If I'm 23 and have yet to flirt with a woman is it too late to turn it around?
If I'm 23 and have yet to flirt with a woman is it too late to turn it around?
Fuck no. When I was your age I thought the same thing and now I kick myself every day for not trying to turn things around sooner and just giving up.
Not OP, same age tho. But I dread the day when I'll look back like you and get sad at all the missed opportunities. But then again, rejection makes me so angry and self-loathing that it's better not to try really? I mean if there is a very very very high chance for a negative outcome, and the inverse for a positive one, wouldn't it be RATIONALLY of you to not do that thing?
I'm sick of this shit of going up to women and presenting yourself to them like a car salesman and having them judge you on everything and shutting you down for things out of you control. Bitch you don't get to judge my worth nor do I need someone to imply I'm not good enough because I am not longer vertically. Fuck you. Yep don't need to try, fuck that. No regrets will be had.
Online dating is by far your best bet if you're completely inept. It's definitely not too late to turn it around, but you are going to be a little bit limited.
>online dating
>the realm of chads and stacies
You are literally in line with endless normies and chads. And some hag is gonna chose you. Kek. Enjoy the fat ugly single mother that will swipe right or left or whatever the fuck on you.
Perfect my skill?
I'm starting from nothing
>life experience
>a beggar who wants to be a chooser
Fuck off, you virginal 19-year-old retard. It takes a little bit of effort and it's not as easy for you as it is if you were super good looking (what a shock, just like flirting in real life!), but to take such a pessimistic and shitty perspective is downright pathetic.
Enjoy being alone forever while enjoying a false sense of superiority, faggot.
Exactly, it just doesn't feel natural to me. And i don't get around enough to meet interesting girls. Or anyone, to be honest
Fuck off you subhuman namefag/tripfag impersonator. I don't need such a low life replying to me and especially what to do with my life.
>they are in no place to judge you so you don't have to impress them which frees you to be completely yourself with no regard for what they or anyone else thinks to judge
What a load of literal horseshit that is for certain your daily breakfast. They still judge you. Just because you pretend you are not inadequate, doesn't mean that you suddenly aren't that anymore. And if you don't try to "impress", as in prove your value, you aren't going to get anything you fucking trash. End yourself.
>you virginal 19-year-old retard
Nice projection. Just look at the guys on tinder and tell me you look better than 50%. I fucking dare you. You will either lie or are downright delusional. I may be more pessimistic, but I still believe I am at least slightly better looking than an average guy, even tho I'm short, which matter a lot more. But I still don't get anything but fat disgusting slobs. You have those. If society says I must accept that due to something out of my control I'll say fuck it and wait for the sexbots.
Don't tell them that, 19-year-olds have the entire world figured out.
Never mind lol Cacs can all kill yourselves instead
I've got next to no experience just interacting with people let alone knowing how to present myself
My fucking sides. You have no fucking idea who you're talking to, you stupid prick. I was married once, for fuck's sake.
You're not only pessimistic, you need to accuse other people of projecting while you're projecting to protect your fragile ego. You're a whiny little bitch who wants to put in no effort, then because you're an uninteresting little faggot takes his ball and goes home. Not only that, you try to convince other people that they can't do it because you don't want to put in any effort. You're fucking pathetic, kiddo. Grow the fuck up.
>enjoys having lost 50% and supporting his wife's son
Not only are you fucking retarded, but you also don't belong here. Also I didn't discourage. I just gave my perspective, which might be reassuring. Some people are not the fairytale brainlets like you that actually go out and marry LMAO and think bUrself is good advice. Other perspectives might be reassuring other than spouting literal meme tier advice.
Just fuck off already you retarded normie.
>You almost had it retard..instead of giving up you should truly internalize that they are in no place to judge you so you don't have to impress them which frees you to be completely yourself with no regard for what they or anyone else thinks to judge
Thanks, gave me a new perspective
False, retard. No children, with a clean split.
You absolutely discouraged, queerbait. You rattled off a bunch of nonsense bullshit to excuse your lack of success, then literally said "I'll say fuck it and wait for the sexbots." Your "insight" was pessimistic drivel, the equivalent of a fucking guy who runs for one day then says, "HURRDURR I'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO RUN A MARATHON BECAUSE I JUST WASN'T BORN FOR IT!"
It's not a fucking "fairy tale" either, you stupid fucking cunt. I didn't even go on a date until I was 19. I worked on myself and put myself out there. You've gotta get used to rejection and keep at it, but it sure as fuck does happen eventually.
As for "not belonging here," fuck your gay little echochamber of transsexuals, suicide, and self-defeatism. Your self-declared "board culture" is meme-tier nonsense, and it's your only defense against being confronted with objective reality telling you that you're a whiny pessimistic little bitch who puts in no effort. Fuck off.
You can fuck off and take the trannies with you.
Good response, dipshit. You can't even form a fucking coherent thought to come back with and defend your viewpoints. What a pathetic little twat that you are. No wonder you've never had any luck with any woman, you're a mouthbreathing spineless defeatist vagina.
I have more work ethic than your entire spineless family tree could muster from it's beginning to it's very end. No need to prove myself on a swaziland goat skinning gathering. I just know which things bring returns to the work you put in, and which don't.
Now please go you cliche mouth foaming normal maggot. Your wiggling in your filth and shit which you call rational thoughts makes me sick.
My fucking sides! The kid waiting for sexbots and who blames being sort of short for his lack of success with women thinks he has a great work ethic and is in any place to try to talk down to anybody on any subject, ever. Here's a hint: your lack of confidence and waving the white flag when you don't have immediate success is your issue, you little queer. If you were really as "successful and interesting" as you claim to be, you wouldn't have a fucking issue in the world.
You're a pathetic little virgin faggot and will remain so until the day that you die. Your being a weakwilled, spineless little bitch makes sure of that.
Also, that's some great writing tacked on at the end. "WIGGLING IN YOUR FILTH AND SHIT WHICH YOU CALL RATIONAL THOUGHTS!" is such a breathtakingly incredible analogy. I can see that I'm talking to a Pulitzer Prize poetry winner, here. What the fuck is wrong with you, are you in eighth grade? Absolutely pathetic, just like you. A fittingly hollow insult from a hollow human.
Nigga I never knew what the fuck flirting was at 23, now I'm a 34 year old boomer married to a fetish model (I'm a photographer) who is a massive submissive cuckquean and the only time she comes harder than when I'm fucking her is when I'm fucking someone else. I would not have believed this shit ten years ago. You can absolutely turn shit around, literally just fucking go at it.
Even if I believed you that would be a billion to one shot