
Cell-Tech edition

Before you ask your retarded question about babbys first cycle, make sure to read the fucking wiki. Yes it’s reddit, post a better one or shut the FUCK up nerd.


Also, include:
>time wasted lifting natty
>Amount of time you've been on gear without coming off, cruising or getting any form of bloodwork done
>Penis Girth
>Penis Length
>Testicular volume (on/off)
>Rice purity test score (ricepuritytest.com/)

Oral only cycles are great way to cope with your fear of needles.

SARMs and prohormones are generally a waste of time.

We can't help you dose your AI, it's different for everybody and there's a lot of factors at play. Figure it out yourself.

And most importantly,

NO SOURCE TALK (this isn't up for debate, you will be banned)


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Other urls found in this thread:


Think 2 runs of tren was enough for me. I think I'm going to just stick to testosterone from now on. Made me fucking miserable with lack of sleep, penis problems, lethargy, lactation, and paranoia.

But damn it gives you strength, size and the "tren look" so well

5ml tren a day Let’s go. Also I swear women can smell this shit.

I can't do it. My wife went to Boston while I was on and I was so fucking paranoid that she was going to die or cheat on me that I couldn't sleep the entire time she was gone and was super insane about messaging and calling her incessantly. I was also super defensive about my behavior. She dealt with it well.

Only now that I'm cruising on test again do I realize I was completely insane and my wife is at as low of a chance of cheating on me that any woman can get.

Ah. Maybe it’s just because I’m single and don’t really care about dating anyone or what they’re doing. Glad you could see what was happening though.

Tfw pinned in glute medius instead of glute max

I was reading in the last thread, people talking about collagen synthesis and Deca. I have 6g of Deca right now- but I am on TRT and concerned over blood work. i.e. the type of testing used LS/MS vs. ECLIZA.

I don't want to fuck up my Free Test results early into my TRT treatment. Any fellow leafs have some insight as to if I would be in the clear?

Deca is going to be in your for a while so either avoid it almost entirely or make sure the lab uses LC/MS but most will. Guys who use privatemdlabs see the raised levels because they usually use ECLIA because it’s cheaper.

Atleast he tried to help. :^)

Tfw pinned left quad but it flexed like 4 times with the needle in it and then when I had the alcohol pad on it I could feel a hard lump from either the oil or trauma.

Probably psychological trauma u lil bitch boy

Will my dick grow if I use testosterone?

Oh I guarantee it.

Yeah. I was considering a private lab, but it costs 55$. Your standard bloodwork (for most hormones) costs nothing (free healthcare).

Got on phone with a manager(from regional lab) and he told me he was mostly positive they used LS/MS for any endo related tests. But you'd think the government would use ECLIZA, cause cheaper. Hesitant to take his word.

I really don't feel like starting some gay ass CJM forum account to ask fellow leafs. Searching their forums,there are plenty of people there on TRT who use deca, just haven't found anyone from Ontario who does. REEEEEE.

happened to me first time I pinned quads
it'll feel shit for a day or 2 and there'll be a red mark for a week or so but you'll live

trying to get HUGE

waiting for that tren to kick in and see if it lives up to the hype

how much are you running?

Can I still be considered natty if I take MK-677?

Thinking about taking it for height gains since my growth plated haven't fused yet, but I dont want to be considered some sort of juicer. Thoughts?

People here take real gear and still look natty. You are fine

you grow new muscle fibres and shit from the HGH boost
also by the definitions of sports anti doping agencies MK677 is a PED and banned by them
fr though it doesn't mean shit if you're "natty" or not, if you wanna use MK677 just fucking do it and stop worrying about if you'll lose your "natty status"

1000 test 600 tren 600 deca
my buddy advised me to cut back the test tho we are undecided as to what level would be adequate

Could be dangerous running 19-nors higher than test desu

you're blasting this much gear but never used tren?

