Did you grow out of your Jow Forums phase ?
Did you grow out of your Jow Forums phase ?
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I am more racist and xenophobia than ever
Yes, almost exclusively because it ruined Jow Forums.
this is the best picture i have ever seen
Kind of. I still think niggers are universally worthless and will never amount to anything, the browner a persons skin is the worse they are, globalist jews are inherently sociopaths with a sick religion that encourages making others lives worse, and muslims are never going to assimilate so best leave them in the desert.
But the "movement" as a whole was nothing but autistic short men angry that western women are getting a better lot in life, and they aren't having sex with a pure white 120lb stacy in a dress.
And then the asian woman obsession is gross as well
Nope, I've only been more entrenched in it over time. Theres a war for your mind and soul going on. Pretending its not happening will not help you
Nigger pol won us pepe back.
No I grew into it
What exactly am I agreeing to here by saying I dislike Jow Forums? I don't like liberals either, for the record.
yeah Jow Forums ruined this website
but i still do believe in jewish conspiracy i just don't talk about it 24/7
Didn't grow out of it, just became less autistic about it. Same thing happend with me and anime.
>being republican/conservative is wrong
KYS cuck
>Have pepe
>Have the site's population double with normies in two years
We could only have one apparently.
I grew out of it in the sense that I no longer browse Jow Forums or enjoy arguing about politics, but I'm more right-wing than ever. Jow Forums is just too full of redditors and boomers now.
you know what gunjy shut the fuck up every other race is ethno centric white people also can be so shut the fuck up cvnt
No, never will. Deal with it reddit.
I still have Jow Forums tier beliefs but I don't visit there anymore. Place is just filled with twitter screen shots and e-celeb drama
Jow Forums really is babby's first right-wing forum
Jow Forums really is babby's first right-wing forum. even before the election
Never had one
Hell my oneitis is black
You merely got a tiny bit smarter that's it your still a retard in his phase
Other races have their own version of Jow Forumstards but they're no less closed-minded and obnoxious.
Was never into it
It's not in my best interests
They seem to be rising in numbers no matter where you go you get called a nigger and then the thread gets derailed
fucking Jow Forumsyp spillover ruining all my nice boards with shitty threads
I was there when pol was for disaffected lefties to mock righties by pretending to be neo-nazis.
you are respecting the medias narrative
Yeah. If you're actually interested in politics i don't know how you can stand Jow Forums, especially what it has become in recent years.
Jow Forums hates Ben Shapiro though. He's a FUCKING KIKE!
>no matter where you go you get called a nigger
That's been a thing longer than Jow Forums, sonny
I want to gulag every corporate-funded journalist in this fucking country, all they ever do is justify inequality and war and try to corral dissent behind a different group of oligarchic politicians. But none of that makes me see my neighbors as "invaders" if they have the wrong skin color or come from the wrong country; the bosses are my enemies, not someone in the same boat as me but with the "wrong" heritage.
I never had a Jow Forums phase and i've been coming to Jow Forums since 2010 that board was always bullshit
>that pic
We ain't bowing to niggrs around here!!
Yes, I started escaping about half a year ago
When you will grow out of your s oyboy phase.
>clarence thomas isn't even dead
Kelly is so great
>Ben Shapiro
Imagine taking this little kike seriously
Kinda but I'll never go back to how I was. I realise how absolutely insane Ben Sharpio is now.
>autistic short men angry that western women are getting a better lot in life, and they aren't having sex with a pure white 120lb stacy in a dress
>asian woman obsession
That's Jow Forums you're talking about
And Jow Forums. There's quite a bit of overlap.
There's more of an overlap between Jow Forums and /b/ than with Jow Forums
>grow out of
You can't unsee something once it's been seen, unfortunately. My ideology is based on facts and evidence, and no amount of insinuation about my dick size can convert me.
Jow Forums isn't a MGTOW or incel board so no, you're wrong
They believe in big, white families
I wouldn't know, I don't go to /b/ since I'm no longer 12.
>Every thread
>Multiple times
It happens but not at this rate
>Did you grow out of your Jow Forums phase ?
Holy shit newfags get the fuck out. Please
>They believe in big, white families
As a matter of principle, yes. Does that mean there aren't a lot of incels? Of course not.
Youre still going through the phase lmao
Course it does. Literally everywhere on Jow Forums
muh equality nah its about dem0graphics and securing our bloodline. if you like those pretty white girls you see in anime theyll be exctinct if you dont subscribe to anyone. the individual is a relection of the collective
>tfw Jow Forumslack
>finally found a white gril who wants a lot of kids and hates modern degeneracy
Feels good, brehs. She's the fabled 4/10 gf but I'm really looking forward to having a big family with her.
