Misaki Friday

Describe your year so far

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>Spent about 85-90% of it in my room.
>Went to some welding classes
>Was in an 80mph head on collision on the highway

>Played vidya
>Cried almost everyday night

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>99% of my life in my room sleeping or on computer
>lots of crying
>panic attacks too

>Studied till July
>Watched anime and played games in free time
>Also helped my dad with work from July till now
Pretty boring

>waited for Misaki
no one should have done anything noteworthy besides that anyways.

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>Waiting for Misaki
>Wageslaving away
>Waiting for Misaki
>Trying to pick up useful skills so I may find a job that does not suck as much
>Waiting for Misaki
>Wondering if I'm ever getting enough income to afford moving out of my parents' house
>Waiting for Misaki

>struggled passing class
>didn't pass anyway
>first online girlfriend
>only lasted 1 week
>play video games on holidays 24/7
>Mom goes to police and reports me because I became more and more aggressive throughout the years and mugged family members
>be in police registers now and they have an eye on me

Have stopped taking ADs, and cut off contacts to the psychiatrist.
This will be detrimental for my NEETbux, but I don't give a fuck anymore.

I am disgusted by humans, they are all mentally deranged.


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It felt like Friday this Tuesday. I don't know what day it feels like today. Days don't really matter in this life, do they?

I'm gonna put a fucking gun to my head and pull the trigger I swear to fucking god

Reporting in

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>got attached to a girl on the internet
>i really thought that i'm gonna be happy and leave the shithole country i live in to be with her
>the bitch dumped me for someone else after mocking me
>no friends to make me feel better
>cried alone in the bath
>failed my second year in college
>mom wants me to leave the house and we had fights every single day
>gained more weight

Nice one, faggot.
original misakipost

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Misaki misaki misaki

Original zycuvi

petty the pic

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It's shit. My day consists of working my minimum-wage-cuck-job and sitting at home, doing nothing but watching YouTube-videos or SoL anime to distract myself, even vidya became boring by now.

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>moved into a tweaker house and got robbed
>moved out into another shit hole with a buddy
>got some random whore i met on facebook pregnant
>someone stole my dog
>got a dwi and lost my car
Now im homeless and my family cut me off life's been pretty shit user.

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Have you tried not making things shit?

>Describe your year so far

I'm also starting to doing more degenerate things that I once looked down upon.

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Misakis have been shortlived lately which I welcome since it's the only thing that binds me to r9k anymore

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>Nice one, faggot.
rude af

Yeah im working on it doing my probation i work as a sign holder rn im saving for another place doing community service when i can. Im probably just gonna put the kid in foster care when that comes around because i cant even take care of myself.

haha, nice image friend, I hope you don't mind if I save it
Here is one to add to your collection!

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The from the beginning till now has been miserable.

Sadly already have this one but I appreciate the mentality.

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I thought I was doing good by what I did and what happened.
Later I realized I did terribly, as I saw what could have been.

>tfw no misaki gf

why even live bros. there was nothing in the anime i wanted more than to hug the hell out of this girl.

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Holy shit that escalated quickly.
U alright user?

I know this sounds stupid, but try meditating. Just 5-10 mins a day, sit somewhere quiet and comfortable and focus on nothing but your own breath.
I know, I know, it sounds like stupid pseudoscience, but I urge you to give it a try.

Try working out. It might sound stupid or normie-ish, but I urge you to try it. I mean, you got nothing to lose or do, give it a try, and try to stick with it. You don't even have to go to a gym, just do bodyweight workouts and shit. I believe in you user.

Doesn't sound stupid user ill try it i can use any help i can get right now thanks for the positivity!

No problem man!
Also, try not to beat yourself up everytime you find yourself distracted. Just catch yourself and come back to your breathing.

>Bought a DSLR
>Bought computer parts for a build I'm gonna do
>Felt the hopelessness get gradually worse
>Went on a few nightwalks around the town
>Developed a nocturnal sleeping pattern
>Watched some different anime
>Played a couple of new games on Steam.