Arent 19 nors going to bind more aggressively anyway?

do SARMs need PCT?

i got mk477, which i know doesnt need pct, but im gonna try to hold on to that in case of injuries rather than running for gains. but it got me interested in sarms and specifically yk11, rad140, and lgd4033

If it is sarms why even come off. Btw S4 is the only good one and it is only good with synthetic test

what a faggot

.......this is a "indonesian gays with chemical dependancies" image board so idk what you were expecting

Tren's a hugely overrated meme drug desu
I like it and I've used it a few times but the circlejerk around it is mostly retarded zoomers who only know about it from Tony Huge videos or some shit
Yeah you get stronger and you can eat a lot more carbs and still lose fat if you're smart but you can still run insane blasts without it. Also mtren (despite the name and the idiots calling it "oral tren" this is a completely different hormone like dbol vs eq), superdrol and probably some other obscure orals I don't remember blow it out of the water.

i was going to say price, but theyre actually pretty cheap compared to most supplements. idk, i want to try out a bottle, come off and see if i keep the gains i guess. how do you figure that 24 is the only good one and only with test?

fewer and less severe side effects compared to steroids. i dont want to end up like terry cruise, or the guy who's autopsy showed his liver to be a styrofoam consistency. the long-term potential side effects arent worth the risk to me, and I'm not confident in my ability to not fuck up a cycle or PCT with those on the line

I agree. A good blast means good sleep and plenty of food. Tren fucks both.

fucking lol at this entire thread

It is good for trt uses as it creates more free test. Very noticable when using 100 to 150mg test on trt

>circlejerk around it
this is why i tought someone who is decently big already tried tren

>i dont want to end up like the guy who's autopsy showed his liver to be a styrofoam consistency
>decide to eat oral chemicals instead of injecting testosterone
you're fucking retard

>or the guy who's autopsy showed his liver to be a styrofoam consistency
reminder that SARMs are hepatotoxic
reminder that injectable steroids do literally nothing to your liver (with the possible exception of tren having metabolites which slightly alter liver values but don't cause real damage on their own)
If you only care about your liver you're literally safer blasting grams of test, deca, eq, mast etc for years on end than you are taking a bit of ostarine for a month

but what's wrong with it and other sarms by themselves? im alright with results not on par with steroids if they come with less risk

>chemicals are bad

lgd showed some reversible liver damage, not sure about the others. what do you think terry cruise was on that fucked him up if not steroids?

God I hate my fat sister sometimes. I randomly decide to take our dogs out on a walk and this fat bitch suddenly decides she needs to come along nevermind that she literally just sits on her laptop all day doing nothing but claims to be busy and can’t be enough of a self starter to even take the damn dogs out. Nevermind the fact that she tags alongside me looking like she could be my wife but she’s ugly as fuck so girls probably see her with me and ignore me all of the sudden because they thing those are my standards.


Without trt the are pretty much toxic candy. Possibly carcengenetic cause they havent been around long enough to know. None of this good for your health stleast with test youll make some gains

Move to a new place without her?

do you have studies to base that on? i know most arent well-studied, which is why im hesitant, but the fact that they are selective in the tissues they attach to seems promising when considering potential side effects

can't you just tell her to fuck off?

>but what's wrong with it and other sarms by themselves?
sarms are fucking meme, they are not proven to work and you are damaging your liver without getting any benefits

Remember now, family is the best you'll ever get. Take better care of her, never leave choices to a woman.

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Okay you are missing the point. Sarms sound great because there are no studies funded by anyone but manufacturers. Test has near 80 years of research. The safe bet is obvious. If you believe otherwise you are mislead, likely due to fear of a needle

i already inject melanotan, my fear is mostly PCT-related, as well as the smart thing being to get your blood tested while roiding

>family is the best you'll ever get
strongly disagree

now that i look into it, it seems like most SARMs require PCT, so ill stick with mk, and look into cardarine as its the only one that doesnt require pct

So I started taking mk677 and my appetite is unreal. I'm a pretty skinny dude and up until this I was eating really clean but now I've just been eating fucking everything. Should I still try and focus on a proper diet or does it matter rn?

are you trying to lose fat or what?

and i just found out cardarine is carcinogenic and activates PPAR, so thats out, too. any others I'll wait for more research, but hopefully the SARMs bill doesnt kill them

I often run deca up to a 1000mg

i just had a flashback to 2011 Fibo where i was a skinny natty beta and i was talking to flex wheeler and asking him about 5x5 type training etc

guy must have been thinking oh boy what a fucking retard

but he was very friendly and patient we talked for some minutes

also asked about roids etc and he was like "look around man, everybody here is on something"

is there something wrong with 5x5?

it sucks

He did an interview with london real. Pretty interesting story/guy

what do you recommend instead? and did you see any gains with it before steroids?

