Mfw people are doing nofap WITHOUT giving themselves prostate orgasms to keep their prostate healthy...

>mfw people are doing nofap WITHOUT giving themselves prostate orgasms to keep their prostate healthy, without breaking their streak of not raping their cocks

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I'm pretty sure that would break your nofap

and it would be super gay


Nofap is about not touching your cock and stop watching porn to fix deathgrip and ED. However, some sources indicates that not cumming can lead to a higher chance of developing prostate cancer. Therefore, giving yourself a prostate orgasm would help clear out your prostate and keep the cancer away, without deathgripping your cock or using porn. Doing it once a week would be best, as it can take some time to achive and doing it everyday would be time consuming.

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nothing gay about shoving something up your lubed asshole

But if you want the benefits of semen retention it still breaks nofap by orgasm and ejaculation retard.

You won't make it

I can only feel my prostate when i take a shit, but trying to find it on my own is impossible. Even with "tools"

>you won't make it

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i think that would turn you into a faggot

Why would you do semen retention unless you are a munk or can't get laid in the first place?

sure darling

Prostate orgasms are amazing, doesn't destroy your cock and keeps your prostate healthy

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testosterone benefits

Underrated use of pic


How deep should you shove

>not cumming can lead to a higher chance of developing prostate cancer

that one single study was proven to be bullshit.
Excessive masturbation and ejaculation will lead to an enlarged prostate that is known to be a cause of prostate cancer.
Even if you don't get prostate cancer, an enlarged prostate is hell.

>Faggot and toy selling agenda trying to turn men onto ass. Both giving with the incessent anal sex in porn and receiving with ITS OKAY TO FUCK YOUR ASSHOLE WITH A GIANT TOY DICK!!! ITS NOT ATTACHED TO A MAN!

>prostate orgasm
Isn't that just sticking your finger in your butt, thats pretty gay.

>she also can't wink, like me.

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Fuck off dude, no chad every did semen retention and they are all high-tier test monsters.

Tesosterone vitality and extended youth and a longer life.
These are all scientifically proven benefits of not masturbating and having less or no sex.


source needed

Then don't do it excessively. A prostate orgasm will help to stop the urges to rape your cock. And why would I try to sell you toys when you can use your fingers?

It's only gay if another dude fucks you

Someone is insecure

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well you're not chad so you better get on it. also that's not even true. plenty of athletes abstain from sex to improve performance before games

Closet homos shilling ass fucking?

Let me let you in on something. And it's a doozy.
Men who have ceased masturbation and sex completely have pleasurless ejaculations when they sleep (wet dream) or they go to the bathroom and take a piss or shit.

It's normal and how the body releases excess semen.
What you are pushing is anal play. You are telling them to fuck their own assholes and learn to get off on it.

Which is 100% not straight at all.
Won't take much for any "man" who listens to you to start considering pegging and getting fucked in the ass by a dude.

The athletes would abstain before a big game, not for life.

>pleasurless ejaculations
not true though. wet dreams are the shit and x10 more pleasurable than masturbating.

False. This is the bullshit zealots tell themselves. More sex= longer life

Prostate orgasms are fairly hard to achieve and also assplay is degenerate.

If the body thrives on semen retention, then why do wet dreams happen? and please don't tell me you think every athlete abstains for life like you are trying to do

If all it takes to think about getting fucked by a man is to get a prostate orgasm then you were probably gay already. sounds like you are scared of it yourself. no reason to be sweetie

They are god-tier

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I have an insanely sensitive prostate and can have multiple orgasms from like two minutes of rubbing my prostrate. Feels good man

I've only had a prostate orgasm twice, but both were tense. Having a gf who will finger your ass while whispering into your ear is amazing.

you can only trigger wet dreams by building up semen retard.

World health organisation and NHS official stance is that ejaculating 5 time a week plus is important for prostate health.
You are one autistic online. Hard decision to pick isn't it

do you blast huge ropes when you shit?
Then you're just heavily into assplay.

They back circumcision and claim it's a great way to fix aids.
The study used to back this ridiculous assumption was considered insane ramblings by half retarded lunatics.
Also, logically speaking a circumcised penis with a typically scared tip causes microtears in a woman's vagina which will lead to a greater chance of causing aids hiv and std transmission.

The ejaculating 5times a weak thing is based on a study that was thrown out years ago.

>If you don't cum every day you will get prostate cancer
Who started this meme?

the gay janitor deletes my thread but this shit stays up?

[Citation needed]

Your finger can touch your prostate so not far

Tfw this thread has already been stolen and put on instagram

source please

I specified doing this once a week

Guess it's because my thread is actually good

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Porn shills and people who want men to beat off and essentially castrate themselves so they won't have children or put up much of a fuss by being male.

Prostate orgasms don’t cause any sperm to leave your balls. Just the clear prostate fluid which the sperm live in. So semen retention is not any issue.

I've watched many a prostate orgasm videos
The stuff that comes out is always white, not clear

How does a prostate orgasm affect test levels? Is it the same as fapping? I know you don't feel as "drained" after one, is that an indication that it's better for you than touching your peen?

If you're aroused, your sperm starts mixing with your prostate fluid

what does she whisper?

Idk about him, but mine calls me her baby and tells me to call her mommy.

It's worse for your test levels then beating off.
It also makes you a gay.

