post screenshots of you getting turned down/rejected.
Fresh out the oven lads :)
i want to die
post screenshots of you getting turned down/rejected.
Fresh out the oven lads :)
i want to die
take my advice. Only text women for logistics. Nothing dries up pussy like paragraphs or meaningless conversation.
Furthermore "I'm bored lol" implies that you have nothing better to do than talk to her. Women don't think that's too cute.
Another one.
I don't even know why I save these, just more suicide fuel.
And another one.
Honestly why do I continue trying.
That's not even a rejection. She just said she's busy right now and later that day.
You faggots should just outright ask her out on a date. Then if she says she's busy or has a boyfriend or some other shit THEN it's a rejection.
Context? Give details about this date. Did you were going to eat and she just didn't order? What's her problem?
>Nope! It's like my 13th?
why would you get ice cream???
Finally cracked and settled for a prostitute. Ended up getting ghosted and she never even responded.
I'll post one more.
This one needs some context. She begged some guy to come home with her and ignored me after I bought her the concert ticket. She ignored me just for some dick.
>female friends
What a joke.
We went to the mall. I was hungry and felt like eating ice cream. I offered to buy her some but she refused. I offered to share and she refused. Whole date was fucking shit.
>going to the mall on a date
Why would you ever do this?
Because I like it? Idk dude I just wanted some.
Fuck I can go for some ice cream right about now. :/
Not a rejection.
Not worth your time. Look at this loser, she can't even be direct. She's weak. But YOU want to commit suicide? That's nonsense
She was the one who insisted on the mall. She was 18 and I'm 20 for some context.
She sounds like shit and her messages were also rude. Ignore this bitch
>not a rejection
I'm sorry but you have autism. Imagine if OP was a giga chad or some shit, SHE would make the time for him and at least give him another time.
>giving a woman a gift
what the fuck did you expect, did you really think she'd have any interest in an orbiter nice guy like you?
>she insisted
why are you letting women make plans?
You need to get a fake ID.
First date should always be drinks/some activity where you can drink like top golf etc. A few drinks and you'll be more confident and she'll feel more comfortable. I usually get to a date about 15 minutes early and have a drink before she gets there. Then I just let her talk and have fun.
Dinner is too expensive and you're stuck there. If the vibe is off you can't leave at any time because you've already ordered food. And the date ends when the meal ends unless you get drinks/take her home.
Walking around the mall is ridiculous, and unless you're in high school you shouldn't do that.
Yea dude, I agree with you 100%
Is it because I'm ugly? I want to go to Thailand but I feel like not even they would want me.
Never put myself in a situation where I would get rejected.
I remember this one. She's a bitch dude, no skin off your back
You're average looking honestly. Probably a lot better than most of the other people here.
I wanted to actually be her friend though. I didn't think she would be mean to me and straight up ignore me just because she wanted to have sex with a dude. Like fuck off.
you'd ignore her to have sex with a hot girl, why the double standard orbiter cuck?
I honestly wouldn't. It's called being a friend.
She seems autistic.
shit dude, i just want you to get some ice cream. i would fucking feed you ice cream! there's nothing wrong with you, just be yourself literally no irony. i fucking love ice cream too! that bitch is judgy af.
You're not ugly, very average. Maybe a bit weird looking. The hat and glasses don't make it better. Idk why but glasses make almost everyone ugly imo
yeah i bet br0. I've blown of my friends to get pussy and they've done the same thing. No wonder she doesn't want to talk to you, you're a clingy weirdo.
Your pictures are pretty good bc you are not alone and with a lot of different people. I would change your description though. Delete everything after they I likes concerts part and write something else
No, you're a shitty friend, if you're not just larping which you probably are
Hey, thanks user. I'm gonna go get tacos alone since my date flaked on me.
being forward did not work
You're not ugly your pictures just suck. You're wearing a hat in every single one - that's a nono. Also get contacts.
you're also holding up weird posters in a good amount of them. Dont you have like vacation pictures or pictures of you doing an activity?
>he actually got ice cream unironically
You fucking weirdo, no wonder you're a virgin who can't get a gf haha. I can't even believe this. Fucking ICE CREAM???
You're just ugly, chad gets this to work every time
I've seen you post before user
the same theme is virtually presented throughout all photos - all but one photo is with you wearing black.
I wouldn't say your problem is wearing too much black, but it is noticeable.
now that I took a closer look it appears you're wearing a hat in all of them, too
because being friends with someone means never doing something without them. No wonder everyone rejects you.
I'm a NEET that does nothing but go to concerts alone. What do you expect from me user.
yeah of course, but usually they just don't reply. so when she did, i thought maybe i had a chance
This is all good advice IMO
>being forward
Come on user.
