30+ Thread

30+ Thread - Nothing's really interesting anymore.

Femanons, are any of you cat ladies? It feels like there's no more since, I don't know, 2008?

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Did everyone off themselves?

they all went to /biz

But at least we can UwU and OwO when we're :30+. ^_^

Is cryptocurrency still profitable? I thought best moment has passed.

>Femanons, are any of you cat ladies? It feels like there's no more since, I don't know, 2008?
Gee, I wonder what changed in 2008...

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I used to have one cat, but he passed away five years ago. I'll most likely get another at some point. I'll have to go to a shelter and ask employees who the sweetest and most gentle cat there is or choose a specific breed meant to be floppy and relaxed like he was.

Sure, it feels like there's been a silent cull of ugly women. Maybe it's cos I live(d) in gentrifying part of London.

How attached were you the cat?

The one thing I didn't account when getting older is that people get harder and harder to relate to. It feels like I might as well be living the moon anymore.

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Extremely attached. He was my best friend when I was dealing with a lot. He'd bop my forehead with his, come to me when I was crying, let me hold him in my arms on his back like a baby, sleep with me, follow me when we went on walks without needing a leash and was almost dog-like. He was a super cat.

Other people or the new generation?

Sorry for your loss. I don't think I'm going to get a cat then.

It was the start of the end. The tool that paved the way for women getting unlimited access to dial-a-Chad.

Really anyone and every. The gap gets bigger between you and your peers. I suppose as you age the gap between you and those older than you gets smaller proportionately, but it wont ever be the same as you were to your peers when you were young.

>I don't think I'm going to get a cat then.
What? Why not? It's wonderful to have a companion. Even when they pass, you still hold onto the wonderful memories and love. Or you could get a cat that isn't quite so lovey-dovey.

>The tool that paved the way for women getting unlimited access to dial-a-Chad.
Are you sure you're 30+? I don't doubt that app dating has tipped the scales a little but this is a zoomer-esque post.

That's seems accurate. Although I suppose if you're a single user with no other significant other at 30+ when most of your peers are married and having kids, that gap is bigger than it should be.

>Even when they pass, you still hold onto the wonderful memories and love.
I don't want to be a grown man with his only significant connection to be with a cat. Plus them dying on me would probably deal me a greater blow than I realise.

Who going to get drunk and cry themselves to sleep tonight?

Any good new tv shows or movies you can recommend? I'm so bored every weekend even though i sleep like 10 hours a day.

Thanks for asking how I'm doing.
To be honest though, I'm not doing too great.
I'm on a 5+ day streak of NoFap, I believe. I honestly can't remember when I started. So far my frustration levels have reached greater proportions than usual.
I'm in the process of thoroughly cleaning my apartment. Too bad it's even more exhausting to do so right now because my body and bones ache from when I was overdoing my fitness routine a few days ago. Won't give up though.
In my minds eye it becomes easier at the moment to see my actual self with a girl or in male+female related fantasies altogether. (usually I fantasize about night long fuck sessions with my favourite natural milfy pictures of women I have saved on my pc and my imaginary 12 inch cock that cums buckets all night long. Also I'm pretty handsome and ripped in those fantasies)

Been smoking hash for the past few days straight. Need to ease up on that...

How are you doing? (Yes, you!)

Do we have a 30+ discord server?

>Sure, it feels like there's been a silent cull of ugly women.
Interesting! Please elaborate on that.
How and what do you notice and why do you think it's happening.
(genuinely interested in your story)
[others that share this sentiment please chime in also]

No, we're old and don't know how to use it

I don't see anything wrong with an animal being the most significant connection in your life, but that's pretty much how I live. It feels better to have a companion to keep me company than being completely alone. Sometimes a cat just crawling into your arms between the keyboard or a dog simply leaning against you on the couch can be so comforting and brighten your day immensely.

The second part is definitely understandable and it doesn't get easier every time it happens. I'm so used to always having an animal or animals in my life where I can't see myself ever living without one. I mainly haven't searched for a cat because I take care of my mother's dog instead.
Did you grow up having any pets?

>he isn't in on link

Sorry for your loss.

(please let me post)

Cleaning my room. Mumsy is out buying a new car, she says I can have her current vehicle once she gets a new one.


......and its not original yet

Can't even get 25+ discords with underage faggots shoving themselves in. I doubt a 30+ exists.

Just a feeling I've had for a while, but honestly I put down to having lived in a gentrifying area. Like in the 90s through the 00s there were girls of varying levels of looks in the area and as the years went by I noticed the not-so-great looking one starting to disappear until the area was completely gentrified and most if not all of the women were good looking or at least had style.

