Skelly Post General

124lbs 5'9 reporting in

Saw a picture of myself today and couldn't believe how much weight I've lost.

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6'4 165. Gained weight recently. Want to lose it and get to around 145.

Fucking jealous reeeeeeeeeeeeee

6'4" 155 here. used to be like 140 at my lowest and it was okay but i just didnt have enough energy, not that i have enough now


I'm 5'7 and 100lbs what the fuck do you mean your a skelly at that weight.

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HOLY SHIT how! Not trying to upset you bro but that's really light

Timestamp of forearm?

5'7 120lbs user reporting in

I've picked up body weight exercises and cut all sugary foods & most processed foods out of my diet

Wish me luck boys

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and yall think you skinny, just kill me now

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Fuck you At least your tall

Here ya go guys and yes I know I'm black
>I was in fact the butt of every starving African joke and it indeed sucked.

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>I know I'm black
Why don't you wash the black off in the shower then?

doesnt look that bad desu. my forearm looks pretty similar

I need to gain so weight

Because I drew it in with a permanent marker and now I have infinite sun block
I can't really angle my hand properly so it's not really accurate the best way to imagine it's size is I can wrap my thumb and pinky finger around it.

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6 foot 7
74 pounds
i need to double my weight

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same here lol there's space for another finger or so when i do it but some of us are just cursed with small wrists

>6'4" 140 lbs.
Amateurs in this thread.

As someone who is 6'0 and 230 I can proudly say if I wanted to I could effortlessly hold down every skelly in this thread, abduct them, throw them in the trunk of my car, take them to my house, then down to my basement where I would tie you up, forcefully inject you with female hormones and make you my pretty little femboy.

Also if I wanted to I could lift you above my head, spin you around, and break you in half over my knee like a fucking golf club. Gain some weight and muscle you pathetic excuses for men.

Attached: prettylilfemboy.jpg (532x732, 47K)

Imagine being such a fatty that you get triggered by skinny men.

troll. you'd get sent to Colorado with those stats if you weren't already dead.

165, did i escape skelly boys

literally not trolling
i also have a spinal issue where im leant downwards
my metabolism is really high

nice as fuck bro. i'm 5'9 too and my lightest was about 130 pounds. i started dating a chubby brown girl who cooks really good food though and now i'm almost 180 pounds. i was 190 at my heaviest.

>tfw can't just eat two pizza pockets and a bowl of porridge every day to lose weight anymore cause gf won't let you

why does it seem men are much more better at using eating disorders than women? women have a lot more issues with it but they suck and rarely get good results.

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I can't go outside without a hoodie or something to hide my arms which stops me from going outside. I'm fucking missing winter.

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Nah man I'm not triggered. I just fantasize about abducting a weak, helpless, defenseless, morbidly skinny male, and transitioning him into my perfect submissive petite femboy.

this is so true, winter is the best cause then i can wear long sleeves every day

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First you got to make it to your walmart scooter fatty

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when i was at my worst i was 6'1 at 110. LOL

6'7" and 74lbs is a BMI of 8.3
pic related is Valeria Levitina, who had a BMI of "just over 8"
post pics with timestamp or you're full of shit

Attached: valeria.jpg (480x270, 25K)

145 at 6ft6 fite me

lol ur gay pal

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it's against the rules to do that user sorry but I cant.

That is a bmi of 8.3
The lowest ever was 7.5 and she died in days. This is a troll.

>turd colored pepe

brought to you by blackcel

Same. My lightest weight was 135lbs now I'm 183lbs

what are you now if u dont mind me asking?

You would have to catch me first fatty boomblatty.

lol so you don't have any medical records or other documents that prove your height + weight?
you can't because you're full of shit
most people die when they hit BMI 10-11 and you would be committed for your health at 12-13, where they would force-feed you via tube.

t. anorexic

6'2" 215lb 12% bf skellington reporting in

Leaving skellyhood here, currently 5.10 and 146 lbs, kind of sucks how hard it is to go past 150 lbs.


I've pretty much always been a skelly. Must be my genetics.

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brutal. i miss being 130 so much. i can't fit in my jeans comfortably anymore. also tore my fav pants. i refuse to get any heavier than this tho. now i'm just a skinnyfag/doughy. my reasonable goal weight is like 145.

>He thinks I'm slow

I can promise you I would have zero difficulty keeping up with and subduing you.