That's about it really. This year hasn't been much at all.

How can you get a panic attack in your own room?

But when I workout I rage; the user who suggested meditation/ focus on my breath etc.

wrote a few parsers, got through a few chapters, watched some anime, rewatched more anime, disappointed my parents, nothing much

I'm the meditation guy too.
If you want to try it, I urge you to.
I suggested working out as a confidence booster and something productive to do. If rage is an issue, try yoga. Trust me, it'll help.

Yeah, I have no broken bones. Can you believe that? Nasty scar on my forehead though

Perhaps you should take more risks in life, pursue greater things.
Interesting things might happen if you do.

What compels you to say that to me?

smoked hella blunts with the crew, winding down alone now.

i castrated myself and im kinda trying to get a job. otherwise not much happened. super interested in ai, but thats normal

life is suffering. i dont want to exist

>took mostly online classes so I wouldn't have to go outside
>only times I went outside was to see the uni shrink but made zero progress
>GPA dropped as a result of poor time management
>lost my highest paying scholarship
>watched chinese cartoons for 6-10 hours a day on my days off
>lost my only online "friend" because he got offended by sneedposting
>tried to meet a local user on /soc/ but was bullied for being a loser
>contemplated suicide everyday (still am)

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I don't know how satan, but I manage it. They usually happen when I post online and I get too much attention or when I become convinced someone is coming to kill me tonight. They also sometimes happen after the stress of a confrontation with family.

Based and redpilled:
>Watched lots of animes (this is a good thing)
>Went down to 110lbs then gained 45lbs in 2 months (this is a good thing)
>Learned a lot of french
>Made sick gains
>Have not masturbated in 41 days
Cringe and bluepilled:
>Haven't talked to my "friends" in roughly a month, other than my gymbro
>Gave up on learning python
>Still 5'6 ugly manlet with bad skin
>Still a brainlet

I believ I am ascending... I do not need friends or social interactions anymore... I am becogming more powerfull robots...

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>Graduated Highschool
>Joined Marines
>Graduated Bootcamp
>Stationed in Japan
>Have great friends, go to Tokyo at least monthly.

Feels pretty good man.

>you will never ever have a misato gf
It hurts lads

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>seriously wanting used goods

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>got a new job in construction
>moved to a new apartment out of my mom's trailer in a different town
>haven't talked to either of my parents all of 2018
>slightly bullied at work but also slightly friends with some people
>only done stuff outside of work with people a total of 5 times
>stayed inside for the rest
>saving money
>layed off for now living comfy neet-recluse life in between construction projects
>mental state slowly improving over time but I'm still generally tired all the time and rarely feel joy or happiness
>thinking about starting to go to church

All in all it's been the best year for me since I was about 11, 15 years ago when I was actually happy.

>Watched a lot of good anime
>Got back to school thinking maybe something will be different
>Still class clown
>Still can't get a girlfriend
That whole "If they laugh at your jokes then they like you" really doesn't fucking work if you're just funny

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MOre misaki pics pls


Moved out of my parents and got my first job after 4 years of NEETdom. Hard to believe 2 months ago I was browsing Jow Forums 8 hours a day and going to bed at 7am.

I believe in you guys.

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>slightly bullied but slightly friends
Everyone bullies the new guys on construction crew. It doesn't mean they hate you, it's just their way of weeding out the faggots and the numales.
>laid off for now
>in between
Make sure you have hours after the bennies run out, user. "Laid off" in the industry often means "I can't say you're fired because then they'll take your unemployment out of my taxes, but you're fired." Even if that's the case, don't give up. Once you have one job under your belt and on your resume, it's ridiculously easy to get another in this field. Last time I was told "Take next week off, there's just not much work," I had a newer and higher-paying job within two hours. Of course, the bigger a city you live in, the easier this is. In a small town you might have to move again.

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>turned 13
>became a stoner
>found Jow Forums
>downward spiral
in that order