Why is everyone so f*cking racist

Why is everyone so f*cking racist

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Fickin lynch racists man. Let's do it.

If you don't like it you can live in Africa with your own kind so you won't have to worry about it.

>Why is everyone so f*cking racist
Not me man
Not most people

Just a very loud and stupid minority of posters make comments like that

Im white but racism isn't cool dude


People who are racist against blacks likely come from an area where the fact is that the average black they encounter is much more likely to be a threat that a non-black. And so as a defense mechanism they dislike and are on guard against blacks. It works for them in their environment.

Compare this to someone who goes out of his way not to avoid a group of black youths and feign yawns as he is surrounded them to signal that he is smart and not judgemental and then is immediately knocked out and robbed. The racist man was better adapted to that environment.

Being racist is always ok as long as you're talking about dating

Niggers are a different sub-species.

There is less genetic drift between the bengal tiger and the indian jaguar, than the negro and the caucasian.

Because white
Asians strived to be white ppl's pets and now their man/woman dynamic is destabilized because their women are obsessed with whiteness so that karma already came back

>t. loser
racism is cool as h*ck

Funny way of saying Jewish.

This desu. I'm nonwhite (not black either) and actually used to be really anti-Jow Forums and anti-racist. Moved from my mostly white suburb into the city and within a year I witnessed multiple chimpouts and even had to deal with a couple personally. I don't really HATE blacks, but I do view them with suspicion and you better believe if I'm walking home alone at night and I see a black my attention is on them.

what is it lad? you discovered reality? that people have race preferences? Well, that's not racist, even if it offends you, it isn't. Oh wait, did he say the N word? Poor lad, well let me break your buble. I have been called all sort of names since 3rd grade until 9th, and thanks to that i am the weird kid, always was. I got beatun up, joked around, used(not in my pee pee / boot hole), hated for no reason, my family is divided between 2 factions, and i decided to stay on the losing faction, wich consists of my dad, thanks to that i haven't been able to talk to my family or they to me in years. I got more verbally assaulted, phisically assaulted than any black men i have ever met, or ven a white/black chick. And guess what? I AM WHITE, SHOULD IS AY THAT THE OTHERS ARE RACISTS? BECAUSE THEY LAUGHED AT MY VOICE, AT MY TUMMY BEING TOO BIG, MY FRECKLES? Anyways, i have changed, i am no longuer the fat kid, the years have passed, yes i'm 18+, i am more sociable and people started to respect me more. You see, if you don't want to be assualted , either by racial slurs or by names, either ignore them, or see if those names/slurs are true, a flaw that you have, and use them to improve yourself.This will save the world of the "tHat'S rAcIsT" fellas and the sjw's.. Also if someone calls you a nigger, with the inttent of offending you, treat like an offense, either punch them or do whatever you think it's best. Just don't treat it like it's the end of the world..

>start posting on Jow Forums in 2007
>people use the word nigger for lulz but generally user is pretty left wing
>leave the internet for a few years to live life
>come back in 2016
>Jow Forums has become a haven for trump supporting incels
>anyone who posts an opposing opinion is hounded out by the drumpf defence force
I honestly believed, when I was 16, that Jow Forums would lead a revolution of free thinkers. What the fuck happened?

>What the fuck happened?
Saying nigger was never ironic, and Jow Forums is still full of free thinkers. So basically nothing happened, you're just retarded.

the leafties pushed the right wingers here with their degeneracy, expecially Jow Forums, a containment board.
>I honestly believed, when I was 16, that Jow Forums would lead a revolution of free thinkers. What the fuck happened?

What do you think this is?We have free thinkers here, each on their board, there you can express your emotions/opinions. Just don't go to Jow Forums express your liberal views and expect to find no opposing views... this the beacon of free speech of the world, just because people don't agree with your vies doesn't mean it isn't, just go to the right board.

phone posters need death.


Okay, this is epic.

No im white
But fuck isreal tho

Let me guess, you side with the palestinians because they're brown and weak.

Ikr? Lol

No fuck them too

Stormfront infiltrated like they infiltrated everything else

This so much
I remember pjw made a video about all these celebrities in uk being pro migrant while living in 99% white areas

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1. Have you ever talked to an average Somalian?
2. Look at at their crime stats within europe, the USA and what the living fuck they are doing in SA to the farmers who fucking feed them.

tldr blacks are self destructive animals used by (((the elites))) to destroy europe and should be welcomed with rifle fire and not help

Because for many people it's easiest to have answers that can be tailor-made to blame everything on people with a different skin tone.
Racists are the kind of people that seek the easiest explanation for everything, because they can't be bothered (or rather, really don't want to) engage with more wide-ranging problems within society.
If you know who is at fault, you never have to question yourself, you can always point at someone and say that they are ruining everything.

