
not made by a trip bellend edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for big sweaty bellends

first for 2 threads will get us in trouble

Dance if you wanna dance
Please brother take a chance
You know they're gonna go
Which way they wanna go

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no trips in this thread eh?

the archbishop of britfeel blesses this thread as the legitimate successor to the old

don't support pretenders

na night ziggeh, see ya in the mornin' pal 104
ziggeh blesses this thread

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thoughts on the fat fuck greek?

Move threads

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>tfw no bong bf with a really strong accent
feels bad

get away we've got enough trannies as it is

oi Mayuri isn't fat

Who LGV licence here?

>tfw no american bf with a strong accent
feels good


This is the real thread
This is a good thread

not a tranny

caress penis

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Alright well we've got enough traps too

why do people call it LGV when its really HGV


Get me out of that vile thread, come and rescue me and bring me to this thread

Post by and of me Timothy James Byrne in my rented flat in High Wycombe Buckinghamshire England on the 17 August 2018

trips out
comfy frog lads only

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ay up love
*rubs yer..*
eurgh it's a willy
*legs it*

Cringe thread made by cringe virgins to be honest

It's a large goods vehicle, weight is less relevant.

I used to call it HGV but britfeel has made me start calling it LGV

stop trying to goad ebin out

This is the least sexual picture of Lee and Ziggeh I could find. It just goes to show you the importance of foreplay.

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>seething /brit/ underager

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>guy on the crystal maze getting pissy

Tell me about Lee, why does he fuck the doggy?

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>stop trying to goad ebin out

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/brit/ is based
/britpol/ on the other hand is not
It's nearly time to get down to the sesh

>getting sucked off by a nado

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We get in trouble for double threads yet lids? Anyone else get a buzz out of it or just me.

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literal undeRAGER laddo

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>No 60's french gf to sing sexy songs in lingeria

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fine taste lid

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Smoking is not good for you friend

>god of all diabetics?

>>tfw sans alizee femme

stop believing the dirty jew media lad, smoking is one of the best things you can do

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Do you number your helpers?

>tfw ywn smoke on a park bench in the late hours of the night with your mate and talk about life

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>falling for the ill health meme

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Back now lads. Felt great having that desire to devour food after exercise, I miss that these days

It feels like double colonisation. We're the kings of Jow Forums

>brainlet thinks goad is a fedora word

da bestest/10

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I didn't know the jews made smoking lad... Worrying information.

Don't speak frog lid but is this what you mean

>You enter a room
>The room is very large and empty
>In the centre is a man sat on a chair
>That man is Xi
>He is just sat silently staring into the distance

Wat do?

>he doesn't number his reaction images

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Do any of you lads have zero friends?
How do you cope?
>When does it get better?

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I name them after the feeling they're meant to show or whatever

Indeed it is lad

Run up to him and fart in his face lol

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alri duck?

I want to talk about the hearts of men, who knows what evil lies within them. So let us take a travel down the blind side and see whats on this path called... stranded on death row so duck when i swing my shit!

Smoking is definitely bad for you lads. I've smoked every day for the past few years and I was diagnosed with asthma recently.

Anything that affects your cardiovascular fitness (try running a mile after smoking 20 fags) can't be good for you. Try drinking water instead!

That can get too complicated though, I number them but sort them roughly by theme, like lifting pepes, or sad pepes

no, I've got a few old friends but I rarely see them. we still talk online which is nice, I'd be misreable if I had no one. it doesn't really get better unless you're very lucky

Might start smoking now then

For me, it's Jenna fucking Fischer

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I have zero friends. I don't even have any online friends.

I don't really cope, I just rot in loneliness and solitude all day long. I don't even do anything with my life.
No. It doesn't get better.

avoid smells

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Do you think Timothy James Byrne has had sex since January 2013 when first moved into the flat in Marlow?

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>try running a mile after smoking 20 fags

have actually had to leg it on /nightwalk/ once or twice and its not too bad when adrenaline is carrying you, its just when you calm down and start feeling like death when the problems start

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nod at him and say "alright"

I've been grinding and saved up 11.20 for stormchasing fund, think we'll get there before we're old af?

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Anyone else got creaky fingers? When I move them a small amount the joints sort of rub against eachother.

Whats next for you lad?
In the same boat myself.

For me it's my wrists, get some vit d lid

i reckon one of my the neighbors wives shags him on the sly like.

Please don't.
Yeah, nicotine is a pretty powerful stimulant (Tour de France riders used to use it a lot, along with sparkling wine for painkilling purposes) but having all that nasty shit in your lungs ain't good

>Do any of you lads have zero friends?
>How do you cope?
By coming here and making thread frens

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Not really noticed my fingers creaking, but my back and hips hurt all the time, my knees crunch and my ankles click all the time as well. My wrists click as well. Pretty sure I'm going to be absolutely riddled with arthritis when I'm old.

Suicide. There's no other way out and my life has been miserable enough for too long. Nothing good ever happens and nothing will ever "look up" for me.

Hope things get better for you though lad.


Someone rescue him.

Nah just having u on laddo

post happy songs before i unironically commit sudoku

Asked in the other thread anyway. My neighbour is a complete RETARD on every imaginable scale and running an illegal business without a license an littering enough to attract rats. How do I fuck with him without knowing it is me?

i'm nearly 40, i am old as fuck
have you really got that much, i've still fuck all, but once my pay goes up next year i'll be popping some thousands away each year. but it's not going to be any time soon. this is going to be years in the making yet.
>tfw, punish the body doing 5 12 hour shifts in a row for years to save up for the dream and a week before going die of a heart attack
i'll write you a few thousand in my will incase it happens though so dun't worry

Muslims, am I right?

Tim is being tortured


Got banned for trying to play the no nonces song on dubtrack. Absolute nest of noncers


I wonder if Timothy James Byrne would consider being my lodger

don't do it. do a word search instead
my life theme

My absolute favourite song in history lad

Try not being a party pooper
Everyone knows smoking is bad for you, some people just don't give a shit and don't want to be lectured to by some smug health and fitness cunt

go do one

nah i don't allign with a religion. others maybe though

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drinking beers and eating choccy

Nah, i was lying. I have no money put away for storm chasing, but it's not really out of the question because I wage slave too.
I'm not five years old pal. Some lad made a crossword on here a while ago, it was shit hot.

Bit worried about how easy it would be to kidnap Tim, all I'd have to do is turn up looking somewhat official and say I'm from American and I'm here to offer him asylum

He was so opTIMistic earlier


lads, he's getting worse
how long before he snaps?

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Stuck in Birmingham airports due to delays, what a Friday night.

Why you had to run on nightwalks lad?

They certainly don't like it over there on dubtrack, that's for sure.

Just try drinking water Tripsy oh seven!!!!!

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Anonymous report to the police. I'm all about fucking over annoying neighbours, good luck