I want to hear about your lives, robots. How did it get so bad that you ended up here?
I want to hear about your lives, robots. How did it get so bad that you ended up here?
I guess I should be more specific. I want to know the exact forces that make you miserable day in and day out.
I don't know if I'm miserable. I'm just looking to get out of work and into a comfy NEET life. And then help others do the same.
I just never tried hard to do anything and before I realized I was a KHV college dropout working a dead-end job.
I didn't take any chances and developed trust issues after some guys I considered real friends ditched me hard when I was 12
Living with my wife(u) in my head.
Not gonna say write an autobiography for cheap entertainment.
came here in middleschool for lulz and now here i am as a 24 khv
It's not because I want cheap entertainment. It's more of a misery loves company kind of thing
I always heard rumblings about Jow Forums from other boards.... then Shuaby killed himself with a shotgun. I came to investigate and I found you robots to be very interesting. I mainly lurk, offer some normie advice here and there. Sometimes its too much for me and I have to give OP a scolding because hes being too much of a bitch. I have grown very attached to you robots and want to see you either grow or implode.
im fairly normie but still feel more at home online than with friends or other people and have a drinking problem so ive been spending more time than i'd admit here. i usually try to give advice or another perspective if robots need it but dont talk about the normal parts of my life unless it's relevant to the conversation. i know what its like to feel unwanted and ugly and unloved and a friend helped me out once. want to just try and pay it forward i guess
>offer some normie advice here and there
so you are one of those
This is the only place I was ever going.
I played it safe. I got stellar grades. I went with a practical degree. I studied. I did what I was told when I was a kid. I never spoke up. I did well in college, grades-wise. I neglected socializing and the real reasons you go to college because I was told academics mattered. I got a wageslave desk job because it was safe and had job security in a low-excitement, routine, soul-destroying profession. I was already society's favorite kind of robot, and in being so, I became this kind of robot.
I never lived because I never tried.
This is the most painful kind of robotdom. Realizing that your youth is done and you were cheated out of it by every teacher, parent, "guidance counselor", and public service announcement you've ever come across. And for all your hard work the reward you get is more work and more isolation.
I am a person who if you met me on the street you would think I am 100% normie material. I can smalltalk and make people laugh. I work out and have been propositioned by women for sex. However throughout this illusion of normalcy the only thoughts that manifest are thoughts of how to get the fuck away from all these idiots. I have friends and have shut down every woman who tries to get involved. The reality is that I drift between periods of psychosis and depression and consume substantial amounts of alcohol and benzos to be able to sleep at night.
My life's pretty good actually
I've got a decent job, house, and really good credit
I've been browsing Jow Forums since 2009 but only started going on Jow Forums like 2 days ago though because I was curious what you guys did here
Same, but I'm 19 and just a virgin. I really don't know why I keep coming back this place, it fucking sucks but, you literally can't leave...
I used to be a black chad, but then I got a concussion while playing football.
Abusive mother and a father who doesn't have a spine or balls. Siblings who would rather torture me than help me. being locked up with retads for most of my middle school and high school years stunting my social devolpment (I admit I have been getting better). I have friends who don't really give a shit about me. Not be able to find permanent work so I'm stuck here with my shit parents
I'm literally autistic, and everyone pities me, except for one friend, I know for a fact loves me since he kept it to himself, and I found out later when he told me in one and one convo.
I feel bad though, since I can be unstable, but I do actually want to see people happy, so I guess its not that bad.
Anyway, I'm autistic, special snowflake, and one of those authentic outcasts
I dont have a story, per se. I would say I am a cyborg and I come here when depressed. Right now I have no passion at all in my life, and working honestly makes me want to die. As you can see, this is an unfortunate combination.
I plan on seeing a therapist, working out (unlikely), and then discovering a passion I can pursue. Otherwise, I might take the robot journey.