Most chad thing you did vs most virgin thing you did

Most Chad
>had a girl call me cute when i was 15

Most Virgin
>Masturbated and edged for 3 hours whilst moaning and filming myself so id masturbate to the video later

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Most Chad
>held a girl's hand for like 10 seconds, officially "as a joke" but I didn't really mean for it to be a joke (I grabbed her hand)

Most Virgin
>licked my own feet while masturbating

polska przejmuje ten chleb

Most Chad
>invited a girl over, got drunk and then she made out with me
Most Virgin
>see a 10/10 for the first time
>kinda ended up becoming like her and took the same name

Most Chad
>kissed a girl who had a "boy"friend

Most Virgin
>made and fucked a fifi

Kissed a girl

Was a virgin

>Grabbed a girls ass in class

>Played guitar to a girl

I played truth and dare or something and could kiss a girl but said no because I didn't want her to suffer from being kissed by someone like me because she was kinda forced into that, was I a chad or a virgin?

Most Chad
>a girl sucked my dick

Most Virgin
>cried a lot in public because same girl never actually liked me

>most of these posts are written by actual unironic chads

I'm the only actual virgin on this board, aren't I? The rate of male virgins is 0.0001%, right?

>>Grabbed a girls ass in class
Did you get away with it?

Yeah she grabbed mine first so it was kind of payback

>Had a GF for 1 hour in 4th grade, and even more so, she asked me out. I held her hand and then broke up at recess because my friends made fun of me for holding a girl's hand.

>Pretty much everything everything I have ever done after I reached age 13.

>licked my own feet while masturbating

I've done this

It feels great especially if you suck your toes

Most chad
>telling a girl that i only liked her as a friend

Most virgin
being sad over any girl that didnt like me back

>Most Chad
A 15 year old grinded on me for like 10 minutes when I was 17.
>Most Virgin
Jerked off to the alpha Stacey from high school when I was 19.

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Most chad:
>8/10 girl pined over me for 5 straight years and eventually attempted suicide because she gave up and realized i would never love her
Most virgin
>got catfished and was blackmailed after sending a dick pic to said catfish

Most Chad
>stood between the carriages on a train and pissed off the side while screaming at and trying to hit passers-by

Most Virgin
>warmed a jar of jam to 40 deg C in a sous vide bath, put a lubed condom over it, and fucked it

Most Chad
>a girl grabbed my groin as I walked past her on a dancefloor
Most Virgin
>made a YouTube channel like Elliot Rodger's after his day of retribution

Most chad:
>have big group of stacys talk about how i'm "lowkey" handsome when i was in high school

Most virgin:
>have a folder filled with photos of multiple different girls i liked from school to open and jerk off next to porn videos


>cucked a guy at lollapalooza
>she became obsessed with me and I ghosted her

>jerked off on multiple occasions to the thought of my oneitis and her boyfriend at the time

>in high school
Didn't that spread to all white normalfags very recently?

Definitely virgin, chad is confident you pussy.

>most chad
Femoid hugged me multiple times. She did it to everyone, though.

>most virgin
Orbited somebody for five years wondering if I had romantic feelings or not.

>most chad
went to a girls party at a club and danced with her all night/fucked her in the end despite her having a bf and him having been there as well. didnt know about it til after desu
>most virgin
>first time i had sex i coudlnt cum becaus ei was drunk and kept telling her/lied to her that i hadnt had sex in months because i was so nervous