Intermittent fasting

Anyone here tried it for weight loss? Results?

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I have done it for a while and it works well, but not in the way you'd expect. For all intents and purposes, doing IF doesn't seem to have a direct affect on weight loss. Meaning if you do IF while cutting 1000 calories, your results won't be different if you just cut 1000 calories while not doing IF. I've heard IF does help with metabolism, insulin, and cell rebuilding, but don't quote me on that. IF does help with weight loss indirectly as it forces you to eat within a certain time frame; meaning you're less likely to eat more than you should.

Attached: jrwbezud74e11.png (600x600, 179K)

It helped me. I lost at least ten pounds doing it for a few weeks, and then went full on salt water fasting to knock out 3 times that amount in about the same time.

IF made my life simple. Eating is no longer entertainment, also fasting is healthy and doesn't kill you. The only downside is that sugary stuff after having fasted bloats the shit out of me, like it should. That's also part of why I don't eat any of that anymore.

most of my life I haven't eaten before noon and I'm a skeleton, so it probably works

newfag, we have daily /fast/ threads

Yeah but they’re full of fat faggots who are giving advice despite being skinnyfat or obese. No thanks, I just need to cut a little bit because I’m not a worthless failure.

IF helped me lose weight, but eventually I ate more and ended up being around maintenance after a couple weeks. Mainly the reason I do it though is to keep me alert and save time during the day.

Fasting is a meme. Post your gross body so I can bully you.
>t. Femanon

I'm from Jow Forums, never been Jow Forums.

Read the sticky.
Calculate your TDEE.
Eat 500 below it.
Repeat for 2-6 months and be amazed that your disgusting body is changing.
Continue to be healthy due to the positive habits you’ve developed for the rest of your life.

Or just fast and develop an eating disorder.

It's not bad. Once you get over a hump it's very easy. Becomes easier over time.

Would much rather have 1 or 2 meals of 1500 cals than 5 of 300.

Saves time as well- you'll realize you spend a lot of time breaking to get food. So you can be more productive.

I don't think it's actually any different from CICO. But it sure feels better

I do intermittent fasting... it's just an eating schedule pretty much... the main thing is calorie intake... by restricting when you eat you will probably have to skip a meal which in theory will result in less calories consumed...

what you should do is find a TDEE calculator...
Here is the one I use...
What you then do is figure out the calories you are needing to sustain your daily activities... once you know that you will subtract a number of calories... let's say 500 calories a day deficit.. your end result is 3500 less per week...

Went from 205 to 165 in 6 months. Ate cereal for breakfast, large lunch, and either no dinner or maybe a soda for dinner.

I enjoy it so much that I'm trying to keep it up while lean bulking. Only issue I've run into is that if you eat late and wake early you're bloated as hell.

worked well for me. 8 months, only ate 800-1200 kcals a day though. don't recommend doing that

Attached: 8MonthsOfOMAD.jpg (2550x3300, 3.84M)

Is this what it's like to make it?

that depends on what you think making it is

Great progress, user.

inspiring shit man good work.

congratulations you unleashed the Chad

thanks bros, i really appreciate it

It’s good work but that absolutely isn’t chad, let’s be real.
Keep at it brother, you’ll make it.