>mfw I see a white mother with a mixed race baby
Mfw I see a white mother with a mixed race baby
>mfw the fathers nowhere to be found
Dad is never anywhere in sight
>mfw overhear her saying she's single
>mfw i hear her say that the father won't send child support
I saw an old man walking around with a little mutt when I was in the store the other day, probably his grandkid or something.
I've never seen a man look so sad and disapointed in my entire life, it literally looked like he ws going to off himself right then and there
>my coalburner neighbor starts a conversation with me and tells me she has a half-black son, expecting me to be proud of her or pat her on the back or some shit
>give her a disgusted look and watch her face drop
I think it's even funnier when you see grandparents running around with black babies and white babies. It's fucking hilarious how you know that they had a daughter who's responsible for the blacklings.
>mfw see a fat short white woman with her niglet in line at store
>the niglet is blasting rap music from his phone and dancing in line
Why are niggers like this? Literally only black people who have their phones on blast in public and dont give a single shit about anyone around them
Every time I get stuck in line at the checkout at my local supermarket it's always a single coalburner with an ugly subhuman niglet screaming bloody murder. The mother looks super uncomfortable as she looks for a few more bills in her purse. Fucking waste of a human being.
Good on you man that must have been funny
I have actually seen this irl it's pretty funny
>mfw I see a group of white moms each with atleast one mixed kid in a huddle at the park
>mfw I see a black mother with 4 mixed kids
Still have yet to see a white guy with a non-white woman irl
>my father tells me to drive his elderly friend to the supermarket since his car wasn't working
>go in with him to help him shop
>at the checkout we are in line behind a white woman with two half black kids
>starts saying to me how disgusting she and her kids are
>calls them disgusting creatures and said they should be shot in the head
>he ended up saying it loud enough so that the woman heard it all
>as she was leaving i say tears rolling down her face
>cashier must have heard to since he gave us a look of disgust
Then you see white dad/black mom
>always together; both well-educated; no ebonics; kids well-behaved
It is oppositeland
Underdeveloped frontal lobe makes them less conscientious
I love how in all of these cases, even if they didnt outright say it, you just know that mixed kid=mulatto.
>mixed kid=mulatto
If a white person and a black person has a child together then that kid is considered mulatto
so yes?
Yeah, its just funny that the kid is always half black in every case. Specifically with a black father, and an obviously white mother.
There is only one thing worse than a roastie, and that's a coal burning roastie who seeks pity for her actions
>Awww, they look just like you!
quite literally every day i see fat single white women with nigger babies struggling to control them as their face turns red
I saw a young pretty blonde, blue eyed with 4 half black child, all dressed the same. She was alone with her mother.
Stop letting your sisters jump on random dicks whitoids lol.
Its unironically a good thing. There's plenty of white sluts that fuck plenty of niggers but in the end always marry an unaware white guy. If she has mixed kids she's marked for white men to see and avoid and top of that it means that she wont be raising any white girls to be whores mudsharks or any white sons to be self hating cuckolds.
man this thread sure is dark
A few weeks ago I saw a white nu-male pushing a black baby in a stroller. I really wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he was a babysitter or a nanny or something but I just couldn't.
>be in sheets
>hog and niglets come in
>niglets toss the donut rack on the floor spilling donuts
>hog mother chases after niglet
>niglet runs
>total chaos
>leave with packet of donuts
Niggers, cant live with em
Or without em
>tfw my gf wants to have kids soon
>she's Hispanic and I'm white so they'll be mixed race kids
yeah no shit it's pretty common in america, even in majority white areas there's always a couple and they stick out obnoxiously
At least they'll only be ugly if either of you are ugly. You could be the sexiest black man alive and your mixed children would look still like dog shit.
Delightfully devilish
>my gf
stop larping or get out
They will probably be fine as long as your gf is at least 50% white.
I've seen the same thing.
The dude looked to be 80
Looked like a hollow man
Sometimes he left the bigger baby in the isle only for it to scream and run after him.
Hispanics arent nearly as bad as black or asian mix, their facial structure is the most similiar to whites.
>pigskin whores
Never have I ever, Jesus your women are disgusting.
Coming from the race which needs to moisturise constantly to stop your skin turning to leather
Whites have awfully dry skin too user we just don't notice it
You do realise white peoples skin go dry as well right you just don't see it for obvious reasons
This sounds like my sister in law she's been married to my uncle for 25 years and their youngest son just graduated high school. My cousins now look Hawaiian even though their half black half white.