I'm too kind
I'm too kind
l'm a pussy boi
>got bullied all my life
>never got angry at anyone
>got my own bones broken and didn't tell on bullies because I didn't want them to get in trouble and hurt them
>never willingly hurt another person
>people saw this as a weakness and abused me
>had 1 friend my whole life despite being nice to people whenever I could
Its fixable but its not easy.
You need to develop the rational part of your brain to overcome this issue.
This is done by doing things you find difficult to do. Theres no shortcuts its the only way.
But if you do it, in time, you will become stronger than your emotions. Once that happen you will no longer have this issue.
>people pleaser
>feel bad and guilty ever accepting any favors or gifts from others
>>got bullied all my life
>>never got angry at anyone
Fuck that shit
>>got my own bones broken and didn't tell on bullies because I didn't want them to get in trouble and hurt them
Fuck that shit x100000
>>never willingly hurt another person
I guess i could say i would never willingly hurt a person who doesn't deserve it or who didn't hurt me
>>people saw this as a weakness and abused me
The not retaliating part is a weakness
>>had 1 friend my whole life despite being nice to people whenever I could
Had no actual "friend" ever at all
What gives?
It's good to be kind as long as you don't get taken advantage of
I can be your friend. If you have steam, we can play games together. Whaddaya say?
I'm not a good person to have as a friend and I don't want to give myself a panic attack. Thanks for offering though.
I'm actually not kind at all and never was
you know how Tony gets mad at Janice just being happy and brings up Harpo? that's me. I just get mad at people being happy especially if they're stupid
>tfw not even robots want to be my friend
Just tell people what youre into, thats how you get friends, its really that easy.
In order to be friend all you really need is something in common. Now if you never advertise what you like its simply never going to happen.
Sorry I don't dislike you I just know you won't like me so I'm saving you the trouble.
>I just know you won't like me so I'm saving you the trouble.
Im not the guy youre talking to btw, but i cant help myself.
Lmao, talk about a defeated attitude.
Do you really see nothing wrong with that way of thinking?
How in the fuck are you going to make it in life if you give up before even trying?
Definition of insanity. Some people are loners.
Im a loner myself, i wouldnt be here if i was not.
What im saying is that you cannot think negatively like that. This is basicly negative intelligence.
Youre smarts are supposed to help you and yet you let it work againts you.
Youre own brain is making you its bitch and youre letting it happen, i know i had the same problem once.
Dont do that my dude, turn the tides.
>Dont do that
Oh thanks you cured my debilitating mental illness.
>tfw no Williams syndrome robot friend to nurture and protect
no homo
can I bully you into being my friend
Shut the fuck up faggot. You people are some of the most parasitic and evil people around. Normal assholes will just insult you or try to beat the shit out of you, but you people will present as a friend only to try and take advantage of someone. You're on the level of child rapists. Kill yourself
>debilitating mental illness
By blaming all your shortcoming into youre illness, all youre really doing is avoiding responsability.
>its not my fault its my illness
Because you refuse to admit that you have something to do in all of this, you also by extent refuse that there is anything you can do about it.
So you simply lose control of your own life while telling yourself that theres nothing you can do about it.
Thats no way to live life my man, you cannot give up the control of your own life like that.
Its a fate so cruel and unforgiving.
Your mental illness prevents you from controling your life 100%, but there is still a 20-40% that you could control.
Just try it, what have you got to lose?
I'm to kind. aka I put every single persons need in front of my own. You aren't kind. You don't even know what kindness is.
Fuck other people focus on yourself. You are the most important person in your life. Am i wrong?
Yea, too kind of a faggot.
Bad experience, user? Would you like to talk about it?
I'm not trying to take advantage of you, I'm indulging in a fantasy of being useful and important to someone, on an anonymous image board. It's just a daydream.
>always told lots of jokes, and people laughed
>would say something serious, everyone would laugh
>start to think everyone was making fun of me
>stop talking to people all together
>loneliness is killing me
>don't know how to make friends again without humor
>really want to be taken seriously as a person and don't want it to end up like last time where I'm just "The funny guy"
How the fuck do I just "Get a personality"
If you're bullying me how are you a friend? I don't understand.
Just the personal attention in this thread is making me really anxious but I don't want to ignore you and be mean so I'm here. In my opinion I'm in control and just avoiding stress.
Except i dont do that. I don't really care that much about other people but i'm principled and i don't like to hurt people. I generally like to help people when they're in need and i hate people who are cruel and predatory. I don't put others needs before my own at all but i would go out of my way and make sacrifices to help another person if they really needed it and were worth it.
Idk what that makes me exactly but i do know i'm much more kind than the average person, something i think works against me in this world where being predatory and cruel is almost praised by people.
>"Get a personality"
Buy one get two free
Once i was like you OP
It all time when i opened my eyes to the truth...no one gives a fuck about you and no one will ever take care of you emotionally
>Numb yourself
>Let anger take over
>Become a true robot
>Do not socialize with anyone
Good luck to all the normalfags who try to bully you or talk to you then
Guess I gotta just run with the personality I already have, better to be laughed at by friends than have no one, right?
>tfw you hate your own personality
Im too fixated in my kind of unforgiving justice.