>It's worse for your test levels then beating off.

>to fix deathgrip

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There mere act of getting an erection raises your test levels.
If you're just passively fucking your own ass then you're essentially bypassing the erection and causing a test cratering ejaculatory orgasm.


So if I get an erection while rubbing my prostate, it's like a normal ejaculation in terms of test levels? Why do I feel so much different when my Gf or I milk my prostate then?

Not gonna make it.

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Isn't life just a big game user?

The only reason you want to put stuff up your ass is because you're too deep into the porn habit. Don't give me the "muh prostate orgasms cuz SCIENCE!!!"

I'd rather have wet dreams than kill any shred of decency I have left through stretching my asshole I don't know about you guys

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You get an erection FROM voluntarily shoving something up your ass and poking around so you can get off? as fuck but
Sure why not.
It's only JUST as bad as heavily masturbating. The real problem is that you're fucking yourself up the ass and aren't using your penis.
That's gay/tranny territory.

>You get an erection FROM voluntarily shoving something up your ass and poking around so you can get off?
No, I get an erection from the thought of cumming. I'm very easily aroused, I've creamed myself cuddling with my Gf, and get erections just being near her.

But I am, at least once a week and I sometimes even get other people to give me prostate orgasms for me
Based. Reminder that it doesn't count if you don't touch your penis.

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>and it would be super gay
>i think that would turn you into a faggot
Which is 100% not straight at all.
>It also makes you a gay.
>That's gay/tranny territory.

Watching and masturbating to porn where another man fucks the woman is gay territory. Liking gangbangs and threesomes with another man is gay territory as well. But going for the prostate bothers you guys?

Just kill yourselves, retards.

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>mfw I take a massive shit that rubs my prostate on the way out and gives me a semi chub

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Nofap is about repairing dopamine receptors that have been eliminated due to too many orgasms. You have the brain of a heroin addict if you are cumming multiple times a day and prostate orgasms are worse because it is so much more dopamine.
God you people are fucking stupid.


I see, so porn is almost gay and fucking your ass in hopes of hitting your prostate enough so that you ejaculate semen.

user...the prostate has no pleasure centers in it. It just doesn't. Hitting your prostate creates no great pleasure. It's hit all of the time and men have pleasureless mostly unpleasent ejaculations that is no different from pissing.
You're getting off from assplay.
That's a lateral step away from pegging and a small step away from being a bottom who's looking for gay sex in bathhouses and on street corners.

lol noFap is so gay. I literally have to jerkoff because I have so much testosterone, otherwise I have even more intense angry thoughts.

Man I can smell your virginity from here

>Virgin as an insult
>Calls me a virgin for not playing with my asshole

I...I don't understand.
Most men would rather be virgins then fuck themselves in the ass.

Is masturbating with your own hand also gay?

Is a woman sucking your dick also gay, because it's a lateral step away from having a man suck your dick and a small step away from being a bottom who's looking for gay blowjobs on street corners?

Nigga, it's 2018.

We use the word incel now.

uf uts bit gay

>Most men would rather be virgins then fuck themselves in the ass.
Yet most men on this site would rather fuck in gangbangs or bisexual threesomes than being virgins.

Fucking other men's dicks and sperms isn't gay, but assplay is?

Porn literally turned people into retards.

So many porn actors fuck other men's dicks but insist it isn't gay. This is why I avoid porn.

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I need to stop jerking off.

I think I need to turn the internet off damn it.

The parable of the wolf you feed

>a newfag asked user, "Why do some of the things that make my boner twitch make me feel ashamed later?"
> user said, "Because, you filthy summerfag, in you, and in everyone, is a pack of wolves, there's one that likes titties and one that likes child bearing hips, and one that likes penises, and one that likes feet and one that likes calves and ankles and one that likes those little dimples that some girls have where the small of their back meets their ass and one that likes it when you order people around and one that likes it when other people order you around, and countless other wolves competing for primacy and to be the chief subordinates of the head wolf.
>The underage b& who only came to this place because we got on the news for messing with football asked, "user, which wolves will win?"
>user replied, "the wolves you feed."

Rock on with your own bad self OP, feed that wolf as much as you can. One of the wolves I feed is the desire to treat unworthy men as if they were women.

ya'll some gay ass niggas...

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Why is everyone around here a homosexual?

explain why its gay to rub your prostate

Because you are putting something in your ass. Its called buggery, and is an explicate homosexual activity.

>Finger your asshole
>GIFs of chicks
Based feminisation shill.
You should try giving yourself a prostate orgasm if you never have, but it still counts as masturbation. But just to try it out, don't actually get used to it unless you want to start craving having things stuck in there. It's literally masturbation by prostate stimulation the same way anal sex is still sex.

you heard it here first: a colonoscopy is buggery

I'm on day 11 and I've been having insomnia. I'll wake up after about 5 hours and sometimes get tired enough to fall back asleep an hour or two later, but not always. I don't really _feel_ sleep deprived though. Even on days off where I don't have to actually be anywhere I'll still wake up when my alarm would go off. And I can't really go to bed any earlier; I'm already in bed at 6:30 to wake up at 3am.

>I've creamed myself cuddling with my Gf, and get erections just being near her.
This is the gayest thing ITT.
I want to know this too

>When youre doing noFap but also having regular sex

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