Highish frequency ( 1.5 -2x a week each bodypart)
high intensity ( rest pause sets)
fairly low volume (8-12 sets per bodypart. 8 for smaller 12 for larger)
Keep a log book for atleast some of the time

3-5x5 on compounds and 3x8-12 on isolations is ideal if you're natty desu

what do you guys think of this routine for a natty?

just do 1x5 for deadlifts and put some bicep and tricep exercises in as well

1 set of 5? ive seen that recommendation before, but it doesnt seem like enough. though i could see my current scheme possibly being too much

>bicep and tricep
thats what the pullups (usually chinups actually) and dips are for

It's enough on deadlifts srs
They won't be enough for that

baka at being a pussy and never using tren because some genetic dead end who obliterated his liver with orals came to your shop and asked for skin supplements

>ideal if you're natty
translation: worthless

alright, ill try that out for deads. and ill do curls and lying tricep extensions every once in a while

i dont have facebook but i sometimes browse it and seems like all it is, is just people that know eachother making passive aggressive "pokes" at eachother and also making random ignorant and vulgar posts

average people fucking suck

And bench spefically the close grip, the bicep acts as stabilizers in the bench press, and you can get bicep tendinitis from benching

Close grip bench is your best bet for arm size. Pull-ups/Chins hard extremely hard to micro load if you want to get anywhere with them. Also you grip will be the limiting factor here, not arm strength

Dips also work but microloading is again an issue, someone people can’t antonmically do them, and most people half rep or go too deep

Its good to keep up with what normie dyel cucks are doing and help realise how good your life is in comparison

Just fucking lol at this whole article

How does a normie go about getting into this world?

I lift regularly. I could diet better but seeing some of the dudes in my gym I realize I am never going to get to their level without Gear

500mg of test a week for 20 weeks with 50mg of anavar daily for the first 6 weeks

anybody has any experience with that or enough chemistry knowledge to tell me whether it's suppressive/requires pct?
I've read conflicting information. Some people say it's used as pct, others say it's non-suppressive and others say it is. most signs point to it being relatively sides-free, can anyone confirm?
I only want to take it for the purported amazing sex benefits t b h. As I understand it there's no point in taking it on it's own gym-wise anyway other than some good pumps.

I'm unironically thinking of turning in my natty card just for thick boners and precum action.

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Proviron's fine you can use it year round
For me I find my loads are bigger and my balls feel better on it

Gain size and muscle, I have next to no fat right now, some skeletor shit

i mean, you shouldnt eat junk, but dont be afraid of beef and the like. it depends on what you mean by "proper diet." fats are good, carbs should be eaten more sparingly but theyre far from evil. mk will probably give a decent boost to TDEE, but at the same time the appetite increase might make you consume more than you're burning off

Why does it seem like back in Arnold’s day and the golden era that bodybuilding was a social sport where the people were happy and IMO it seems like it’s devolved into these huge lonely guys 100% dedicating their lives to bodybuilding with no social lives and their only focus is the goal.

You’d see old pics of Arnold having fun with models and shit and idk just most of the golden era pics had guys looking genuinely happy.

I just remade mine and apparently all my friends thought I was dead

so that's something

i wonder what got the golden-age bodybuilders into bodybuilding in the first place. seems like now a lot of people get into bodybuilding to cope with insecurity and being beta or autismal, and that for the most part doesnt change when you get big. so i assume their motivation was different

Bb was supposedly seen as a loser sport until really charismatic guys like Arnold opened it up. I have a stupid and completely anecdotal theory that a lot of the better looking BBs you see at your local gym are pretty introverted. It is a solitary sport with pretty slow payoff. I mean you get regular athletes who come in to work out and they’re chatting and hogging the bench with like 5 of them. Not talking about them. But the chick with the hat down low or the guy with his hoody up who are both ripped and just there to do work. I think all the extroverts go play grabass with CrossFit cuz they need that camaraderie or they melt down.

