>"He doesn't have an iPhone..."
Why do you lads do this to yourselves?
"He doesn't have an iPhone..."
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a moto. Best phone ive ever bought
ok this is a little too far don't you think? people who care about this shit are complete fucking losers and they aren't worth my time or the time of my dick.
I have a Galaxy S7 Flat Exynos version.
I still dont see a better phone coming out soon.
It has no nodge, it has a QHD AMOLED screen which is perfect, it runs smooth and the camera is able to record 4k videos.
it will probably still be the best phone in 10 years.
i don't really need it
only thing i do on my phone is listening to music via spotify
other than that phone is useless to me so it would be dumb to buy an expensive one
Yeah but samsung is selling all your data to the government
Apple doesn't do that
>Apple doesn't do that
why wouldn't they?
>>I don't have an iPhone
It's over lads...this is it...i'm going to..........play minecraft
oh poor me.
samsung is giving all my german imformation to korean officials.
if only I had a phone from a western company, so kikes would get my information instead of gooks
>Yeah, I guess I'm just not that into conspicuous consumption.
Either they're intelligent enough to work out that I'm calling them consumer whores and then they feel shamed, or they sit there with a vacant look and I end the conversation.
I have a Galaxy S9+....
>buy an iPhone
>girls at work start talking to me more
Umm, lads?
here im my small town of only 150 k, we laugh at people who have Iphones or expensive shit because like most people they only use them for fb, intagram, snapchat and reddit. u have a small computer and its not even jail broken with ubuntu installed so can use as a mini machine of possibilities? hahahahaha
No you fucking don't, poorfaggot. Trying to make yourself feel better about being too poor to afford anything good?
Iphone, and by extension apple, is complete garbage. I have a galaxy s8 and it is a perfect phone. Camera quality is great, i would post a photo, but the high quality makes the files too big. Sheeple keep buying the newest overpriced outdated tech devices every 10 months simply because people like their marketing.
Honestly, fuck apple and their shit products. It is not worth your NEET bux.
Having an android has been a surprisingly good way to filter shitty people out of my life.
Most people I know who initially made fun of me for not having an iPhone wound up being asshole in other regards, so whenever someone makes fun of my phone I actually smile knowing I can filter toxicity out of my life easily
My Galaxy s4 Mini died yesterday After serving me Great for 5 years R.I.P best phone i ever Bad
>having green texts
>ever getting laid
pick one faggots
I had an S8 and switched to the iPhone X and can unequivocally say the iPhone X is way better.
There is no android launcher that runs as smooth as iOS. Sure it's a closed system, but the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.
Sure I can't change my font or icons, but why would I want to? The iPhone is already aesthetically pleasing.
I have never had an app crash, ever. The animations on the S8 is jerky and stuttery. The iPhone is smooth.
Not to mention performance wise, the iPhone X crushes the s8 and the s9.
iPhone X is still faster than S9+
That camera though. Imagine spending a ton of money for a cmos sensor that has half the quailty of a 2007 point and shoot, with rgb interloping at 20% of the standard colorspace. Apple, is the most Jewish company I've ever seen.
Their logic:
>Marketing works on stupid people.
If your phone connects to a network, such as ATT, Spring, T-Mobile, Verison, ect... You're already under surveillence. I hate that normies don't understand this.