What board has Jow Forums ruined specifically? I see people complaining that Jow Forums is ruining other boards but they never mention WHAT board.
user the word nigger shouldn't appear in a thread with 5 posters and 15 replies ten times.
It wasn't just said sometimes every thread has always been full of people calling each other nigger, there was no not racist time before Jow Forums. Jow Forums ruined Jow Forums by making the racism a topic.
>Racism didn't exist on Jow Forums before Jow Forums
What do you think it was created for sweetie?
Jow Forumstard*
get it right newfag
I'm glad I never grew into one. I did have a two year long /x/ phase though.
They haven't ruined it completely but they keep shitting up /lit/.
I never even went through it, I generally don't care about what happens to society.
>be white nationalist fascist
>go to college
>first day of class, I'm sitting next to a really cute brown girl (found out she's Indian but I thought she might be Mexican)
>end up asking her out
>as time goes on I end up shifting more and more to the left on politics
>am now an unironic socialist
How did this happen
Maybe because the water, or the university putting socialist viruses in the air.
We need Jow Forums to protect Jow Forums from the leftypol, /his/ and /lit/ neo-commie soibois that keep invading.
unironically: yes, I did
I will
>grow out of it
when there are facts that entirely undermine my currrent worldview and knowledge base
ie never
Yeah, I ended up having my 16th birthday.
>Let's fight annoying faggots by being even more annoying faggots.
Probably just a touch of the good old retardation, user. You wouldve stuck to your principles and remember why if you actually held them in the first place. Yet another edgy newfag.
when i accepted the white race isn't worth saving
People's opinions change for a variety of reasons. It's never just one thing, but part of it is probably that having a brown gf humanized their kind to you.
this is why people think Jow Forumsyps are retarded
neither of those things are apparent from his post. Stop trying so hard.
Probably more that Jow Forums sucks now. I first came here in early 2014 and Jow Forums has changed a lot. The new flags were the nail in the coffin for me
>I just had a pol phase and yelled the forbidden n-word on Jow Forums until I actually met a brown person then I realized #notall and sheit
Yeah that screams edgy newfag
I mean, Jow Forumsyps tend to be edgy no matter how new they are, and people certainly change their views even if they've held them for a very long time. The whole ''they were never a true believer'' shtick is the same cope found in any cult/fringe political group.
To all the people that grew out of their "Jow Forums phase", how did you do it? I grew out of the stupid memes but I can't get over the depressing fact that the country my kids will grow up will be like Brazil or South Africa
Jow Forums already knows that everyone is their own le individual human and all that touchy feely gay shit and are still racist. His very easy conversion away from the label by gaining understanding that he should have already had to obtain it, and his age, are very good evidence he had not reasoned himself to a worldview and simply adopted a label. (Because it was edgy)
"growing" out of realizing that our future children are doomed to live with an abundance of subhumans is a codeword for actually becoming a brainwashed fuck.
If you ever had a Jow Forums phase you already failed in life.
Becoming 18 years old happens on its own
>mfw non white and dont gove a shit about politics
LMAOing @ ur lives.
>le individual human and all that touchy feely gay shit
Stop trying so hard. Also, humans learn things and gain new perspectives through experience. Gotta balance what you read on Jow Forums with how those theories play out in day-to-day life.
>are very good evidence he had not reasoned himself to a worldview and simply adopted a label
eh, this is all speculation, and he certainly left a lot of room for that. Though his story actually suggests the opposite, that he had very much relied on reasoning and abstraction to become a Jow Forumsyp, and that a contradiction arose in the face of new visceral experiences.
I now only wait for death with junk food in one hand and vidya in another.
You'll grow out of it once you grow up and start going out into the world. But you still have 4 more years until you graduate from high school so it might take some time.
>t. Jow Forumstard and or newfag
If you mean "poor shitholes", Brazil and South Africa got that way for broader economic reasons (founded as resource extraction colonies with an unfree labor force, military dictatorship, corrupt one-party states, etc.) and there's no good reason to think demographic change would magically turn prosperous countries into them.
If you mean they'd be surrounded by people who aren't like them, what's the difference? You're already surrounded by normalfags.
snowflake lib OP B.T.F.O by BASED and REDPILLED Jow Forums replyers. praise kek
>there's no good reason to think demographic change would magically turn prospserous countries into them
Maybe that almost every Latin American or African country is poor and full of crime, and every part of America that is filled with them is also poor and full of crime. Or will you find a way to blame whitey for every one of these countries?
I'm still racist and antisemitic but haven't browsed Jow Forums in months, I've kinda stopped caring tbqh famalam