>I'm a smol boy in every regard. I'm 5"4 and 100 lbs so I'm tiny like a girl (I look like one too) and I have a 3" dick.
>Women have rejected me my entire life whenever I tried to approach them so I've simply given up.
>I've accepted that my place is with bigger men who can protect me from being bullied which I actually had happen to me in school.
>I wear panties everyday under my normal clothes and girls clothes at home to please my bf who I surrender my boyhole to for protection and love.
>tfw being treated like a girl makes me so happy since I never got treated like this when I was trying to be manly
I'm a smol boy in every regard. I'm 5"4 and 100 lbs so I'm tiny like a girl (I look like one too) and I have a 3" dick
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Shibuki Ran is the best idol so I'm bumping your thread. Also good on you.
Thanks for the bump user! You very kind origjnari
Post tummy. Or bum if you're feeling confident.
this is yet another proof that when it comes to love boys > girls
>already has a bf
What are you trying to accomplish here if you aren't looking for a bf?
My bf is ok with letting me post here. It says that if it makes me feel more confident about my body then I should do it
Gonna need more. Any thigh highs?
Where do you find your bf??? I wish I could get a bf like that.
My bf and i met at uni during a dumb group project
No thigh high pics as of right now desu. I could take one but my parents are home
Fuck. How am I supposed to get s bf who will care for me like that without having friends in the first place. Fml
there's truth to this. if you have a feminine body, dress for it. i'm 5'6 and small and dress androgynously... bi and gay girls (of which there are sooooo many) tend to be really attracted to me. be yourself, user
If you're cute user then guys would unironically approach you if you go to any type of event where you're with people for an extended period of time
I do dress androgynously when outside but its just that my bf makes me feel safe in a way that I don't think a girl could ever make me feel
>tfw no qt trap to protect and fuck whenever i want
Fuckin hate this bros. I am capable of fucking girls, but lately i want to fuck a femboi like op.
How do i do this?
Just see a cute femboi, befriend him and say nice things to him. Usually we are lonely and unless he's a massive flamer, he won't be thotting around cuz he's too shy.
I would unironically buy your used panties if you're willing to sell.
I am just like you OP. A total sissy who is too weak to be anything but one.
What i'm 6ft tall and weight 150lb but also want to be a trap?
Accept loneliness
t. 6'4" 150 khv
If they aren't massive flamers I always think that they must be straight. Then I feel guilty about being attracted to them. Like he's just some poor lonely kid and there I am eye-fucking him. It feels predatory. I don't want to contribute to negative stereotypes by being that homo who's hitting on straight guys.
Even if I was just being friendly and nice. How's he going to feel after he finds out that I like him romantically? I don't want to hurt his self-esteem or something and make him think that I was only being nice because I wanted to fuck him and he's actually totally unlikeable.
The only gay dudes who have ever hit on me are fat and ugly. Where are the cute small bois at? Where the fuck do I find a twink bf?
Surely if I lose weight and stuff, maybe take some pueraria mirifica, I can get cute and stuff?
I mean eromenos were sometimes taller than their herastes.
That's not you.
Post your dick.
so if you can't get pussy,you'd want your asshole ravished?
that's not a solution dipshit.
I've been thinking pretty seriously about getting onto grindr and seeing if anyone there wants to fill my anus. I'm pretty twinkish looking and just want human contact. As long as it's not from gross AIDS ridden men. I think I'll try and lose my boiginity by the end of the year.
So are you saying op, that you were heterosexual? But, because of your height and penis size, you turned bottom gay? I guess it's good that you accepted your destiny.
>implying I want to get pussy in the first place.
The whole "become a trap because no gf" is a meme. No straight dude would do this to themselves.
I don't know why honestly. Only enjoyed being around guys all my life.
No but a lot of straight robots go prison gay and want to fuck traps.
Yeah, because straight men are into feminity. If you see a sexy body, you'll get a boner. Prison gay would be to fuck a relatively manly male, not a trap.
user there's much better traps out there who you can give you your moneys worth. Dont waste it on me~
Usually these fembois know they are desired by men for their feminine looks so they won't be surprised or majorly creeped out by your advances. If anything, they will just turn you down nicely if you don't live in a homophobic shit hole. Assuming he does like you back, he will give you some hints and signs.
It's more like I'm bi but I have 0 chance with girls I meet.
Baby boy, I'm offering to buy panties from you because I want them, not because I'm trying to make you feel better. Serious offer.
This is basically how it looks in panties semi erect. Sorry for the bit of tummy chub I've been cooking a ton of food for my bf and he says I'm way to skinny so I'm getting pressured to eat some food
i want to suck your dick and I'm not even gay
okk, I have a never used kik that we can chat on and work out the details. It's 2grey4me
sissy bottom bois are just like women. They already get tons of messages and dick by gay chads on dating apps. Most of them are not monogamous or are only into short term. Just look at op, showing lewds even though he has a bf. Good trying to find a small twink fags.
>tfw 6'3 180 lbs
>tfw femboi's semi erect is basically my erect
p-please show erect and save my sanity.
w-would your bf be angry if you have another bf from the internet?
Ok you can live with me as long as
>You clean
>Cook meals
>Get the mail
>Cuddle in bed
I will offer you
Yes he would be desu
Sorry for shit quality my parents are fucking annoying
why exercising? and where do you live?
>I don't want a fat boy, I want a feminine boy to care for.
>tfw over 6'
>tfw gross manly lanklet body and manly face
>tfw 6" dick
>that fucking clitty
Yeah I've actually never penetrated anyone in my life
I'm in the same situation user
Pic is me, though I'm 5'7 120 lbs
I try to find more dominate women, mommy gfs are looking for bois like us, the smaller the better
Just be a man you cuck
Have you ever succeeded in your search user?
Are you cute? Do you like anime?
Really not that hard user
Maybe if the rest of your kind didn't reinforce the idea that a male is worthless to women if they aren't masculine they wouldn't be fags.
No that's not it. If a guy is really feminine and cute he's probably high in estrogen. And estrogen makes you cock hungry. Only the ugly hons without as much estrogen have interest in vagina. I really wish I was born with a penis GRRRR.
femboys arent masculine so their bottoms so a female+femboy relationship would just be both bottoms and both will be unhappy.
if you want somebody similair to a femboy just find a baby faced twink fuckboi
i'm sure that now that you're advertising yourself as such, a bunch of creeps wouldn't be too disgusted in such an offer
On the contrary. I am a small boy, where do I find you.
want one? i'm free
I actually have somewhat. See Even if it's a fake they exist and aren't as unicorny as you'd think, you'll also find some luck on tumblr
Idk how hard it is for you, but the main reason I can't keep these relationships going is because of trust, allot of people seem to want to take advantage of boys like us, so just watch out friend