First impression of me and my girlfriend Jow Forums?
First impression of me and my girlfriend Jow Forums?
handsome. good couple
>mongloid piece of shit haha
t. seething blackcel
Normies get out normies get out norman
You look like Grigor Dimitrov. And she looks like some uggo from my English class last semester.
You can do much, much, much better.
Mongols> Chinese
Her eyelids look like they got hella botched from surgery.
t. asian fembot
Are you going to cook her a dog?
You look good man
Now stay away from Jow Forums and be an adult.
she is way the fuck out of your league, also get off this board you fucking normie
I like the faces of asian women, and no homo, but you look a lot better than her. I guess looks aren't everything, but still. Looking at her from this angle, she's not that beautiful...
there is no surgery there. Looks totally natural to me.
Anyway good job OP, shes cute.
You look good for each other
but i think you're better looking out of the two of you
Nigga, he's too handsome for her. You either have mental yellow fever, or you're an American who thinks ugly ass women like Lucy Liu are "exotically hot"
Either way shes got assymetrical lids.
She needs eyelid reconstruction surgery and she will be pretty.
The guy is very average just like her. The girl however, automatically gets 3+ extra points for being asian.
>lucy liu
>not hot
nigga, u gay
She does hag a long length of epicanthic fold. Maybe its just no folding properly?
t. asian dude with eyes who do that on occasion, but fully not-folded instead of partially like her
Nice couple. Get off this board.
He's above average, and the girl is objectively below average.
You think she'd be considered hot in asia ? Fuck no. Hiroyuki specifically mentioned her in one of his streams, and i agree with him that Americans have no standards when it comes to asian women.
She isn't as good looking as I remember but she was a solid 8/10 when Kill Bill came out.
It's true! If they're getting married, in the long run she will age gracefully and it averages out. They will have cute kids too.
>You think she'd be considered hot in asia ? Fuck no. Hiroyuki specifically mentioned her in one of his streams, and i agree with him that Americans have no standards when it comes to asian women.
because asian men are delusional and only think they're hot if they get surgery to look white
Western men have good taste and appreciate their natural asian exotic beauty.
ok you two. keep it local and dont make it race related.
She would be attractive yes
>no standards when it comes to women
lets be honest, most don't
>seeing all these reasonably handsome cunts
>dating 6/10 asian girls
none of them even have remotely similarly attractive features to lucy liu (she has more caucasian looking features) or fan bingbing
or look at any of the japanese gravure idols
Fell for the ugly chink meme
The only feautre they make more "white" are their noses, and they still don't make them pointy as fuck the way white people's are
>tfw white people are good at sticking their noses in your ass
t. blackcel. stay seething
wrong website, wrong board.
fuck off
Both non whites so basically bad
t. larping blackcel. stay booty shaken
>The only feautre they make more "white" are their noses
and their eyelids
and their chins
and cheekbones
I'm not condoning it. I think a natural asian>white women any day of the week because of their femininity. But a lot of asian men have shit taste and fall for the blonde white women meme like a lot of minority men do.
A 6/10 asian girl is still way better than a 6/10 white girl. Ugly white girls looks like witches, whereas ugly asian girls just look nerdy.
t. White guy
ease up bro
Definitely looks like a botched double eyelid surgery
It looks like makeup to me.
You're more attractive than she is by a moderate margin, but not so much that it's noteworthy.
Idk, you're both decently attractive?
I don't know much else about you two so I mean
The left and right outlines are nothing alike though
Asian girls undergoing surgery tend to want rounder faces not squarer faces
You have to admit that kpop look is pretty good looking
Even if i were to go for 'natural' beauties, that is roughly the look i'd be after. Someone like Fan Bingbing
Takes a unique face to be different and still be attractive, i think
It's been scientifically demonstrated that 'average' looking faces tend to be more attractive
>Fan BingBing
ayy come on bro.
lemme let you in a little secret, boys. and im an Asian man mmk, this is serious advice.
high class Chinese women.
>It's been scientifically demonstrated that 'average' looking faces tend to be more attractive
this I agree with. Average asian women are god tier.
congrats OP, you guys look like a happy couple. hope the best for you two.
this isnt even advice wtf. are you just telling me that i should find and date high class chinese women? why would expect it to be so easy to date outside of my class? do you hit on millionaires often?
O fucc. Perfection. Great taste.
ah pssshhh its what you do with it, man. it was fucken gold
>Fan Bingbing
That's not what I meant to suggest. Just writing incoherently. Was meant to go with the kpop star bit. That general look is what i'd go for in non surgically altered asian girls anyway
brah you are struggling to differentiate between natty and not. i guess i have an advantage in that dept but its like i can screen chick for ya.
whatever dude. just get surgery for your kids if they need it, eyelid surgery is like $2 in Korea.
see how differently this goes when im not being accused or harassed.
Are you the one on the left or the right?
Their kids will most likely come out with double eyelids. Almost all half Asians ive seen have an eyelid crease
What is this?
You bunch of fools would love reading women's magazines, same gossip BS.
>They can go to hell for all I care.
That should be your stance.
I think you have a reading comprehension problem
The surgically altered look is what i'd go for even in non surgically altered people
Is that simple enough for you?
bro you said you were writing incoherently. i dont have a reading comp issue.
Congrats user!
You two look happy together
yeah they probably wont need it, hence the "if".
fuck off larping blackcel
>ease up bro
r/asianmasculinity lingo.
>corrects self
>pretends as if i never corrected myself
Ya sure do
Besides the eyebrows, she looks pretty cute
>asian masculinity
blackcel lingo
whatever i get what you mean now.
You're alright. Your gf is a bogdandoff though, marry her and get married to the most powerful family in the world