So Jow Forums, what shape are your clavicles? This genetic feature determines max joociness potential of your traps.
Are you a claviclet and don't even know it? R U aware?
So Jow Forums, what shape are your clavicles? This genetic feature determines max joociness potential of your traps.
Are you a claviclet and don't even know it? R U aware?
Bottom right with low trap insertions
this. I'm fine with the way they look though. they're proportional
>tfw top middle
feels good man
Am I a claviclet
Pls rate/advice
>nipples only hairy because I shaved them once
So what types are good/bad?
holy shit that was really confusing upside down
which one is the good one?
One of mine was broken and now is totally asymeyrical and fucked
>those narrow shoulders
IDK, you tell me. I'm not even sure which are supposed to be good/bad
I know, but i'm still dyel. but how are my collarbones? are they shit too?
>just looked in the mirror
I always expect to come into these threads and get depressed, but it seems like I have not completely lost the genetic lottery.
What about me
i think youve got the good 1s
thanks m9. If flat is good then you're solid too
Is it possible that narrow shoulders is actually the result of clavicles growing in incorrectly and being bent or angled rather than straight across?
Shave it’s more aesthetic. Look bent though.
Yours point downwards
I can barely see yours. Your shoulder meat or whatever is in the way. Take a neutral pose pic. They look straight like top middle.
Take better pic. They look bent though.
Yours look like top middle
Sorry, idk why my stupid iPhone did that. I thought cameras reflect horizontally not vertically.
Is it weird for one side to stick out alot more than the other? Am I doing something wrong?
Yeah they are bent
Wtf does this mean?
Should I kms?
Since no one seems to know what it means. Some clavicle angels (bottom right especially) show traps more while other (top right) barely show them.
Whereas the top middle gives the shoulders a broader look. (imo the best looking)
whichever ones you don't have
make sure to obsess over this detail of your body, user
Top left barely shows them*
It’s something to do with posture I think. Try to stick your chest out and see if it changes. If I stand with my back straight and my shoulders are relaxed they look straighter.
My clavicles slope downward like top left which makes mike traps look small
Which one am I?
So that's why I look fucking juicy from the back but look dyel from the front, especially considering I have narrow shoulders
where the hell are your shoulders? lmao narrow shoulders. ur bottom middle
I think I'm bottom left, hard to tell though