>Just the personal attention in this thread is making me really anxious but I don't want to ignore you and be mean so I'm here. In my opinion I'm in control and just avoiding stress.
Thank you very much for overcoming your anxiety to awnser me.
>avoiding stress
I can understand that.
What im really trying to say is...
As someone who had 3 psychosis in his lifetime and is now on anti-psychotics and anti-depressants (for anxiety), i just want to tell you;
If you put in the effort and try your very best, you will make it, theres hope, youre not doomed to this.
>bad experience
Luckily i dont talk to enough people to have a bad experience other than maybe being called a faggot sometimes. I know what you're like from observing people like you and hearing you talk about yourselfs. You're predatory and like to take advantage of the weak. "Taking care" of a weak minded person so you can turn them into your sextoy is basically the same thing child rapists do. You're just manipulating people. So kill yourself
You can change but you cant force personality. So yeah
>"Taking care" of a weak minded person so you can turn them into your sextoy
Nah, I don't want to do that, I just want an excuse to commit violence without feeling bad about it.
You've seriously never fantasised about e.g. seeing someone getting mugged then kicking the shit out of the mugger?
>As someone who had 3 psychosis in his lifetime and is now on anti-psychotics and anti-depressants (for anxiety), i just want to tell you;
I was in the bin for a while as well for psychosis but I'm off all meds now and I'm ok I think. Obviously I wouldn't have anxiety as bad on antipsychotics, antidepressants, and a shit ton of benzos every day, but that's no way to live.
>If you put in the effort and try your very best, you will make it, theres hope, youre not doomed to this.
I don't know how. The outside world has nothing for me. I'm happiest locked in my room with the windows covered with blankets, and that's not very happy. Some of us aren't supposed to be in society I think.
>but that's no way to live.
Why would that be the case?
If you see someone who cannot walk using a wheelchair, do you think hes a scum for not trying to walk on his own?
No you do not.
So why think that about yourself?
Your brain cannot walk, whats wrong with using a wheelchair?
I feel like trash on those drugs, they destroy your mind long term, and I don't trust psychiatrists.
Well, there nothing else i can say to further my point.
Youre an adult and free to make your own choices, just make sure you dont regret them.
How is it any better to beat the shit out of them?
I think you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, user. I'm going to stop trying to explain.
Actually i do. You're still a piece of shit for using a defenseless person to fulfill your sadistic fantasies. You're just an overall scumbag, anonny. Now if i may repeat myself, end yourself.
>always kind to people
>try and help out whenever i can
>people start taking advantage of it
>"user will do it"
>"user can you grab me some ice from the kitchen for my drink, thanks"
>"user will do anything you ask haha"
>straight up tell people to get fucked as soon as i hear them saying that kind of shit
>"Wow user I thought you were nice"
>bump into someone
>they say sorry
A guy drove away without paying at my work and I was 90% sure of this, yet I still didn't say anything to him. I always offer to help people even if it is inconvenient for me. I cower in the face of confrontation.
I suggest not helping people unless you know them well and know they deserve it. Most people are garbage and do not deserve your help, as evidenced by your own experiences.
Youre just a coward man. Its not easy to to just stop being one but thats what you have to do. Stop being a coward and force yourself to confront whenever necessary
I used to think the same until I met the people I actually choose to spend my time on now. Looking back, since around 13 I got bullied for being soft or taken advantage of for having a gentle nature and actually caring about people, always putting others first and dealing with my own shit later. Took me 7 years to actually realise the word "no" was created for a reason. I'll still always try and help someone if I can do, but it's the amount of effort that I put in that's changed. Be kind at first to new people and make them earn you giving them all you can, saves you from being hurt and as people grow, they'll either forget like you should, or start trying to get back into your life because they realise you're worth their time. Just turned 21 on Saturday and after losing my best friend 2.5 years ago, started living by that to fight the depression and stop chances of getting hurt more than I already am. Just keep going OP, you'll find the people it's actually worth being kind to.
It is definitely not the rule in life, but sometimes justice does get served. The fact that you and people like you are here and miserable means justice was served for once
At some point you realize many people will never be able to respect you unless you can dominate them or pose a threat to them.
I'm kind of an asshole
I hide my social ineptitude by acting like a huge hardass.
Tfw discovering people only like you after you overpower them in some way and they develop stockholm syndrome on you.
This is the hardest redpill(blackpill?) to swallow
>too kind
>finally snap and retaliate for first time in my life
>do irreversible damage
>back to too kind
Dude I've been seen you often lately, you're a fucking newfag, you don't even know how this place work, lurk more or get off my board
>Dude I've been seen you often lately
What the fuck are you talking about retard?
want an older bf?
KiII yourself you disgusting piece of shit
You did the right thing
Bet you're humble too.
I'm too considerate.
I overthinking and overanalyze everything, I go too into depth in not making uncomfortable circumstances for people, even if I know it wouldn't bother them.
Even with people I don't like, I do the same.
>raised by mom mostly
>dad is a 55 year old crippled necbeard that speaks a different language
>raised since birth tk be a submissive beta
>get bullied from 10 15
>everytime i make a friend they end up leaving or bullying me
>tired mongolian eyes
>it was over before it even began
At least ill exit bag soon