Fat Robots have you ever wanted to lose weight or are you in the process to lose weight? Ive been losing weight for a month and ive lost 28lbs just wanted to see if any other robots care?
Losing Weight
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How do I get gains like Broly?
yup, I'm in the process of it
I'm down about 35lbs so far, only 100 left to go
fuckin nice man. Keep it up.
I'm down approximately 60lbs from my heaviest weight and it has changed my life so much
>have you ever wanted to lose weight or are you in the process to lose weight?
i'd like to lose weight but eating is the only way to cope with stress
skinny fat fag here. I have about 30-40lbs to lose. I just have no self control when it comes to food.
OP here Ive been using fasting to lose weight. I never really got too fat but i was about 60lbs over weight. Im more of a skinny fag but weight loss with fasting is so easy and quick if anyone wants advice i have a science video i watched that made me wanna fast.
>i have a science video i watched that made me wanna fast.
post it
>lose weight
>still incel
>now even less pleasure from life because I can't stuff myself with food
what now?
Here my darling
I guess slowly improve other shit ? it doesnt matter if your an incel! I guess just work on being a strong man who is hard working and earn casharino.
>what now?
acquire social skills
I already work and I already lift
this is dumb. chad has his wife and six concubines to attend to his every need. I need to cook, clean and iron for myself and try not to let this affect my mental state lest I lose it at work and get fired
there is no life for the incel.
because Chad life is much more interesting and he's fun to be around. there's never a dull moment.
Or stop caring about others and do your own thing? You kinda seem retarded if all you care about is getting a girl around you. Caring so much is a sure fire way to not get girls
Dont do it too quickly or you'll develop an eating disorder like me
I mean im losing weight quick and its having no effect on me mentally aside from happiness. However im a medical sociopath so nothing really effects me mentally. Only self benefit brings me happiness
What I mean is after a while itll become and obsession and you'll develop really unhealthy behaviors akin to OCD
>medical sociopath
thats not a good thing
I actually don't, you presumptive zoomer. I would prefer financial freedom
just b-ing myself won't give me money, won't cook for me, won't clean, won't give me back all the lost time that having a partner could have given me.
Oh im all down for it becoming an obsession i have a goal i want to hit and if i hit it ill be happy if i go over the goal after hitting it ill freak. Itll keep me in line
lost weight,don't know if I'm attractive now but also don't care.
maybe I should force myself to care?
But why do you care? Just do the shit yourself like why does that even bother you
Lost 80 pounds on a tobacco diet.
I basically ate 1000-1500 calories of mainly protein, fat, and veggies and when i was hungry i just smoked a cigarette
Well done user! except enjoy your lung cancer
Ive list 23 lbs this month doing CICO calories in calories out. My entire life ive been skinny or really fat. Maybe if i drop back down to like 190lbs ill try to maintain. Right now im 232. I just been hiking a lot and shooting seagulls at the beach. They are made of ketchup. Can you believe it. Free ketchup. I walk probably 12-18 miles a day hiking. Lose weight fast and its full body. Domt fall for diet memes. Legit cico is the best way to maintain your weight.
Keep it up big goy. We are all going to make it. Cico.
it doesnt matter if i'll lose weight. i looked ugly when i was skinny.
Id fuck you user super originally
too bad you're probably homosexual and i'm 6'4 280 lbs
Im super gay and have a fetish for tall chubbys. Hell as long as you have some money to keep me fuelled with food every 3 days ill be happy with anyone!! All i do is body weight train as much as possible everyday ! i wanna be goku as a super saiyan god! Super lean but short
you need to smile more,work out your neck,reposition your jaw, get a tan.
>work out your neck
what? are there exercises for neck?
well, i happen to be chinlet.
because it's not fun?
>dude just spend your time doing chores and working to come home temporarily to a shitty apartment every day because you will only ever have one income not two just b yourself and enjoy it
why do I have to hear this shit from a zoomlet with no experience in the real incel world?
I'm just lamenting the fact that the guys with the nice houses and lifestyles are in fact marred or attached to women, because in general success is something much easier to achieve when you're propped up. not just emotionally, but with the actual tangible support multiple people bring. this society is built for normies. you are fighting a losing battle trying to survive alone. but that's pretty much my only choice
yeah just lie down put a weight on your forehead/back of the head and raise your head.
do both.
for the jaw you need to rest your tongue under your front teeth and let you jaw fall to the front.
>for the jaw you need to rest your tongue under your front teeth and let you jaw fall to the front.
is this mewing? if so then i'm not 16 that it would work.
Switched over to homosexuality (vaping) and nicotine tablets. Rather be addicted to nicotine then be a fatass again