Also don't say ahahahah. You're not a 13 year old girl.. be a man
I'm not even OP retard. There's a different between ignoring and doing something without someone.
im a different person
That's why you aren't getting laid. You don't do anything. Girls don't like that. Get some hobbies.
Lol last time I tried texting a girl she told me about how much she likes black guys
Oh god my sides are originally leaving orbit
So women even give a shit about this shit?
They give a shit about your FACE, they couldn't care less if you beat dogs or babies.
Clearly you want to be her girlfriend texting her like that. You gonna get cucked famalam
i generally only start with hey if they're so out of my league it has to be accidental swipe
He does more shit than me.
t. actual neet that only plays vidya
That's not true. Women like well rounded people. This is why you're a virgin.
I'm sorry if it this comes off as rude but I wouldn't date you. You look off especially in the first picture. I think it's the lighting. On other pictures you just look like a straight dweeb. I suggest taking pictures with natural lighting. I can barely see your face in some of them.
Don't do that. You need a line. Girls have tons guys in their DMs saying "hey". You need to stand out.
Also avoid complimenting women. They hear it all the time.
Most women or men don't do more than him. I doubt any of those women have more hobbies than watching TV or hear music
Wait are you cross eyed? What is this shit in the first picture?
too formal, she probably thought you are a cop
When I tried getting my ex bf back
Nobody wants to date me, so I get it.
I can't even enjoy music anymore, life fucking sucks after facing 15+ rejections in this year alone.
rules are different for men and women
yup, learned that the hard way
>getting rejected
Shiggy do bop
He mentioned both men and women tho
Part 2 gsshj
Kys you dumb roast thot
don't give up user. you're seriously not bad looking - maybe even above average. try meeting girls irl. there's too much competition online
I feel awful about this. I was a 16 yo roastie
you guys see how he keeps his responses brief? and doesn't give any indication that he's excited/or needs this to happen?
Nothing dries up pussy like a paragraph. Give a women 2/3s of what she gives you.
Fucking hell this shit is painful. Im going to start a summer camp for robots. Teach you how to do shit like text like a man and chop fire wood.
Seriously you fucks text girlier than the girls your after. They can smell the desperation coming from you.
There is even more sjjgg
i don't buy into the idea that most men don't have any interests. furthermore you're on an app where women have an abundance of men to choose from. You cant afford to be middle of the pack.
If a woman is choosing between two otherwise identical males who is she going to choose?
Person 1: no hobbies
Person 2: jiu jitsu, rock climbing, piano
See what I mean?
It doesn't matter what you do. It's all about how you look
Man this really hurt at the time
eating the b8
also trips
I know. It's the craziest shit.
"you're so cuuuuute :)"
what do they think is going to happen?
not everyone has that personality my dude
Idk what to even do. I lost 40lbs and still look like shit. I try and be interesting but it just comes off as trying too hard. I try my best and I fail and I fail and I fail.
I'm a fucking failure. I just want a little bit of love to take the pain away. I didn't ask to be born.
Why did he leave you original?
Oh god I am so crazy ffcggicm
You can be ugly and still pull women. You just cant be ugly and a pathetic little beta male.
b8 or not, point still stands.
>You can be ugly and still pull women
Oh fuck off and kill yourself.
don't make dating and relationships the main thing in your life. pick up a hobby or just start doing activities in general. if you keep focusing on getting a gf you'll inevitably come off as trying too hard
why do people think you need to be some hypermasculine dickhead to attract women? i am probably the furthest thing from that and i still fucc
honestly i text and type like a goddamn teenage girl
Girls already have pussies. They dont want a second one. They dont want to bw called cute. They want to be told they look hot as fuck.
>just cope bro
I love ice cream too. Would you really want to be with a girl who thinks it's weird to want to eat ice cream? What kind of bitch gets hung up and autistic about the social conventions surrounding ice cream
I live next to redneck central and they are all ugly as sin but they know that they are men and men attract women. Not boys. No woman wants a boy.
>They dont want to bw called cute. They want to be told they look hot as fuck.
lmao my experience has showed me the exact opposite
everyone talking about being masculine is 100% a virgin beta whose knowledge of women comes exclusively from r9k
This isn't exactly rejected user, unless she actually wasn't going to hang out with her friends. I'd say you can give it another go sometime, when you think she's free.
And on the "faking it" - unless you know for sure that she's just brushing you off, know that it's your insecurities speaking to you.
>gay people LARPing like they know what love is
Do you drink a lot of soilent?
This is pretty solid dude,nice
That's a half truth user. If you are a giga chad she would surely make time for you, but if she doesn't it doesn't mean it's a full on rejection. It's not black or white user, it's more like a spectrum.
I actually am a normie and I lurk here because its hilarious. Fuck, some of you might even call me a chad. Or are all normies now chads?
Ah yes, because it's not about personality and instead it's about the physical attributes given to people who drink an effeminate drink.
dude why the fuck are you on this board?