I just shaved my legs, cock and ass :3

I just shaved my legs, cock and ass :3

And im 100% straight.

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I do that too, I do it every two months. It makes me feel clean.

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A man who cleans his house, clearly expects visitors.
-Chinese proverb or some shit

>cock and ass
I can understand since I do the same, but why the legs? What benefit do you get by shaving your legs?

So they are not hairy. Duh.

Why did you do it then, you giant poof?

Can I see your legs and ass?

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>cock and ass
Completely fine I work outside and it gets rid of 99% of swamp ass
Nigga you gay as shit fuck out of here you rugmuchin dick suckin twinkboi lookin head ass.

It's the :3 that makes me think you're bullshitting rather than the shaving

I keep everything shaved. Having body and facial hair feels gross.

>have to shave ass, pit and pubic hair because there's a shitton of it and I sweat a lot
>hair and sweat combination actually makes it physically impossible to clean those spots fully while showering

I wish there was a way to keep my hair trimmed forever. Fuck these shit fucking genetics, thank fuck I will never reproduce.

>Shaved your ass
>100% straight

You're not even convincing yourself bro.

>tfw 10 years old
>see woman agave legs in tv ad
>be in bath
>get mom's razor and shave my legs, because that's what they did on tv
>mom finds her razor later
>gets mad at me
>tells me men should never shave their legs ever and I should never do it again
sorry mommy

post thigh high pics

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Can I sit on your face?

>Shave asshole
>Farts are 10 times louder
Anyone else?

i do this too senpai
>t. semi-pro cyclist

I do it weekly. Nothing quite beats that clean feeling. But fuck traps though.

>butt fuck traps though

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>be op
>I have shave genital
>all the way st8

oh boy do I have some fucking news for you....

Gib news pls

Bitches love smooth boys, I had 2 girls lick my tummy and say how they loved that it was so soft to the touch.

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How long do you usually go before having to shave again?

Enjoy the torturous itching that comes next.

I am 100% heterosexual as well. Here is me all shaved up and dressed up like a girl.

you know who else shaves his entire body ?

Attached: Markus Rühl 8.jpg (934x1100, 176K)

Those are rookie numbers. I do that every 3 days.

Cause Chris Froome does which means so should you.

probably because she uses it on her pussy

>ywn be a cute girl that gets oral creampied
looks like it's the straight life for me boys

It doesn't even look like he grows hair

Can you give advice how to? How did you reach your ass hair? Wax or shave?

>I just shaved my legs, cock and ass :3
>And im 100% straight.

And it is from the inception of this sport, that men have surreptitiously masturbated in the onlooking crowds in contests.

>And im 100% straight.
pick one

based waifu