ethnostate

Jews are much better than white people they're cleaner, their neighbourhoods have less crime, they have a culture based on education and they're heavily over represented in high paying important jobs.

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They're also inbred.

success bring jealousy baka desu

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They believe there are harmful parts in your holy texts which discriminate against non-jews.
They think jews can't be criticized and are free to pull off any bs they want like fractional reserve banking.
They think you are responsible too because you could use your jewish heritage and speak out against the unfairness of your tribe leaders.

speak to the smarter ones,avoid the skinheads.

Well. I have some ideas:
1. Stop censoring them. It makes them stronger and gives them victim status and more likely to be violent.
2. Stop with the double standards. It's perfectly fine in our culture to literally call for the death of all white people. You'll even be hired as a writer for the New York Times aparently. But if so much as possibly offend someone of color once your life is pretty much over . Whether your actually racist or not.
3. Stop pretending all minorities are victims of white supremacy. Stop blaming white people for your problems.
4. Another double standard, stop holding white people to the crimes of their ancestors while demonizing them for being proud of the good parts. Also, if youbdemonize white people for their heritage, acknowledge your own ancestry as less than perfect.
5. Stop affirmative action. Literal discrimination against white people.
6. Stop getting mad when characters are white washed then turn around and turn white characters into other races.
7. Remove segregated spaces from universities in particular.
8. Recognize that white supremacist groups don't cause as much death/destruction as groups with anti white agendas at all. Particularly blm and antifa
9. Recognize it isn't ok to punch what you call white supremacist.

Honestly I'm surprised I'm not a white supremacist yet.

you know, what about if we actually have real activism?
>antifa/blm are tame compared to the actual rise of the nazi party in pre ww2 Germany
Need to build a platform so you can then pounce after the shit actually hits the fan

>real activism
people are too content,and why shouldn't they be, the leaders can lie and manipulate all they want as long as my desires are satisfied.

>white supremacist talking
>gee its a wonder I'm not white supremacist.
You're not fooling anyone cartman

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This cracks me up. This is how I picture 70% of Jow Forums

>eventually, the man went into an empty conference room,claiming it was his office, and closed the door.
what a chadcel

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what about how jews historically have been kicked out of almost universally every country they inhabit?

your tribe leaders do and comments like this where you play innocent and stupid are why nobody likes genuinely likes your culture