I put a thot in her place today, Jow Forums

I put a thot in her place today, Jow Forums.

>finish my squats
>thot comes and asks how many sets i’ve got left
>tell her that i’m finished but i’m going to take the bar to do another exercise
>she wants me to leave the bar because she thinks it’s a special squat bar or something
>it isn’t – there are a couple of squat bars in the gym, but this isn’t one of them
>try to explain this to her
>we go back and forth for a few minutes
>she ends up accepting that she won’t get what she wants this time and fucks off to another rack

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Would have been a better story if you put yourself in a thot desu

No you just made yourself seem retarded

She wants to do squats with the bar
You told her it's not squat bar
You did squats with a bar that isn't a squat bar
You then argued about it like a retard instead of letting her do it with the fucking bar

$10 says OP did his squats with a 10kg bar

I agree.
>You did squats with a bar that isn't a squat bar
Yeah I don't really care, the squat bars are too thick for my liking. The rest of your points are silly.

You should have also given her your bar back at her place afterwards.
Or got her number.
Or even just not wasted a few minutes going back and forth with her, and instead just ignored her and took the bar.

Still proud of you user, assuming you did this because it was a good bar not because you were using a non-squat bar for squats.

If there were more bars in the gym, why didn't you leave that one in the rack and grab another one instead of being an autist and making more work for the both of you.

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Why didn't you just get another bar like a normal human being?

There was no guarantee that there was a non-squat bar available elsewhere.

You did squats with a non-olympic 10 kg bar? Pls just give yourself a leadpill to the dome.

I would say that thots can go fuck themselves. Even if the guy in OP is a complete autist, if he is using it, it's his for as long as he wants. He paid for the gym membership just as she.

I think the thot got patrolled more than OP being a nazi fascist white rayciss crackah autist.

>You did squats with a non-olympic 10 kg bar?

Should have told hee you can train inbetween sets together. Then if she fucks up her posture, tell her, while gently touching her back to show how she's supposed to have her form while making a little joke or just being friendly. Also some small talk like how often she trains, whats her goal, etc.


Wtf? Is this another Jow Forums meme like don’t count the bar? Why would you get bars that are less than 20kg?

You thought this story would make you look cool? Sad autist.

Why's everyone assuming I used a 10 kg bar?

>there are two types of olympic 20 kg bars
>most of them are rogue 2.0 bars, which is what i used
>there are two or three squat bars, which are thicker and have a center knurl
>i prefer to use the rogue 2.0 bars for everything

wow cool story

>he counts the bar

Centre knurl is there so it doesn't slip off your back when doing highbar squats
You are doing your highbar squats...right user?

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did you atleast help her to adjust her squatplug?

Wouldn't you think if the squat bar is too thick for you, she might think the same thing. Also you're a retard for squatting with it and then going on about how it's a non-squat bar.

Legitimate autism. Post body.

Low bar

Lemme slap you with it and then tell me it isn't 20kg

You're a frog poster.
I bet this didn't even happen.
You should literally kill yourself for even saving frog images.

I only saved it from Google for the purposes of this thread. Why does a picture of a frog make you so angry?

>tell her that i’m finished but i’m going to take the bar to do another exercise

I read that as:

>tell her that i’m finished but i’m going to take her to the bar to do another exercise ;)

The Chad has woken.

t. MGTOW incel with a body of pic related

Attached: starting-strength-basic-barbell-training-mark-rippetoe-4084981.png (500x689, 156K)

No one is angry, autismo. You are just being told to kill yourself because you should. You're literally worthless.

And that fact you think you're sheer unadulterated cancer is nothing shows how far gone you are.

Tfw the op is autistic and yet somehow the replies make him seem normal by comparison

based af

Wrong place to whiteknight ,boy.....

> all these white knights defending a random gym thot




That's the dumbest story I've read in a while here. Nice.

Thanks for censoring that Pepe. I got banned for using the uncensored one.