What if I just banned people who couldn't prove their age?

>Did you grow up having any pets?
No, lived in a high-rise flat. Couldn't really keep any pets.

>I don't see anything wrong with an animal being the most significant connection in your life
To me at least, it would signify that I failed to connect with people and that I had to resort to an animal for companionship.

>What if I just banned people who couldn't prove their age?
Prove how? Nobody's really gonna want to upload their passport.

I think this is the point when nothing really matters anymore. You should have your life figured out before you're 25; after that, there is always time for improvement, but you should have something.

At this age there isn't much to do. Nothing can change.

Maybe tomorrow. I have a rehearsal tomorrow morning (shitty home town orchestra) so I will spend most of my time practicing.

>Any good new tv shows or movies you can recommend?
Not very new, but I liked Oh Boy (also known as A Coffee in Berlin). Tomorrow I think I will watch persona, while I eat pizza or cake (trying to be on a diet, but I feel sad so fuck it)

How many of you have your parents and grandparents left?

Dad is in hospital with cerebral haemorrhage right now, I'm not feeling too well.

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Only my mother is alive.

It's undeniable, my cognitive abilities have been getting worse and worse, which is even apparent when playing multiplayer games.

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>grandparents left?

And only me and 1 other friend still have both parents and none of my friends have bouth their grandparents

>interviewed at 2 places in the beginning of the week
>finally maybe ill escape my current hell
>got rejections from both of them today

heh nothin personal kid but society wants you dead

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Also tried to improve through caffeine and other stimulants, they do nothing.

What a cute age to be alive. :3

My mother is the only one left. She's been disabled since I was 16 years old and I'm terrified thinking about her passing because I've never been completely alone and have had someone to take care of. I don't want to think about it too much because it makes me feel like I'm going to vomit. I imagine I'll go nuts being in my house alone.

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>Nothing's really interesting anymore.
The only things that really give me pleasure these days are drinking and gambling. I made $1,400 gambling yesterday but I don't even know what to do with it.

Grand parents are gone. Already lost more than half of my aunts and uncles.

>I have a rehearsal tomorrow morning (shitty home town orchestra) so I will spend most of my time practicing.
Sounds interesting. What the people you play with like?



Bona-fide 31 khhv.

If you're on Jow Forums I'm guessing my fellow /oldlads/ haven't had too smooth of a ride of it? Perhaps some trauma and some mental illnesses along the way?

They're great. Unfortunately I have issues to interact with people in general.

>Feel tremendous confidence on my own
>Become tremendous beta when with others
>36 years of this hell

When does it end?

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You must be fearless, user
Also people watching helps

>Perhaps some trauma and some mental illnesses along the way?
We probably have undiagnosed mental illnesses.

>They're great.
Sounds nice.

>not becoming an ara-ara milf
Fail at failing desu

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Nice me.me

Mother is alive. Funny enough if I wasn't a useless NEET, chances are she would not be anymore. (stroke, with thankfully very little lasting impact)

>Nice me.me
I bet you AT LEAST half the anons in the thread can be diagnosed with some sort of legitimate mental illness.

>Prove how? Nobody's really gonna want to upload their passport.
I actually did that once. Cropped to hell, naturally.

By 30 though, you ought to have chased it up and seen where the land lies lad.

Pic not related. Just some true beauty instead of mere "big boobs" pictures for you fck rednecks

32 years old. Came back to live with my parents 2 years ago. I can't even be alone with my misery...

Just sitting here and wondering how did I manage to fuck it up all. Being a fuckup i can't even think or write anything usefull what I'm trying to do here now? Why did i market myself this way ? What the fuck is going on with this world. Do I want pity ? Is that what i seek here? What I will do with this compasion ?

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Inside llewyn davis.

Those rare moments where you can relate to main character.

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I don't want to be officially diagnosed as mentally ill.

I guess I could black bar my (provisional) driver's license.

>wondering how did I manage to fuck it up all.
Me personally, I should have went full autist and not give a fuck what anyone thought about my nerd/geeky hobbies and gone to cons/meets when they were still for losers.

Well yeah obviuosly. I been to therapy though and it didnt went anywhere. They didn't say what i was diagnosed with. I'm just a poor unemployed faggot with no motivation - what type of mental illness is that ?

>I'd rather remain in denial than receive any help to alleviate the overwhelming problems that dominate my life

Man, I'm sure being noted as mentally ill detracts from job offers or career progression.

Therapy is never about helping YOU. It is about band-aiding until you can function for society.

