Be me

>Be me
>Be Femanon
>Get job at Walmart in September
>Walmart is Full of crotchety old ladies and teenagers who make fun of me
>Have manager
>We'll call him Jay
>Big guy who smells like you dipped a dead skunk in sewage and wrapped it in a gym sock
>have to hold breath every time he passes by
>He is an asshole
>Get put in apparel
>Work in fitting room
>Get bored and decide to tape a doodle to the wall to spite him
>Next day doodle has been removed
>Am sad
>Want revenge
>Decide to leave "messages" on an unnoticeable lower section of wall
>Super harmless stuff like "keep moving forward"
>They last 2 days
>Put them back up
>Get removed
>This goes on for a week
>One day come in to work
>Message left at fitting room
>"No more notes in fitting room, it is destruction of property. Anyone caught leaving notes will be written up"
>Decide to leave about ten notes one of which was my own spin on "Do You Hear the People Sing"
>These notes last a week

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>get new manager
>he's super chill
>dont want to be a dick
>I am model citizen
>no more notes
>Lying low
>Zone perfectly
>Am the favorite of the manager
>Be 1 year later
>Am queen of Walmart
>The mens wall is my palace
>Its all I love
>The grapic tees are my brethren
>One day come into work
>T-shirt wall is in ruins
>Decide to hold off on revenge for now
>FFW 1 month
>It's now my last day
>off to college
>Decide to exact my revenge
>Pull out piece of paper
>The first note since last year is born
>I feel the power course through my veins as I write
>This bitch is going out Marie Antoinette style
>Let Them Have Notes
>Pic related
>Leave 30 notes taped under the desk and all over fitting room
>I Steal 17 sharpies and 3 box cutters on the way out (all store use, I'm only a semi-thief)
>My reign comes to an end
>I am avenged

Forgot to post pic related
Its the note

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this is why girls shouldn't be allowed to greentext.

This would probably get a lot of upboats if you told it on Reddit. It's so quirky and fun, ohemgee, you go girl, such a rebel!
As it stands, I don't think it will do too hot, here.

At the very least you didn't say a word about relationships or bfs.
Also, not meaning any insult, but do you happen to have autism?

Yeah came here to post literally this
can we make it illegal for fembots to greentext

Honestly what the fuck is this shite

that was anticlimactic
post tiddies

dis go in my cringy comp

Everyone stop bullying this femanon ):<
She just needs a little practice greentexting that's all.

Females were a mistake.

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This is what women do with their existence.
Mildly annoy others and achieve nothing.

You being female wasn't relavent to any of your post. Neck yourself roastie


OP here.
I actually experienced it. My man slave wrote the green-text as i was working. exaggerated a fuck ton too. Go home you neets, jack off to /b/ as those are the only women you're likely to ever see naked anyway. Doesn't matter how much Viagra you take if you're a onions boy.

that's why i worked in men's, folding a man's shirt thirty million times like a good submissive female.


>you have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original

who fucked t-shirt wall?

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>onions boy

oregon grown oregano

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Ok but where was the bbc part

No wonder only walmart would hire you. Your autism is off the charts.

>jack off to /b/
People still go to /b/? It doesn't even have good porn.

cringy by all standards, i am sorry. reminds me of when my sister was in high school. hope you at least enjoyed yourself or something.

Let me upgrade your greentext for ya
>Get job at Walmart in September
>Walmart is Full of crotchety old ladies and teenagers who make fun of me
>Have manager
>We'll call him Jay
>Big guy who smells like you dipped a dead skunk in sewage and wrapped it in a gym sock
>have to hold breath every time he passes by
>He is an asshole
>Get put in apparel
>Work in fitting room
>Get bored and decide to masturbate
>jay sees me and starts blackmailing me into sucking his smelly cock in the office
>cums insife my mouth everytime i hate it
>want revenge
>steal from store and say it was jay
>gets fired

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I thought it was cute, OP. Dont listen to these meanies. :,(

The pinnacle of female humor everyone...

Keked at the pic, overall not good enought storytelling, but not as bas as user says it is, 6/10 you could do better femanon. Sadly it will remain 1st page just cause you are a girl. Still good original content, you are the hero r9k needs, not the one it desires

They put it on clearance, which means it will never be neat again.


I did. Besides, if man slave would have left me genderless you would love it.


lmao either just a dumb roastie or a masterfully crafted bait

They shouldnt be allowed in the workplace neither, or in most jobs at least

Go back to Jow Forums you edgy cunt

viva la no fembots greentext

Shove a cucumber in your vag and give us time stamped pics


Males were a mistake.

>This could have been a wageslaves trying to liven up their day thread, but everyone would rather lose their shit at OP

Bf wrote green text.

The more you degrade me, the more people see my post :)

best post in the thread, unironically

was there any reason at all to say you're female?

its why they put me in apparel

i don't mind. it is entertaining.

>hai guize!! im new here what's saging??? XD

(OP) I'd say thanks but this is Jow Forums so...

Not sure, what with those digits hmm

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did you actually think this was funny or interesting or what

It is of my belief that your story was rather anticlimactic and not that funny.

just wanted to make a post to laugh at your failed thread as it falls off page 10