Best gun for suicide? For some reason Jow Forums mods don't want me to ask this question there.
Best gun for suicide? For some reason Jow Forums mods don't want me to ask this question there
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carbon monixide-49
I think heroin overdose would be the best. I googled it and people said it that it would just be really tired and a europhoric feeling slowly nodding off
Uh... Whichever? I mean if you want to put a bullet in your head just pick one and shoot.
A shotgun would do the job but you'd leave a massive fucking mess.
Anything high caliber would do like a .45 acp pistol or a .357 revolver would also do the trick. 9mm would work but it also might not.
Mossberg 500 can be bought for less than 300 dollars, and you get to go out like Cobain
If you have to ask this, this is probably the false way for you to go out, user. Stay strong
People reportedly have often killed themselves with shotguns at an alarmingly high "success" rate.
Go over to 8, they have a /suicide/ board, where these things are discussed.
You should probably live a little longer, I am guessing you are about 20 y/o like me.
Don't do it... yet
I am very depressed too, but I haven't tried everything yet, and chances are that you haven't tried honestly improving yourself and thus your situation yet too!
Would you get addicted to heroin first and spend all your money on having a good time for as long as possible or go for the golden shot right away?
Im a heroin addict and my friend who wasnt an adidct killed himself by hanging 2 months ago. At least i have dope to look forward to. But gonna kill myself soon too. My friend has a .22 and a 9mm, ill prolly opt for the latter. I'm 28 OP so my life is over. Don't give up like me
How was your life like? I'm curious.
lol you are a complete faggot. your life isnt over at 28 in fact you are just entering the time period where girls are ready to settle down.
You can bang anything at that age,
and at 48 you will make the most amount of money in your career. Your life isnt over, you are just the definition of a faggot
Only faggots tell other people how to live their lives, faggot. Neck yourself.
>life is totally worth it bro
>just bang a used up roastie who's willing to settle for you now that her looks have faded and needs a step dad for her biracial children
Kys i didnt tell him how to live his life, i told him not to kill himself.
I guess your a faggot to by your shitty definition
nigger i dont know if you went outside lately but women rarely marry niggers. I dont know why your under the impression that all women love nigger dick.
I think its just a coping mechinism to justify you not putting yourelf out there
Obviously they don't marry niggers, since he skips town as soon as she gets pregnant.
I am married you ass and have a masters degree. Both my parents have addiction throughout their family trees and i started using pills to cope with boredom when school ended. Now Im on the needle and can't hold down a job. And stuff like my only friend killing himself contribute to things sucking
Pretty normal except my mom was a bipolar fuck and my dad a spineless depressed piece of shit. I really hate my family. I did well in life until finishing school a few years back then I spiralled out majorly. It just sucks knowing I blew everything up
OP i doubt you have had a worse life than me, but I am 28 and making 105k a year.
>Go to top school in country for engineering
>Sophomore year try to kill myself
>Threapist calls cop
>Kicked out of school for safety reasons in incident
>Have no where to go apply to another decent school for economics
>Get in
>Join frat
>make friends for the first time ever
>Get involved with a girl that accused mutiple men of assualt.
>believe her, fuck her
>week later get accused of rape
>Lose all my friends in frat
>fail every single class that semester
>Almost kill myself again
>Nope not giving up
>Graduate with a 2.43 GPA in econ
>Get a government job making 60k after college
>Start studying to be an actuary
>Study every day, moving foward not thinking of past
>Pass the tests and get a really good job
I doubt anyone has experienced the level of emotional discource that I did.
Regardless how shitty your life is there is alwyas potential
your view on women is trash tier. white women are statsically the least likely to race mix, and that's with all the media influence.
There are good girls out there I know a large amount. Just yoy have to be the best man you can be
Listen if you are married that means someone sees potential in you. Some one saw a future in you. Life sucks, i know it does. but I dont think herion is a good solution, seems like you are giving up on youself, and when you do that your woman will too
Ive had friends who have done H and gotten off it. They describe the difficulty, but its possible, you should try to make it over the 3 day hump.
If i can quit masterbating from 2 times a day to none you can try to quit H
carbon monoxide is better,it's peaceful and painless
play your favorite song on a loop why letting the gas poisoning you
Charcoal method is supposed to be completely painless and peaceful. Pretty popular in Korea
just talk to me before I have finished my first cup
lol just looked it up, and the first thing that comes up is the number for the sucicide hotline
>If I can quit jerking off you can quit heroin
Holy shit
Don't kill yourself user think things out and try and improve we don't want to lose an ally
Its tough but not impossible. I'm sincerely going to try and get my life back
This would probably be the best bet but you have to ask for a pure helium tank at the hardware store, because nowadays they mix helium with oxygen so people don't off themselves. Say it's for an experiment or something. Or use nitrogen instead of helium should have the same effect, or use a shotgun, should have the same effect. Godspeed user.
It may not be as bad for you as herion but pornography is as addictive as cocaine
this image has been debunked several times, it is a troll image and will result in burst lungs or severe retardation from lack of oxygen, it's in the same line of images as that infograph from /b/ that shows you how to make mineral crystals but really it tells you to create mustard gas
can mustard gas be used to kill myself?
In the most painful way imaginable, yes.
Just know a .22 is notoriously bad for killing. 9mm will work.
But if you're saying this under 30yrs old you're wasting too much.