Pics or nobody will believe you

>I could effortlessly hold down every skelly in this thread, abduct them, throw them in the trunk of my car, take them to my house, then down to my basement where I would tie you up, forcefully inject you with female hormones and make you my pretty little femboy

>implying you're faster than my bullet

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Fucking retards.
It's obvious nobody is 6 foot 7 and weighs a bag of sugar.
Why even reply? I could tell you twats pigs were flying out the window and you mongols would be trying to look.

No, but I would come prepared with a ballistic vest on. When you think about a skelly they typically have weak, twig arms meaning you would have difficulty holding a handgun straight which would require more time from you to aim and confirm you have a shot. This is time I can use to subdue you and prevent you from drawing your firearm or take it away from your boney little hands.

>implying skellies can't have strong arms
>implying skellies can't visit the range every week
>implying I won't just kneecap you now since you told me you have a ballistic vest
Fat and a retard. The two go hand in hand.

im 5'11'' and 150lbs atm
lightest was 130lb

gaining weight recently got alot easier so i think i am on track to ditch the skelly life.
started going to the gym too so wish me luck bots

160, bit above ottermode

5'8 125 pounds here. Not exactly the worst skelly but I'm still too skinny to most people.

The pride I take in being a skelly is that I know back in the day, being skelly was normal. Eating smaller portions was normal. The romans, the greeks, every great empire was built by skellys. Remember this OP

6'5" (198cm)
147 lbs (67kg)

I'm not even trying

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>strong arms
Pick one.

Working on your aim in a slow paced, stress-free environment where nobody is trying to harm you vs. a situation where you are stressed out, fearing for your life and extremely anxious and thinking its the same thing. Now who's the retard?

Kneecap me? Sure if you can aim a firearm properly while under a good amount of stress and not to mention your unhealthily weak forearms struggling to hold your firearm straight.
Sure, by all means shoot away at my knees.

135 at 5'10

I'm not too bad honestly, if you have nice facial aesthetics being on the skelly side is much more aesthetic than muscles in my opinion

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5'6 100 lbs

I can relate to every single post about winter being the best season, I hate short sleeves.

Why bother writing the initial post?
Why bother replying?
Grow up

>mom hugs me cause I haven't spoken to her in days despite living in the same house
>why are you so thin honey :(

s-sorry mom

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>only time I see mom and only time I eat is when she brings food

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Skelly Bone Chills:

>Why do you have your shirt on at the beach?
>Oh my god just eat something!
>"user eats a lot, he just cant gain the weight"
>SHIRTS VS SKINS!! ok user, your team is skins.

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I feel your pain brother. Eight pounds just isn't enough difference to make it any better.

>Constantly wear a hoodie to stay warm
>Bad circulation in my hands and feet, so cold constantly

wowie thats kinda hot user

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Beat my stats if you can

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175cm (5'9)
64kg (141lbs)

feels good to be perfect

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6ft and 114, am I king of the skellies yet?

get on my level desu also why r9k is full of tall people height matters the most for women more the le personalty meme more than even your fucking face

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>Exactly 2 meters of height and 160kg of obesity
>And I'm a gook
How do people get underweight? I don't understand it at all, food tastes so good

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I can do that easily with my wrist and I'm the same height plus 17 pounds. I'm female though and I'm assuming you're male based on the quality of your handwriting so it probably takes more weight loss to get a wrist that small as a guy

I'm 5'8" 140 lbs, which doesn't really sound too skelly, but for some reason I kind of look it.

130 pounds

I can't speak for other people but I usually don't eat when I'm hungry. Sometimes it's because I'm at work or in class, sometimes i don't feel like it, but i usually don't eat until my hunger makes me really uncomfortable. But then i go in public and eat half a pizza so that fat people are like "how do you eat that much and still stay so skinny?!" Well bitch if i ate like that all the time I'd be your size

155 lbs
Eat a fucking sandwhich you guys goddamn most of your stats sound unhealthy and malnourished

I don't like eating, food really doesn't taste good to me

>Tfw too lazy to eat
See you on the other side lads

you're a big gook frend. im also korean and am 193 cm 70 kgs. good time to be a skelly korean desu

me 3 months ago before starting binging. I'm 74 now (at least a week ago) and it makes want to kill myself.
I'll start again in September and succeed, right robots?