Ya, you're the free thinker alright.

>Censoring fuck like that
>Whining about people who aren't even really racist, only say the n word for fun
Man I love playing "Spot the Reddit Fag"

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>actually believes this
>underage cac

>I'm (((white))) but racism isn't cool dude

>Caring about what asians, the official virgin race, thinks.

im fine with most black people except the muslims i just dont like muslims not because of the religion (i dont like the religion) i just dont like them

holy shit you must be a real sub 70 iq

No im whtie fuck Israel and fuck Palestine desu

>im whtie
sure thing Jebediah, sure thing.

that's not even the starter pack because lefty now sees saying "I don't see race" as racist. because you have to see race so you can then treat non-whites as superior

What the fuck kind of name is jebidiah is that shit even jewish

Holy shit I had to google to make sure this wasn't a copypasta.

>being a histcel

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>I remember pjw made a video

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Around blacks, never relax desu

Live in the real world

>No one does shit about starving niglets
>Niglets starve by the millon
>No one gives a fuck about nuclear proliferation
>The most anyone can do about the enviroment is virtue signal on facebook about it (because in their head it is "LITERALLY saving the world, like totally literally literally")
>Get gud gibs from gubmint causing inevitable economic crash for all and probably political extremism (prob race war too as well desu)
>Buy your useless fucking electronics from countries where they were manufactured with fucking slave labour
>Bullying people for being ugly, poor, white, despondent or too optimisitc or not watching the right tv show enough even though it means fuck is is fine though desu literally really.

But srsly omigosh u guise this guy said "niggers" about some black people who were just having a party at 4am next door! Oh my goodness you guise smash the fash.


Fuck off.

Shut up anime is fucking dumb and stupid

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Seeing the war in the gulf as fucking retarded and wanting the internet to be a free space does not equal being leftwing. And a lot of those "niggers" you saw used were anything but ironic, you fucking obvious left-fag.

>2010 + 8
>not being racist

If you don't like migrants, why don't you just move to one of the 99% white areas then? Your racism isn't other people's problem.

don't ever reply to me again you filthy fucking histcel normie

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Fuck history and fuck you!!!!!

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Shut up, nigger, there won't be any "racists" on buzzfeed, twitter or youtube for the most part.
They are racist because there are differences that cause cultural and criminal friction, which they want to get away from.
That's it.
Oh, and the parasitic nature.


>tfw white but would never date a white girl


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Do people not see the racism in interracial porn

I wasn't racist until I lived in a city that was 50% black.

When you're living in the suburbs and the only blacks you ever interact with are mulattoes and outliers, it's easy to vote for Obama and watch Chris Rock specials

But try actually interacting with them on a daily basis and suddenly reality steps in.

Painful but true fact: the average IQ of black Americans is 85. This means that only 10% of blacks have an IQ above 100, 100 being the average IQ of whites.

Painful but true fact: blacks are 13% of the American population and responsible for over 50% of all violent crime.

Painful but true fact: nearly all interracial rape (>95%) in the United States is black on white rape

Painful but true fact: blacks are generally speaking dumber and more violent than white people, and we should act accordingly.

It's not impossible for a black person to be intelligent and gentle, it's just statistically speaking less likely

nice blogpost

go back to class kid

>Caring about """""racism""""""
It's a meme.
Of course people are treated differently based on race.
A post racial society will not come through race-mixing, such a society would decline into Brazil2.0, but much rather through genetic technology.

But tell me what is wrong with that OP?

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Whiter than you, Jose

Replace "black" with "poor", "white" with "rich", and "interracial" with "inter-class", and I can guarantee you would get about the same statistics except the 13/50 one, which would be more like 40/98.
Black people tend to be poor and their actions are a result of their poverty, not their race.

>Be black
>Lives in a poor majority white area
>Got beaten up, a rape threat even though they said they hated faggots, got robbed and trousers stolen.
And I'm still not racist.

maybe you were just dumb as fuck in 2007. worse than now I mean, racism is obviously not new and Jow Forums wasn't only 12 year old kids with no life experience back then

Too much exposure to minorities

It's another one of those white people filled threads lads.