To be fair, being able to function for society is a big part of why YOU needed helping

chris jericho is my spirit animal

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Society can go fuck itself with some spiky object.
Being another wheel is not what will make me more happy or content.

I'm sorry to hear that user. I lost my mom earlier this year and it fucks me up.

I'm gonna get high and laugh myself to sleep.

It depends. It's a dicey proposition, no doubt about it. You need to be very choosy as to exactly who you tell what.

Being functional is a good thing though.

>Being another wheel is not what will make me more happy or content.
It'll make you feel less shitty
>Society can go fuck itself with some spiky object.
>he says while using power, plumbing, and computer, all fruits born of efforts by societies

>It'll make you feel less shitty
Simply not true. Acceptance of peers and such never made me feel a whit better.
Also I'll use whatever I can lay hands on. If it wasn't there, I would do something else.

>Simply not true. Acceptance of peers and such never made me feel a whit better.
I was thinking more money to spend on shit to surround yourself with and do, but the acceptance of peers is an even better idea. I'm glad you know what you need to seek out user

>You need to be very choosy as to exactly who you tell what.
I guess.

Read Notes From Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Bumping 248

Any of you guys or girls up at this hour in GMT/CET-land?

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what is a good website to use to make contacts/friends throughout the united States

I grew up in the Northeast and would like to have friends throughout the Midwest and the south

Any fellow boomers want to chat? Post your discord tag. I cant post mine because the filter on this board doesnt allow the characters in my tag.

Yeah even if I should not be.

meetup.com seems pretty international

I'd prefer to use Jow Forums itself as the screening tool. If we don't have anything in common, it's not even worth adding each other.

What country?

Think outside the box and post a screenshot then.
Not interested myself, just sayan

These threads feel increasingly miserable. That's my only concern in adding people from them.

Tell the under-30s to gtfo then
Most 30+s in these threads are just jaded and not outright spiteful
Even the wizards tend to be just jaded and indifferent and without the harshness of concentrated self destructive hatred

I can speak to this as a jaded but decent sort myself

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>Most 30+s in these threads are just jaded and not outright spiteful

Man, I know this feeling all too well. I'm just worn out with the cares of everyday life now. I don't have time to be spiteful and butthurt. I don't want to second guess people who have been genuinely hurt though.

Yeah, outside internet weirdos like myself I have no peers. There is no such thing as an in real life peer.

In fact I would say I actually feel like I can relate to younger generation people more than my peers, because of I still kind of get youth culture more than adult culture. But young people look at me like an old man so it's not like I would ever talk to them. They would probably think I want to fuck them or something. Would be nice to have irl friends but really I know I would get annoyed or bored with them and I'd rather just have drugs. Think most of the reason I ever had friends when I was young in the first place was just as a way to get drugs.

Do you guys ever feel like it is impossible to relate to even IRL girls? There are girls I've dated for over a year who I've not been able to relate to at all. I hate that the only girls I seem to relate to are on this shithole, since they're a reflection of all of my shitty personality traits and psychological problems too.

Fuck yeah finally some 30+ bros
I think just being able to not have a deathgrip on that spite and vitriol makes it a little easier for us to get our lives rolling at least, if that's what we want to do.
>no gf
I'll try to get one but I can just jerk off too no big deal
>life is a pointless grind
I'll start collecting stamps. That might be kinda cool
>18 - 25s khhv attributing most of what dislike about themselves to things they cannot control
Been there done that you guys will grow out of it in due time
etc etc
Or at least that's been my personal experience

Dude sorry to break it to you but you don't relate to any girls at all. The girls on this shithole you relate to are just guys like you pretending to be girls. The only girls I really relate to are ones I would never ever want to fuck. Mid-level drug addicts and alcoholics who are "functioning" and can "keep it together" with minor psychological issues etc.

I know it sounds like your typical trite observation from a norman, but I feel like it somehow worse to have loved someone, lost them forever, realized you'll never get anything remotely comparable back than to never have experienced that at all.

I can't even begin to describe to you how miserable relationships that begin in their late 20s/early 30s mostly are user. They have no passion, no real love, nothing. Women are themselves more jaded, they're more guarded, they're more suspicious, they're more bitter and so on. Nobody really trusts each other, neither party is there because they truly want the other above everyone else. Except in a few very rare circumstances.

I hope I'm not downplaying your own issues by saying what I am. I'm just in a very somber mood as of late.

That reminds me. I actually met a channer IRL without knowing they were a channer. Slowly his power level leaked. He never admitted to coming to this shithole, but I just knew. He was the last "friend" I had. I lost contact with him a while ago.

It does get better, but it never goes totally away. More like it tires out.

