Do you think he is finally at peace? Even if he cant watch anime in heaven?

Do you think he is finally at peace? Even if he cant watch anime in heaven?

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He is in hell for being degenerate pervert and not trusting in Jesus

He must be. PUBH.

from what I'd assume, nonexistence is pretty damn peaceful

>degenerate pervert and not trusting in Jesus
Wtf are you on about? He was probably a lot less degenerate in life than a lot of this place.

Of course he in peace.
Non-existence is ultimate peace.


You don't go to heaven if you kill yourself user

I hope he is at peace. He deserves it.

He feels nothing at this point.

>cant watch anime in heaven
truly cuckstianity is the worst belief system

Who says he cant?

The ones like you guys are the most degenerate.

Maybe anime is real in the afterlife and he is happy there.

He IS now the anime.

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Sad to say probably more than he was here. We failed him.

At best, at least he is no longer in pain.

Can someone tell me what posters he had in his room?

His parents were Muslims, he was an atheist though.

Lmao, you think this is the end? Once your life ends it becomes a capsule. Every moment of your life will be happening at once for eternity

Can you please elaborate on this user?

Maybe the are loopholes to this.

Maybe there are loopholes to this.

Of course not, he's burning in hell along with everyone else who commits the sin of suicide

Why would he be in heaven after what he did?

Pls explain more