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And thus I concluded all white males are racist fucks. No other way around it.

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but i'm latino

>Replace "black" with "poor", "white" with "rich", and "interracial" with "inter-class", and I can guarantee you would get about the same statistics
You don't, though. Poor black people commit far more crime than poor white people. Also, you're assuming they're criminal because they're poor, but in reality they're criminal and poor because they're stupid and impulsive.

Think about how the different races actually came to be in the first place. The different subgroups of humans were well established before we even began behaving in any civilized way. People in China had printing presses while white people were still dragging around clubs in caves. Hundreds of years before that, the Africans they descended from were considering whether or not it was worthwhile to explore other parts of the world. The tribalism is hard-wired, that doesn't make it justified but it does explain why people seem to focus so much on the disparities. I think everyone can agree that people in East Asia have always had a predisposition to intelligence and are ahead of the learning curve but that doesn't solve *all* of their problems.

What is racist about that pic?
You want to date curvy girls, you dont eant to date skinny girls
You like to date tall people, you dont like to date short people
You like to date asian guys, you dont like to date black guys

Its just how you like it

"I don't get how you goyim can be so racist but israel must have closed borders"

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Op here
Isreal deserves nothing but nuclear hellfire

We shouldn't move, it's them that should go back to Africa

This. Full stop. It should be turned to glass.

remind me, why is the n-word as well as crass humor in general funny to you guys? It's literally no brain cell humor.

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16 year-olds who are testing their limits on an anonymous republican image board

>hates the most violent ugly people on earth
>waaaaah raciss

you mean the same board with literally no limits or much morals.

Not the limits of the board, testing their personal limits. Having fun saying things they could never say irl

Yup. The jews fear the samurai

nah ive just been raised around black people so i dont really mind them

>my political views align with that of the Coca-Cola PR team
>I'm a free thinker

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Politically obsessed faggots that want to be wage slaves forever.

Everyone who isn't brainwashed successfully is a racist.

Spotted the summerfag. Summer's almost over, bud.

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Oh hey I made that thread
t. fembot

I'm not a racist.
I just recognize and accept the facts about race.
I don't go saying offensive slurs in front of people, I'm not a loud asshole.


Nowadays everyone and everything is a racist by social media/mass media standards if you say anything remotely critical about the agenda of those insane degenerated people.

But no fucks were given, because firstly I am not part of their cult and this society other than happily leeching from their money and secondly it's harder to brainwash Asians.

Whitoids are really gullible.

Thank god im a neet

Do u like u niggers?

race is the equivalent of species. debate me if you arent a retard. well actually never mind. if you arent a retard then you already know it is undebatable.

Do you suck ur moms cock with that mouth? i bet u do dont u lol faggot nigger..!

>this thread got a single bump

Back to atechan.

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True dat boi

>remind me, why is the n-word as well as crass humor in general funny to you guys?

Nigger will continue to be a funny word until you stop getting butthurt about it. Because it's not the word per se that's funny...it's YOU, and your discouraged and disappointed Pepe face.

>saying things they could never say irl

You realize that the fact that they could never say it in real life actually proves that niggers are niggers, right?

You can say any anti-white thing you want in real life just fine. Why can't you say anti-black things in real life? Because niggers will chimp out.



>Nowadays everyone and everything is a racist by social media/mass media standards if you say anything remotely critical about the agenda of those insane degenerated people.

If you say the words "America is a melting pot" you are a racist in 2018.

If you say the words "I don't see race" you are a racist in 2018.

If you say the words "I believe in individual effort and private property" you are a racist in 2018.

There is nothing you can do to escape the label of racist in 2018, so you may as well just say Nigger and be done with it.

>posting a screenshot of the mobile site

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pretty much this desu


>Black people tend to be poor and their actions are a result of their poverty, not their race.
Not this liberal bullshit excuse again.

Anime faggot i found it off reddit

I'm in almost the same position, friend.

From what I have gathered the (regressive) left went completely insane and radicalized the African American population with/after Obama, leading to an enormous backlash by the traditional liberal center and anyone with half a brain. Consequently everyone took a step right and the batshit crazy extreme right found itself with a new host of useful idiots. From this humble starting point everything just went from bad to worse, on all sides, and I assume a lot of us are still scratching our heads trying to figure out the rights and wrongs of both sides.

>caring about what r9k shitters opinions