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The most intensely I've loved someone was in highschool. Unrequited, naturally. I've made peace with that level of love and I don't find that fact of life bothers me anymore
Nah no issues downplayed you're just expressing your thoughts too

>More like it tires out.
Yeah sounds about right
>met a channer
how did his power level leak?

Imagine the level of screeching over small, perceived differences between one another if we were early 20something robots kek

>I can't even begin to describe to you how miserable relationships that begin in their late 20s/early 30s mostly are user. They have no passion, no real love, nothing. Women are themselves more jaded, they're more guarded, they're more suspicious, they're more bitter and so on. Nobody really trusts each other, neither party is there because they truly want the other above everyone else. Except in a few very rare circumstances.
Can confirm. The sex is also shit. Even the sluts "dont want to be that girl anymore". Unironically FUCK women in their 30s. They are trash tier.

Women are supposed to be hornier in their 30s
So find someone who wasn't a party slut, who doesn't tan much, who takes care of her body. Then she'll still like relatively nubile into her 30s

If you're 30+ and looking for a girlfriend you really shouldn't be looking at 25+ girls. I know it sounds like a sleeze move and shit but really who gives a shit the point of a gf is to be happy in the first place. 30+ guys should focus on making themselves appear appealing to 18-23 year old girls. Really get into whatever youth culture is popular in the area, get fit as you can, wear the youthful fashion, put together an instagram showing off your lifestyle, get a cool car or motorcycle, an apartment or house of your own that has modern furnishings, keep it clean. Really go in on it. Doesn't even matter if you have a shitty job as long as you can do that stuff.

The 18-23 year old girl will still have that youthful passion and be less jaded/more likely to actually love you even if she is just being tricked by your stuff. And you will give more of a shit because of how she makes you feel youthful. Even ending up as some 'sugar daddy' type relationship, so long as you aren't giving away so much cash to fuck yourself over is better than settling with some nearing 30 roasty who is full of resentment because she is only with you because you're the best option available.

Only problem is it will take work and dedication to get that facade ready to lure in the younger woman and it's so much easier to just wallow in your own filth and get wasted in your spare time.

like = look
original typos

nobody warned me when I started working that I'd be so tired that masturbation would become exclusively a weekend activity

If you act your age, you're automatically appealing to 18 - 23 year old girls
If you try to relate to them on their level, then you just look like your'e chasing after youth, desperately. 18 - 23 year olds are literally a couple steps out of highschool. They're going to end up more mature. There's no point in trying to act younger only to end up back where you started, on top of what the issue I just mentioned

tl;dr just act like a regular 30 year old and 18 - 23 year old girls will automatically be attracted to you

I've met a few channers in real life, most of the experiences were good. There were a few bad (romantically related) ones. A couple of the guys I'm still good friends with and have been for coming up to ten years now.

Thanks dude. A lot of people our age would politely sneer at the notion young love is more meaningful and pure, but I genuinely believe it is. One of the pieces of advice I always have for the younger people on here is to lock down marriage at 20-25, because as much self-doubt as you may have, past that point nothing will compare with the intensity of those feelings you had in your youth. Really, past a certain age all marriage feels like a matter of pragmatism.

Ugh, yeah. This too. Like I said, they've all been shell shocked by bad experienced with men to the point their defenses are up, including sexually. Or they associate their more lascivious years with something they'd rather forget.

You're absolutely right. But it's easier said than done. It has been mentioned before in these threads but unless you are unusually attractive for your age then you're going to find it difficult to crack that nut. Not as many early 20s girls have daddy issues as you might think.

At least to me it seems like 30 really is a watershed moment in that regard. After that point, it becomes exponentially more difficult to date girls in their 20s.

>how did his power level leak?
Let me put it this way, he was taking notes via LaTeX on his toaster thinkpad during lecture (he had to plug it in or the battery would die instantly), and he would watch completely untranslated anime before. There was more, but I don't want to get recognized on Jow Forums of all places.

>Women are supposed to be hornier in their 30s
Nah that's some bullshit, they say the same about women in their 40s.
This is some housewife myth, they invented. Truth is women in their 30s/40s believe they are hornier than men because their husbands no longer want to fuck them because they are old and boring and overweight and wrinkled and put in literally no effort expecting men to just be horning for them automatically the same way men were horny for them when they were 20 years old and would spend 2 and half hours getting ready with their makeup and tight dresses and high heels.

Truth is the husbands still want the 20 year old and would rather jerk off than fuck the woman they have been married to for 10+ years because for her makeup or lingerie or having an appealing personality is too much effort to get his dick hard and "what?!? I'm not good enough for you!?!?" No bitch, you are not.