Mind if I work in brah?

Mind if I work in brah?

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That’s why I go at 4am, only a couple other serious people there and I’m tired by the evening so I max out my sleep gains.

This is why i train at home. Fucking gyms got way too crowded the last 5 years.

One day i walked in and just stood there looking at how crowded it was and ended my gym membership and went home. If you need to fucking wait half an hour before you can use a fucking bench or cage, it's fucking up your gains.

hahaha yeah


This. Almost everyone in OP pic is brown too

>Fucking gyms got way too crowded the last 5 years.
looks like we are slowly transitioning from hard times to strong men of the historic cycle

This is why I live in s small town. Seriously city living is retarded

Gyms are getting busier. I usually workout 9.30pm and recently I still have to wait for a rack around 10pm


I've honestly never been to a commercial gym. Is it actually like this in the evenings? Even before I had a home gym, I went to the small uni gym at my gradschool in the morning and it was never crowded.

I wish. It's more to do with unbridled hypergamy exacerbated by social media causing the dating game to be a total rat race where everyone is looking for every little thing to get the edge. No different than how academic inflation is occuring and now a bachelor's degree is worth as much as a highschool diploma from a generation ago.

Looks exactly like my old college gym on a weekday. USF Tampa OP?

I'm /homegym/ but sometimes I get the desire to get a day pass for a public gym just so I can go in and mog DYELs in the freeweights area. Like going at peak hours just to show off.

Depends on the gym. Equinox is never full

No amount of muscle makes you a fucking “strong man”. Do you think the soldiers of WWII hung out in gyms flexing and taking selfies? No it’s a fucking mindset brought about by suffering and overcoming hardship. If you misunderstand it that seriously then we must be deep in the weak times.


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this except i actually do it

This. We are on a verge of bad times and only thing saving you will be ur mentality

It's only ever like this at peak hours, and only at big gyms. 6-7 am and especially 6-7pm are popular times for normies with 9-5 shifts.

Seems like a fucking nightmare. I remember one time I wasn't able to go at my usual early morning time at uni, and I instead went around 3-4ish after classes. Jesus fucking christ it was crowded (still not as bad as in that pic). Felt awkward as fuck needing to work in with like 4 other people for a squat rack.

Same here, I go to a small gym. After 11 pm there are is usually only one other person there, sometimes completely empty.

>Don't need to re rack weights until I am completely done with my workout
>Can blast my own music through the speakers
>Can grunt and yell without feeling self conscious
>No stupid niggers trying to talk to me or ask me questions

Yeah, 3-4pm is popular at specifically university gyms because that's normally when the last classes of the day are ending, so everyone's wanting to hit up the gym before going back to their dorms.

Thankfully my uni gym has like 10 squat racks so I rarely have to worry about needing to work in with other people but it can get pretty crowded if I go at a bad time

>gym was unusually crowded yesterday
>whatever, forearms aren't going to grow if I don't train em consistently
>farmers walking around people like I have to get to a bathroom or I'll erupt
>can't take it anymore and drop down
>there is a petite ass right in front of my face
>use that pure testosterone to fuel me take em back to the rack
>look at her as I leave and she gives me a slight suspicions look

I don't do it on purpose damn it.

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Jesus this is depressing

more like 5 - 9 at my school during the weekdays except fridays

Well it's also about increased INFORMATION. If you're in a bar and have to pick out people as they come by, if you're one of the most attractive people in that limited space you would have had good odds. This meant you'd have significant disparities in partner attractiveness.

Now, with increased information and lowered transaction costs I can ID dozens of extremely attractive people, notably MORE attractive than you. This means it's important not just that I typically look better than most people around me, I've got to be tippy top to pull a tippy top partner

Looks like a college gym. Everyone thinks they're gonna get jacked this semester, but they'll all be gone by the first midterm. On the plus side, I've had two people ask me for lifting advice this past week which was pretty good for my ego.

Mine has two gyms, but the one only has two squat racks, and the other only three. I usually go as soon as it opens because it's fucking packed later in the day.

