guys dont like girls with resting bitch face ;-;
Guys dont like girls with resting bitch face ;-;
they intimidate me cause thy seem smarter and "no bullshit" kind of people
What is a resting bitch face
Wrong. I like it. Also fuck off trannynigger
what's intimidating about not wanting bullshit?
I do although I certainly wouldn't approach one. Of course I don't approach anyone.
You think that's tough? Try having my resting face. It's a fucking thousand yard stare.
they seem s-smarter? what do you meam by that lile as in nerd or high class?
I dont wanna be smart I wanna look like stacy.
sometimes im told girls with rbf are model types but other times people say theyre ugly and im so confuse
Can somebody tell me
Uh, I believe in Feminism? You ask ME out and I'll consider it.
Resting bitch face? Never met a girl with this who wasn't an actual bitch tbqh
Because anything could be considered bullshit, like simply talking to you.
when a girls neutral face looks pretty angry or mad or just like she doesn't care at all
would probably deal with it, not that i approach women very much at all
with bullshit I mean not being honest
like don't pretend you like the stuff I do if you actually don't like it at all
i wonder why. probably because the way they were treated their whole life made them into a bitch. always fucking being made fun of.
Right, but that's not what the look says. It says "don't waste my time" or even just "don't bother me." That's what's intimidating about it: it suggests that you'll be especially harsh, whereas someone else might be a little more patient or forgiving if you do something they don't like.
I like resting mopey face
I never thought of it this way. I'm patient but I'm depressed and look dead. like completely pale and dead eyes.
i mean you could just wear cuter clothes to counteract it for an easy solution.
But as a guy who is very timid when it comes to approaching women and stick to what I assume are "safe" targets, ie nerdy girls and the like. I just avoid resting bitch face girls soloey cause I assume they aren't interested in me. Figured they are the hardcore badass does drugs and rides bikes kind of girls. I wouldn't mind it if that was your face 24/7 if we somehow were compatible I just assume we aren't by default so never approach them.
To me it signals a judgmental character with no interest of interaction. If you started a conversation with me I'd probably change my mind after a 2 minutes of talking.
Ah alright, that kinda happens to me too although I'm male. People say I always look either serious or angry when I'm usually sad.