The 80's were a magical time. But at the same time watch pumping iron for example, you have the balding dude who seems sad af, ferrigno who looks like he has no autonomy over his life etc.

yeah id say thats pretty apt

took a delt test-injection on thursday, was kind of sore, I think I didn't go in straight. Now the shoulder is fine but my bicep has a red rash on it, it doesn't hurt unless I poke it, feels like a light bruise...wtf?

Ive had bruising before on my thighs from injections but this isn't a bruise, it looks like a red rash...but its like 4inches away from the injection site on my delt

what does this mean

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Holy shit NAC tastes like absolute ass.

Yeah I mean even watching vlogs of guys like Chris Bumstead it’s apparent that their lives are bodybuilding and nothing else. It just seems so lonely unless you can find a partner with the same goals or a way to make a normal career fit in with it like Stephanie Rowe.

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Bodybuilding is much more demanding now. Having a social life is really hard when you can't walk fifty yards without huffing and puffing and have to stop twice on the way to pin GH and pop some clen and winstrol.

Arnold used to go running on the beach for cardio when prepping. Can you imagine Heath doing that? Not a fucking chance.

I think that's part of the nostalgia for the golden era... The bodybuilders still counted as people and could go out and enjoy life sometimes.

Either coincidence or may have leaked subq a little and it’s irritating it. Keep an eye on it if it spreads or spreads along a vein in the otter case go to the ER.

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ya looks like a leak, is it that dangerous? its going a little over my bicep vein
won't it just get absorbed soon?

>roiding for this

It'll get absorbed, it's just an irritation reaction.

Might be itchy for just over a week worst case.

>found a new stretch mark forming diagonally across my bicep while doing preacher curls.
Yeeeaaahh budday #curlsforthegirls

That’s not me I just got the pic from Flickr to show what it looked like.

99% of the time yeah it just disperses I honestly wouldn’t even worry about it.

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just read this thread on it, forums.steroid.com/members-pictures/54967-anyones-delt-look-like-after-injection.html

seems like not a big deal, probably wont die!

Sometimes I wonder: even if you find that dedicated BB guy or girl, does a relationship really need two semi-suicidal vain narcissists in it!? Lol

It's the fucking tren dude holy fuck. She got up off her fat ass to go on a walk with you. If you give any fucks use that time to convince her to keep coming on walks, convince her to stop being a fat fuck. Try to be a positive influence on the people around you.

You are gonna disregard this because tren makes a lot of people nigh on diagnosable narcissists who think everybody around them is an enemy, but you are the guy who has pin his ass to get ahead, don't forget that.

Where's my loli gf? I am entitled to at least one (1) loli gf of my choosing.

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If you’re like me you get plenty of chances with girls who are 90% of what you claim to want and next them anyway because of stupid (or not) reason X.

should I be a dick and complain to the landlord about the fat teenagers upstairs partying?

the neighbors have been bitching about them all week so I feel like I can use that as ammo

I'm not even sure the noise bothers me so much as I just don't like the fat people who live upstairs

Why don't you go party with them and ask for drugs?

they're the lame kind of partying teenagers where you can tell the ones who actually do drugs must shun them for being faggots

besides, I'm halfway into a btc trans for my own, superior drugs

Been on Test E 500mg/wk for 5 weeks. I'm putting on mass, but not really noticing any increase to recovery. If anything I'm needing more rest days than usual (e.g. 3 days on, rest versus 4/5 days on then rest). Might just be because I'm hitting everything that much harder, but is this normal?

Oh look, another dumb faggot who believe in magic properties of steroids. Listen here nerd, you won't feel anything from test. Right now you feel like you need more rest because you are most likely actually putting in effort in the gym so it's a change for your body. Your body will get used to new intensity and everything will go back to normal.

Somehow didn’t fuck it up with this girl yet after texting most of the day yesterday. I’m not gonna lie I went from never having known she even existed to getting a warm fuzzy feeling and liking her within 8 hours.

Guess the next step is taking her out on a date, she said she likes the gym but hasn’t been in a while so that’s good but I’m not gonna push that because she’s probably not as psychotic as is when it comes to lifting.

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What's the new beef with you and old m8 aesthetics?
you used to defend his honour and white knight him. Now he hates on you, lol