Of course the athletes have their own private gym that has loads of high end equipment (including some stuff that isn't in the normal gyms), tons of squat racks, and to top it all off it's behind a massive pane glass window wall so you can see all of the great equipment you'll never get to use. Also all of my uni's sports teams suck, don't think even one of them is D1.


>that feel when the times aren't hard enough to make u a hard man

The kettle isn't completely boiling yet

That's what I meant by "exacerbated by social media". Because now you're not just competing with the relatively small pool of people at a given classroom or bar or other watering hole. You're competing with every man with an internet connection in the entire world.

And this leads to shit like the overabundance of muscle dysmorphia. Whereas a guy used to possibly be the biggest and strongest guy after a couple years lifting, now he can lift for years and reach the 'natty limit' and still feel small because he's comparing himself to the genetic freaks and people on tons of gear on instagram.

>tfw apartment gym only has wholesome old people

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>american gyms

Absolutely disgusting. Would be so uncomfortable to be in that crowded gym.

T; finn

What are yuro gyms like? I like to imagine they're all like olympic weightlifting gyms. Big concrete halls with lines and lines of platforms, stands, and cages. Over here it's all uni gyms and shitty colorful commercial gyms that all have the planetfitness-style "no judgements!" marketing bullshit that cater 90% to cardio and dyel bullshit. And then if you want an actual serious gym you're going to pay out the ass for it.

Only reason more people aren't homegym master race is because no one can fucking afford a house.


That is why I go very early, 6:30, but even when I dont, it is always the same people there. The old woman who smell like cigars, that blond woman who never increases the weigths, that guy who fucked his shoulder, that small girl with thunder tights, that couple... I don't even care anymore.

I go at 7AM at the hospital gym. It's mostly a handful of janitors down there at that time. Pretty empty. Afternoons and evenings and the entire place is packed to the brim with students in the med/nursing schools

My uni has a private gym for the athletes too and I envy the shit out of them because they have a metric SHITLOAD of power cages and deadlift platforms there (the normal gym doesnt even have deadlift platforms). There's enough to allow for everyone on a team to have their own dedicated cage+platform, with extras because why the fuck not. The dumbbells also go to a heavier weight than you'll find at the normal gym available to students, and the equipment is also of much higher quality.

My uni has decent equipment. It is obviously handed down from the sports team though. we have 4 racks with platforms, a heavy bag, and dumbells that goes up to 150 in the freeweight section. and a shit ton of accessory machines in the machine/cardio section

>Monday at 5:30

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>they're all waiting for the bench

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the same man, sometimes I even go at 6am and there is no one but a few kickboxers training for matches

Well we have those in here and also your regular average joe gyms. My unigym is like you described.

But our gyms aren't as crowded as yours like in op's picture.

i love crowded gyms. makes it more lively and motivating especially if there are girls

Been doing exactly the same thing. Best gym expirience

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It depends. I can outlift the vast majority of the people going to standard commercial gyms, so it's nice to show off, but I honestly just want to go in, be left alone, do my fucking workout, and leave. Not waiting around for open equipment or forced to work in with DYELs. Not resting between sets of a volume day 5x5 while people give me a hard time for hogging.

UK gyms are a mixed bag.

Shitty chain gyms. They're not at Planet Fitness levels but often theyll be just rows and rows of cardio machines and a few fixed resistance machines. Often no free weights at all, or just dumbbells.

College/uni gyms are often a bit better as they usually have a couple of racks and benches. Busy at peak times. Normally full of dyels but I've never had any run one with real dickheads at uni gyms.

Leisure centre gyms. Often every bit as shitty, also normally small.

If you're lucky you can find the occasional old school bb/pl gym which is usually an industrial unit full of rusting equipment. Brilliant atmosphere and most of the guys and terrifying dykes who lift there are cool.

Then you have my current situation: home gym master race.

This was my uni gym, 50 men trying to clamber onto 6 benches.
Little did they know there was an oly section next door with the same equipment.
Thank fuck I'm in a 20/7 gym now.

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Planet fitness isn't even that bad, you just can't DL or bench press but buy a bar and a bench for home with a few plates and you're set. $10/mo for a bunch of machines that I would never buy plus ellipticals for cardio is pretty based.

That's why building a home gym was the best decision I've ever made.

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