Am suicidal, trips decides suicide method
No guns cause nordicfag
Am suicidal, trips decides suicide method
No guns cause nordicfag
>cum in mouth
>choke on cum
If fails, continue until you die.
Drunk 4L of vodka
Kill Trump in a suicide bombing
drown in freezing water.
I heard the body gets into shock and you don't feel a thing, just drift away.
Go on rampage mode on the 1% elite
Do not kill yourself OP you are probably a fun and interesting person and should live your life
"Bomb at 3" or mass killing
>break neck from the force exerted by attempting to suck your microdick
Carbon Monoxide
If you have a car, seal the doors and the windows and any ventilation slits with duct tape.
Put an instant grill with smouldering charcoal insides your car, enjoy.
Go into mountains and freeze to death, it's like falling asleep
Shit user you probably have the most peace full way and so so close
natural death by old age get
use the most common method, age.
go and live your life happily with people you like user. If there is no one like that in your life, find someone, also you should expect failure until success.
good luck user :-)
This is by far the most disgusting thing I have read in the recent times.
Starve. Let the hunger pangs consume you.
Wow, we have a winner, the most brutal suicide in terms of willpower.
not looking forward to this shit but Jow Forums hath spoken
Make a series on YouTube to document your slow descent into starvation so that we can all revel in your suffering.
drug OD
just kidding dont do that op
that was the original plan, I decided "fuck it I'll let Jow Forums decide".
Bad choice.
Found the bee urself normie faggot
Kill yourself
double dubs, do whatever you want man but maybe before you kill yourself try medications? eat some diazepam or something to make your life better
>he doesn't have a high tech Japanese toilet
this but with backpack full of bricks
>save up money for ticket
>fly to 'murka as a tourist
>buy hunting rifle from walmart
>blow brains out
>pic related
They don't make helium tanks with 100% helium any more. All that happens if you do this is you get one hell of a headache
eat almonds until you die
Go to a forest at night, slit your wrists and bleed out while listening to black metal
the only problem I have with that is the black metal
melodeath forever
very true, but that's why you have to check the helium content, the brand "balloon time" contains enough helium though, so if you can find that then you should be good
>all those retards not bothering reading the thread at all
We already have a winrar and its a brutal one.
Holy shit
Op post videos or timestamp daily blogs or some shit
may lock myself in a room and livestream 24/7 while I do it, idk
I'm thinking of going like this. Would getting black out drunk or taking copious amounts of Xanax help?
if trips you go to sleep and dont suicide
dont an hero user