Smoking thread

What brand of cigarettes does Jow Forums smoke? I especially like the regular camel filters and camel blues

Attached: Camel-Filter-Box-.jpg (225x225, 7K)

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Attached: WINSTON-CLASSIC-RED-20s-PACKET.jpg (540x540, 40K)

currently smoking newports. easy on the lungs menthol isn't too "minty"

Malboro Light all the way for me OP, but Camel is a strong second.

Attached: the good shit.png (151x84, 2K)

aspire breeze vape

t. 23 year old boomer

used to rip marb 27s

>easy on the lungs

i thought they stopped shilling back in the 80s

>he doesn't roll his own

Attached: 1516733885313.jpg (431x450, 40K)

the cigarette master race

Attached: (1365x1365, 208K)

Attached: cody cigar.jpg (1280x720, 153K)

>smoking in 2018
time to start vaping grandpa

fuck off with that gay shit zoomer

how come americans don't smoke roll ups?

Marlboror reds. Tar me up family

American spirit , just switched over from malboro reds

Attached: cancer.jpg (89x120, 4K)

Aspire Breeze is god tier

We do they're just seen as the "poor people" thing to do unfortunately :(

Does anyone here remember Camel Crush bold? it's a shame they stopped producing them.

I can't even roll a joint without great difficulty so I don't wanna fuck with rolling cigarettes

Masterrace coming trough

Originally desu

Attached: serveimage.jpg (3024x4032, 850K)

despite a lot of smokers claiming camel is one of the best brands I rarely see anybody smoking them
>smoking a yellow camel rn

I smoke cigars occasionally
Have these ones now but I have about 10 really nice big Montecristo's in my cabinet too

Attached: romeo-julieta-club.jpg (320x320, 22K)

This is a cigarette brand. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.

Attached: 1522691009751.png (348x353, 103K)

The only cigarettes worth smoking are Marlboro Reds, Lucky Strikes, and Camel Studs you fucking queers

Attached: 14620058_1832242100388274_1306702067_n.jpg (888x500, 74K)

i only smoke luckies

camel blues my nig

I guess everyone here likes having headaches.

Attached: tTMCbZq.png (368x566, 307K)